Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Guy Drives By New Home And Notices Something Surprising. Do You Notice It?

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Reddit can be a hub of laughs, information, surprise, and more. Take, for example, reddit user's liquidthc picture titled, "They had one job." Do you notice what the problem is?
via reddit / liquidthc
Can't figure it out? It's okay. The top comment puts it eloquently: "It took me an embarrassing amount of time to see the problem." 
The problem is simple: The driveway leads to the side of the home and not to the garage. That means it's completely inaccessible from the streets. For a lot of people, this seems absolutely baffling. Why would anyone do this? 

Redditors hit the comments and starting providing reasons. The predominant reason seems to be is because it's a model home. According to redditor f0gax:
This is a model home and sales office for the builder.
The road in front is still dirt. This house is close to being done, but it's unlikely anyone would want to live in this neighborhood until that road is done.
There's an obvious walk way from that slab to the front door.
There's no "cut" in the curb that would accommodate a different driveway. I'm sure they'll add it later when they eventually sell this house to someone. But for now it's not necessary.
But this leads to even more question, like why wouldn't they just configure it the right way? This could be because:
  1. A driveway in front can potentially block a clear view of the property with cars. Remember, it's a model home: they're trying to show it off.
  2. The ability to add more landscaping to make the home look better.
  3. The ability to add more parking. 
  4. Bolognahead: "Home builders also like to 'trap' clients and will sometimes build doors into the garage where
    the sales office is as the only entrance accessible to clients and then building fences around the walkways to force people to go through the sales office before going through the front door to tour the home."
There you have it. What was perceived to be an unbelievable error is just simply a design for model homes. Some might find it wasteful, but, in the end, it's meant to be pretty enough to sell. Sales, am I right?

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