Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Jane's little bio

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Chapter 1
  my heart skipped a beat just as Jake showed me a shining little stone crusted in a sliver plated ring, suddenly all air had gotten out of my lungs and I could not breathe anymore I was feeling confused and exuberant at the same time just then it all went dark as we were passing through the subway tunnel and for the next few seconds all I could think was nothing absolutely nothing at all. Just as soon as we got out of the tunnel, he with a million dollar smile asks me, "how is it?"  I swear all I could say was "uh..uh..uumm" while making weird hand gestures  God ! was i weird or what , sniggering Jake asks, " come on Jane tell me how is it will Mandy like it or not?" a nuclear blast just happened in my heart on hearing that! but as calmly as i could i told Jake that, " it's amazing she will love it!" by now the train had stopped and i had reached my destination. So I got up in a hurry as it was almost time for the doors to close saying goodnight I left  getting out I think I heard him say that he'll call me when she says yes but whatever off course that bitch was gonna say yes! well, anyways I have a big day tomorrow. As I walked through the cold autumn breeze to my apartment all I could think about was the young aspiring journalist who was about to come in the morning to write a biography about my life .. By that though in mind i took a walk down the memory lane , remembering who I was how I was where I was everything altogether off course about which I haven't thought about lately..
But sure there was a time when all I used to did was think about the past.. I stopped thinking about it because all it  did was just haunt me...
"life is not as easy as it seems, sometimes unwillingly you have to let go."

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