Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Sunday 14 February 2016

leeches = people

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Today I'm gonna tell you a one or two things about leeches bloody blood sucking leeches.. Well for starters leeches are those kind of worms which stick tightly to your skin and suck the blood right out of you they are like tiny vampires. but that's not really my point what my point is that some people are like those bloody leeches they look harmless but once they get attach  they suck the blood right out of you and i know that .. because it's a universal truth which no one can deny . some people they just are hard to get rid of  because they won't let go because they like causing you pain and also like drinking your blood . plus they also tend to leave marks and boy are they ugly ones the pain goes way soon but the marks for some time you know as a reminder of how people really are, but eventually some day that's also gonna go away.. i know 90%  of people will agree with me on this.. but if you are one of the leeches then please just let go ....

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