Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Saturday 6 August 2016

9 People Who Died During Sex

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The woman who was electrocuted during a sex romp

The woman who was electrocuted during a sex romp
A Pennsylvania woman, Kirsten Taylor, 29, was found unconscious on the night of January 23, 2008, in her Lower Windsor Township mobile home. She was taken to York Hospital, where she was pronounced dead. Police had already charged Taylor's husband, Toby, 37, with involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment.

So, what happened? The couple regularly used electricity as part of their sex play, but it all went horribly wrong when Toby accidentally administered a lethal shock to his wife with the power cord from her hairdryer—they apparently liked to add a little "spark" to their relationship. (Source | Photo)

The man who killed his lover while using a cucumber as a sex toy

The man who killed his lover while using a cucumber as a sex toy
A German salesman, Oliver Dietmann, 46, accidentally killed his lover, Rica Varna, also 46, with a cucumber.

On July 19, 2014, Oliver used the cuke to pleasure Rita. After it had served its intended purpose, he said he "put it in her mouth. But suddenly I saw there was smoke coming from the kitchen. I forgot that I had put a piece of meat on the stove for my dog."

When he returned to the bedroom, he found Rica unconscious. Medical experts later said that the cucumber got wedged in her throat, cut off her air supply and plunged her into a coma. (No word, at least none that we could find, as to why she didn't remove it herself—unless she was tied up.)

The salesman was convicted of negligent homicide, but spared jail. Instead, he was given a 20-month suspended sentence and ordered to pay a €6,000 (£4,718) fine. (Source | Photo)

The actor who died from autoerotic asphyxiation

The actor who died from autoerotic asphyxiation
In 2009, Kung Fu and Kill Bill star David Carradine was found dead in the closet of a Bangkok hotel room with a cord wrapped around his neck and genitals, leading Thai police to suspect his death was an accident resulting from dangerous sex practices.

It is believed he was engaging in autoerotic asphyxiation, the practice of cutting off one's air supply to heighten sexual pleasure. Two of Carradine's former wives, Gail Jensen, and Marina Anderson, later stated that his sexual interests included the practice of self-bondage. (Source | Photo)

The man who guzzled a bottle of Viagra during a sex marathon and died of a heart attack

The man who guzzled a bottle of Viagra during a sex marathon and died of a heart attack
Two women bet 28-year-old Russian mechanic Sergey Tuganov $4,300 he couldn't make it through at 12-hour sex session. He took that bet, guzzled a bottle Viagra—and died a massive heart attack. (He did win, however. Eye of the tiger, right Sergey?)
(Source | Photo)

The man who died while raping an elderly woman

The man who died while raping an elderly woman
Karma can be a real bitch. In 2011, 5'7", 250-pound, 53-year-old Isabel Chavelo Gutierrez broke in through a screen door of the home of a 77-year-old woman in Refugio County, Texas. He started to fondling her, but suddenly stopped after saying he wasn't feeling well. He rested for a moment, then once again tried to consummate his rape, but once again rolled over and stopped. His victim thought he'd passed out since she smelled liquor on his breath. She bolted from the home and called her daughter, who in turn called the police. When the cops arrived, they found Gutierrez dead from an apparent heart attack. (Source)

The lovers who were shot during a tryst in a Philadelphia park

The lovers who were shot during a tryst in a Philadelphia park
In 2015, lovers Shakoor Arline, 25, and Lisa Smith, 32, were repeatedly shot in the head during a tryst in a Philly park by an assailant who had an “obvious” beef with their relationship, authorities said.

A maintenance crew collecting trash at the park were first to find their bullet-riddled bodies in the back of a parked SUV. Arline was naked while Smith was partially undressed.

The victims were dating each other on-the-side of their respective relationships. A friend of Arline's said he was considering moving to Arizona to be with Smith. (Source | Photo)

The Australian politician who died while making love to his son's ex-girlfriend

The Australian politician who died while making love to his son's ex-girlfriend
Australian Liberal Party leader Sir Billy Snedden was found dead in a room at the Rushcutters Bay Travelodge in Sydney on June 27, 1987. Police said he was wearing a condom and had died of a heart attack. His companion fled the scene to avoid being involved in a scandal.

Sir Billy's son, Drew Mackie Forsyth Snedden, said the woman was an old girlfriend of HIS, who had later become involved with his father. (She was somewhat younger than Sir Billy's 61 years.) Drew said he could not recall whether her relationship with his father had been "a one-off" or something else. "He'd had a number of lady friends around Australia and abroad. He got around a lot. On the night he died, he'd just been welcomed back into the Liberal fold, and he was at his political best. It was an adrenalin-filled evening. I'm sure the old man went out happy—anyone would be proud to die on the job." (Source | Photo)

The popular politician who passed away while in the company of his assistant

The popular politician who passed away while in the company of his assistant
In 1979, Nelson Rockefeller—New York's four-term governor, former vice-president of the United States, and the most prominent scion of America's most famous, wealthy family—had succumbed to a heart attack at the age of 70, while in his midtown townhouse with his 25-year-old assistant, Megan Marshack.

Eager for closure, the family allowed no autopsy and had the corpse cremated, hastily absolving everyone involved of any negligence. Long-time Rockefeller aide Joseph E. Persico said, "It became known that he had been alone with a young woman who worked for him, in undeniably intimate circumstances, and in the course of that evening had died from a heart attack." Neither Marshack nor the family has commented since on the circumstances surrounding Rockefeller's death. (Source 1 | Source 2)

The two popes who died while in the act

The two popes who died while in the act
Clergy are no strangers to sex scandals, and at least two popes are believed to have died while in the act.

Pope Leo VII was the pope from 936 to 939 AD. While the circumstances of his death are unrecorded, it is believed that he died of a heart attack while having sex with his girlfriend. After his death in 939, Leo was interred at St. Peter's Basilica.

Pope Paul II was the pontiff from 1464 to 1471. He died suddenly of a heart attack on July 26 of that year. Reports surrounding his death allege that he died while being sodomized by a page boy. (Source | Photo)

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