Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Wednesday 16 March 2016

PlayStation VR is Profitable At Launch at $399: Sony

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PlayStation VR is profitableThe very first thing that came to mind when I heard about the price of PlayStation VR is that will it be profitable for Sony at launch? We know Sony sold PlayStation 3 at loss for some time before it became profitable to develop and sell those units.
Is something similar going to happen with PlayStation VR? Because the price is too good to be true if you ask me, so surely Sony is taking a hit here, isn’t it? Well, it turns out it isn’t.
According to Sony, PlayStation VR is profitable at $399. Moreover, while speaking about PlayStation VR, its price, and if they were looking at their rivals, Adam Boyes said:
I think for us, we weren’t really looking at the other guys. The same goes for the price point. It wasn’t predicated on anyone else’s prices. Obviously we need to make money on the unit, but we’ve been in the consumer electronics business for a long time, so our ability to source great, high quality parts is a big part of it
PlayStation VR sold out in around 10 minutes on Amazon UK. Meanwhile, essential accessories like PlayStation Move and PlayStation Camera are selling like hot cakes.
PlayStation Camera sales saw a boost of 975% on Amazon, while a 305% boost was seen with PlayStation Move soon after they announced PSVR price at GDC.
PlayStation VR’s price is its strongest selling point and since there is no competition for it in the market, Sony has the market to itself for now.

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