Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Jane's little bio,

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Chapter 4

It's after midnight Janet wearing a black velvet evening gown is sitting outside of her house with tears slowing falling from her eyes all she is seeing is the sky is of it's darkest color with a dim light of a crescent shaped moon  is falling on the ground, ice cold water can be felt from miles away as the sea comes on shore and goes back by watching it come back and fort Janet can't help but to fall back down her memory lane with a heart ache...
she remember just how she was abused just how every inch of her body just wanted to give up but still she survived, the moment when she nearly killed herself  and the time when she left  her only child abandoned at the doorstep of a stranger .....
The Night passes and the sun is rising yet she still hasn't gotten inside she can feel the fresh air brushing by her cheeks she just sits there frozen ..
  Alex comes from behind giving her a pat on the back she come front and settles down besides her saying with bright morning smile "Good Morning Ms. Davis.. I can bet a 100 you didn't sleep last night .."
Janet just now realizing it's morning comes to her senses ans says bewildered " huh?.. what?.."
Alex: it's 9am in the morning our meeting was supposed to started about an hour ago  i came to your house and rang the bell even knock but no one there just leaving i saw you sitting here so i came along i hope you don't mind i mean if you are busy i can leave ..
Janet: No sweetheart it's ok you don't have to leave stay just let me get my coffee.
Alex surprise to hear Janet call her sweet heart starts taking out a thermos and a disposable cup  from her back pack she says, " you can drink from mine if you want to?"
Janet smiles and says, " sure.. lets continued from where we left yesterday.."
After a few days i told my parents what happened but they didn't believe it they thought i was lying  while Janice said i was the one fooling around with boys while she told me not to . Nobody believed me so i sat quite ..
1 year later (June 1998)
I was found sleeping by a police officer  who himself seem quite old in Sternberg Park  i had a back pack with me and i looked as if i hadn't slept for days when the officer asked me where i was from, who i was and why i was sleeping here i was scared   to see him so close to me i  had nothing but to say that i had no where to go and my name is Janet .. Janet Davis .. he asked me how old i was ?.. i told him i was 17 and begged him to let me stay here and not to take me to the station but he took me any way, on the way to the station  i was afraid that he might take me some where else or do some thing like Victor but i didn't let him know that i was afraid, he then wrote all the details about me and asked the man behind the desk to check if there was a missing person report filed that matched with the description  he had given but there was none to be found it was middle of the night and his shift was almost over he looked at me and sighed then asked me if there was some one he could contact for me only one name came to my mind Jake but i didn't even know if his parents would let me stay if they knew what happened to me so i nod my head saying no. he then told me to get up and to come with him but i refused i didn't want him to hurt me as well he then sat down besides me and told me with a very polite tone Look Janet  i have  2 little daughters of my own at my home i won't do any harm but if you stay here all alone i don't know what would happen you are a pretty girl you should not be staying alone like this so come with me please.. i don't know how he knew i was scared but when i looked around the station and saw weird looking guys all staring at me i got up with me head down and said ok and went home with him. 

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