
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Thursday 28 July 2016

Taylor Swift Has Never Been a "Psycho" Ex-Girlfriend and 21 Other Revelations From Rolling Stone

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Taylor Swift opened up to Rolling Stone. Credit: Jason Merritt/Getty Images
For a girl who writes extensively about relationships and has had high-profile flings with the likes of Harry Styles, John Mayer, and Jake Gyllenhaal, Taylor Swift has had surprisingly little experience with true love.
The "Shake It Off" singer, 24, opened up to Rolling Stone for a cover story interview. While the juiciest takeaway was arguably Swift's not-so-subtle discussion of new takedown song "Bad Blood" and the unnamed female artists/enemy depicted therein, the country-turned pop singer also talked about her love life in a follow-up story of "22 Things You Learn Hanging Out With Taylor Swift," which was shared on Wednesday, Sept. 10.
"Looking back? Not real love," Swift said of her past relationships.  "Not the kind that lasts. I think that's still ahead of me — which is really exciting."
While she is excited about the prospect of love, Swift also spoke about how her views on romance have changed since her days of writing about Romeos and love stories.
"I think the way I used to approach relationships was very idealistic," she told Rolling Stone. "I used to go into them thinking, 'Maybe this is the one — we'll get married and have a family, this could be forever.' Whereas now I go in thinking, 'How long do we have on the clock — before something comes along and puts a wrench in it, or your publicist calls and says this isn't a good idea?'"
Below, 20 other facts about Swift from her chat with Rolling Stone.
1. She's not a big online shopper: "I've never ordered anything from Amazon. But my brother does all the time."
2. Wine and Joni Mitchell makes her emotional: "When I first started drinking — when I was like 21 — I used to cry about Joni Mitchell all the time after a few glasses of wine. All my friends would know, once I started crying about Joni Mitchell, it was time for me to go to bed."
3. Her childhood insecurities paid off: "I was the kid in elementary school who could never do [the splits]. So it was a big goal of mine. It was really hard and painful. No one could understand why it was so important to me. Take that, elementary school insecurities."
4. She's a potty mouth: When sitting at the piano during her interview, she played the wrong note and yelled out, "F--k!"
5. Her Instagram is purposefully G-rated: "I don't Instagram pictures of myself for people to be like 'Wow, that looks really sexy.' I take pictures of cute kittens, or when the ocean looks nice, or of a funny sign I saw in an airport."
6. She's basically Santa: "The amount of baked goods and needlepoints I've gotten from Taylor cannot be counted," Lena Dunham's boyfriend and Swift's collaborator Jack Antonoff said, adding that Swift gave him and Dunham their first housewarming gift: a taxidermied moth.
7. She's a kid when she gets around animals: Marveling at snapping turtles, bumblebees, ducks, and rats, Swift wonders, "Do you feel like you're hanging out with a 6-year-old a little bit?"
8. She likes being that way: "I think you have to do things that make you geek out like you're a kid again, or else you just become one of these 45-year-old 24 year olds. That's why I dance like I'm having fun at awards shows, even though no one else is. Because being cool usually means being bored by everything. And I'm not bored by any of this."
9. She's never a "psycho" ex-girlfriend: "Once you've established that someone doesn't belong in your life, I don't understand what more there is to talk about. I walk away from things when they're bad. I don't stick around to watch them burn to the ground. I'll just check out. Stop communication. I don't want to scream and yell at someone and give them the opportunity to say I'm crazy, or that I went psycho. No one will ever be able to say I went psycho on them."
10. It's best friends forever for Swift and Selena Gomez: "People think they have my relationships all mapped out. There were all these blogs, like, 'Are they feuding? Are they fighting?' Meanwhile Selena and I would be on the phone that night, laughing about it. We let them have that one." See pics of Taylor and her celebrity BFFs.
11. If Lena Dunham and Jack Antonoff get married, Swift will perform: She and Antonoff wrote "a very 'Secret Garden' Springsteen vibe" song together, and Dunham explained, "Jack and I have a lot of existential and political issues with marriage. But if we ever do get married, there's no f--king way Taylor is not playing that song."
12. Her own possible wedding will not be happening anytime soon: "You'll be riding in the car with someone and all of a sudden it comes on the radio that he bought you a diamond ring and he's going to propose. And you look at him and go, '...that's not true, right?' And he says, 'No that's not true!' Can you blame me for wanting less of that?"
13. Marriage isn't an immediate priority, but neither is clubbing: "We're both a little bit like 90 year olds," Dunham said of Swift. "If we're feeling really crazy, I can get her to go to a furniture store."
14. She had no use for a walk-in closet in her multimillion dollar Manhattan apartment: "Now it's my greeting-card writing room!"
15. She inherited a lot from her grandmother: "I've taken after her in ways I really didn't see coming. We have the same nose. We both like to dress up. And she loved to entertain: At her parties, she would get up and sing for her friends… It affected me more than I realized."
16. She has rules for the paparazzi: "You just make sure your skirt is down, and you make sure you don't give them a terrible eating shot. I'm incapable of telling when food is on my face. It's like I don't have nerves in my skin. So if I get, like, a heinous piece of chocolate on my face, please let me know. I won't be offended."
17. She has a sixth sense and always knows when fans are trying to sneak unnoticed photos of her: "Everyone always says the same thing when they get called out: 'I was not!' But it's like, yeah, you definitely were! As a human being who's been dealing with this for eight years, I know when someone is taking a picture of me."
18. Her exes may have some unspoken opinions about her: "If you turn on a tape recorder, they'd say nice things. But you never know what they'd say in a regular conversation."
19. She would've thrived 200 years ago: Swift and her brother took sailing and horseback riding lessons as they were growing up "just in case we were put in a time machine and had to live in the 1800s."
20. Swift's youngest fan is perhaps her most important: "There's always gonna be an 8-year-old in the front row. Always… I think there's an interesting lag-time on emotional growth for me. Because I write my records a couple of years before I put them out, I've always seemed two or three years younger than I actually was."

