Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Thursday 7 July 2016

Woman Adopts 21-Year-Old Cat Abandoned By Owner, Creates Bucket List Full Of Adventures

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At the sunset of his life, 21-year-old cat Tigger was left behind by his owner at a local veterinary clinic. Depressed and disoriented, he couldn’t comprehend why. But then Adriene Nicole showed up. She read his story on the Canton Neighbors page and chose to adopt him. She wished to provide him the love and care he deserved.
Unfortunately, Nicole shortly found out that Tigger had kidney failure and a tumor. But that didn’t hold Nicole back: “Though he has kidney failure and we found a tumor, he kicks it like a 12 yr old. We decided to create a bucket list full of random adventures [for Tigger],” she wrote on Facebook.
“Though it might not be much to others, all the little trips outside are a blast for him because he loves to be outdoors… the beach being his favorite so far,” she said. “The most important part is that Tigger’s story just shows how amazing it is to adopt a geriatric pet and give them the best remaining days! He has forever changed our hearts and will hopefully change the hearts of others when it comes to adopting older pets!”


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