
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

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Friday 26 February 2016

Leftover Steak

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Today's recipe is related to left over steak , hey we all get left over steaks once in a while don't we  whether we have a party at home or just dinner our kids leave it or we just leave it our self  either way it's left and when we try to eat it the other day it mostly gets dry and all so there how to make a whole new dish. 



  1. one bowl of boiled rice
  2.  4-5tbsp of sunflower oil or some other
  3. salt
  4. black pepper powder
  5. vegetables if you have any
  6. hot sauce and Worcestershire sauce
  7. left over steak
  8.  big green chillies


now add the big green chillies and stir fry them until they start to pop remember to do this on a medium flame not on high otherwise the chillies might pop on you.Wait a few seconds when the chillies are popping then add 4 tbsp hot sauce and 2 tbsp  Worcestershire sauce and bring the flame to low heat.                                                                               
Now if you wanna add the vegetables add them but they should be boiled.
Then add half a tsp of salt, black pepper powder and add the steak(diced or whichever shape you prefer)  enough for one plate stir fry it for a minute . Now add one plate of boiled rice turn the flame to medium then mix altogether for 20-30 seconds
Take it out on a plate or blow and dig in! 


And if you want a side then ketchup or mayo garlic sauce will do the trick