Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Tuesday 26 July 2016

4 ways to free yourself from you...

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4 ways to free yourself from you...

First step to to see who you truly are rather than what others have made you and the only way to do that is to change yourself change your environment  do things you or others think you would never do...

Second step is to confront your feeling towards your self either you hate what you do or you love what you do

Third change your looks and style be a different person entirely ..

           Fourth go on the adventure of he world back a bag and by a bag 
 i mean just one bag with essential as money id and a few clothes and go hiking in the woods of another city country catch a bus rent a car or take a lift just keep going till you find yourself  live you life...   
Fifth step job you say? well every once in a while

hey guys if any one of u want to share a story or a fact or just want to expose your ex or whatever  u can do that by messaging me on my facebook page

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