Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Friday 19 February 2016


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If you search the word "stalker" on the web you will see a list of different things ranging from movies, t.v series, games , celebrity stalker , the meaning of stalkers and so on.. But still you won't take it seriously  . most of you would just say " hey what a creep stalking a celeb " or "wow what a awesome movie!" or " dude that's an insane game" and so on.. But however won't think that somebody could stalk you as well. You are thinking now "hey I'm no celeb nor m I anyone famous" but it really doesn't have to do with being famous you know . who are stalkers you ask?
If you search on the web you might get some answers like these:
     a person who stealthily hunts or pursues an animal or another person.
a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention
 a person who harasses another person, as a former lover, a famous person, etc., in an aggressive, often threatening and illegal manner..
And if you ask to as why do people stalk you might get these answers:
Stalkers often emphasize that they “love” their victims and occasionally say they stalk to keep others safe. For example, an abusive ex-husband might say he stalks his ex-wife to ensure she's properly caring for their children. Psychologically, however, stalking is a crime of control. 
 I would prefer that you check out this website.
aside from that there is a little more you should know .. 
  1. Well the fact is that we all have a stalker within us just waiting for it to trigger.
  2. .So that makes everyone around us a stalker as well .
  3.  Third nowadays what popular is social media website you date online, you chat online, you upload all your details online make it easy for anyone to stalk you.
  4. Right now most likely  some one must  be stalking your profile on any social media it might be , so you got a stalker online so what? well it's not a big deal because some time around our life we do that too m i right?
  5. Remember people stalking you online could also find you hunt you and harm you.
  6. With app these days anyone can become your "follower" if you know what i mean.
  7. If you are a parent you must stalk your children, by viewing their online profile , or by searching their room etc, to protect them on just to keep an eye on them, whatever it may be you are still stalker. If not parent then you must be stalking a crush of yours or a celeb or just some one random .    
    With these facts establish  I think its about time you realize who your stalker is . Hey it takes one to know after all you know.
For all the people who lives alone lock your windows , lock your doors, lock all entrance. because remember a stalker could be anyone a friend a stalker or just the guy or girl who watches you go to your office, school etc or watches you come back or maybe both it's not necessary  for that person to follow you every where  though. Plus you don't really know which part of your action triggers their psychotic  side since you don't know who they are? or do you know who they are?
P.S Blocking some does not work they can just create a new profile and then just stalk you silently.

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