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Calvin Harris and Taylor Swift‘s breakup

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The fallout from Calvin Harris and Taylor Swift‘s breakup just took a bizarre turn.
On Thursday, it appeared the Scottish DJ spilled details about his 15-month romance with the pop star on Instagram. In a series of comments, which have since been deleted, Harris, 32, alleged his former flame controlled the narrative of their love story.
“She controlled the media and this situation, I had no idea what was going on. So that kind of makes it a lot worse from my perspective,” he allegedly wrote, according to E! News.
While the EDM superstar supposedly proclaimed freedom, he also explained why he decided to follow Swift, 26, on social media again.
“I cared too much and then I didn’t care at all. I am a real person after all,” he noted.
Though a source told the site Harris wasn’t behind the replies, he’s been anything but silent since the split.
After photos surfaced of Swift kissing new beau Tom Hiddleston, Harris scrubbed his social media of all traces of their relationship. He claims they are on good terms again.
“It’s all good, she’s doing her thing,” he told TMZ.
Meanwhile, Swift and Hiddleston, 35, are going full steam ahead, as the couple caught Selena Gomez’s concert in Nashville on Tuesday.
Reps for Harris didn’t immediately return our request for comment.

4 ways to free yourself from you...

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4 ways to free yourself from you...

First step to to see who you truly are rather than what others have made you and the only way to do that is to change yourself change your environment  do things you or others think you would never do...

Second step is to confront your feeling towards your self either you hate what you do or you love what you do

Third change your looks and style be a different person entirely ..

           Fourth go on the adventure of he world back a bag and by a bag 
 i mean just one bag with essential as money id and a few clothes and go hiking in the woods of another city country catch a bus rent a car or take a lift just keep going till you find yourself  live you life...   
Fifth step job you say? well every once in a while

hey guys if any one of u want to share a story or a fact or just want to expose your ex or whatever  u can do that by messaging me on my facebook page

Friday 22 July 2016


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hey guys if any one of u want to share a story or a fact or just want to expose your ex or whatever  u can do that by messaging me on my facebook page

Monday 18 July 2016

She Was Held In A Small Room For 8 Years But Received Hate Mail For Mourning Her Kidnapper

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This was because she said she "mourned" Prikopil.

People claimed she was suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, which Kampusch says denied her the ability to judge her own experiences.
She said, "Looking for normality within the framework of a crime is not a syndrome. It is a survival strategy."

The backlash got worse when she started receiving hate mail.

These letters were particularly harsh and ranged from saying she should be locked up again to denying that her experiences were as bad as she said.

Now, Natascha says she wants to reclaim the interpretation of her own story.

This is why she wrote 3,096 Days, a book where she goes into her complex feelings about Prikopil. While he put her through unimaginable torment, he was also the only companionship she had during some of her most formative years.
Please SHARE this and help others get a sense of what she went through.

Sunday 17 July 2016

Human Barbie denies having plastic surgery to look like a real-life doll

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Bizarrely Valeria Lukyanova, 30, also claims she looks nothing like the iconic plastic girls' toy - and believes she has barely changed since being a 14yr-old teenager

Valeria Lukyanova
Valeria insists she is not a Barbie girl living in a Barbie world
A woman nicknamed the 'Human Barbie' denies having plastic surgery to look like a real 'walking, talking' living version of the famous doll.
Bizarrely Valeria Lukyanova, 30, also claims she looks nothing like the iconic plastic girls' toy - and believes she has barely changed in looks since being a 14-year-old teenager.
And she says any comparison is not only unintentional and one she disagrees with - but she also finds it insulting.
The Ukranian model, DJ and singer - who has almost 350,000 followers on Instagram - first came to attention three years ago after pictures showing her tiny waist were posted online.
Fans have long believed she must have had surgery to get her looks.
CEN Valeria Lukyanova
Valeria insists all comparisons with the toy doll are coincidental - and insulting

But she insists her slender figure is just the result of a good diet involving small amounts of raw fish and fresh fruit juice - and lots of exercise.

In an interview discussing her appearance she said she is "just a classy girl".
Valeria told showbiz and lifestyle website TooFab: "We all have changed since our childhood from the age of 14 years I have not particularly changed except for my body and hair colour."

Valeria Lukyanova
Valeria has a thin waist - which she credits to her raw fish diet and lots of exercise

"I do not think that I look like a Barbie I think I just look like a classy girl it takes about an hour and a half to do that."
CEN Valeria Lukyanova
Valeria puts her looks down to healthy eating and a punishing exercise regime

When asked what the biggest misconception surrounding her was, she replied: "That I did a bunch of surgeries to look like a doll and know nothing more about me it is actually completely different and my look is only a side effect of my inner world."
CEN Valeria Lukyanova
Fans believe Valeria has had plastic surgery to look like Barbie - which she denies
But she added that she wouldn't completely rule out surgery in the future.
"If I require it (plastic surgery) for my body then of course. I am not against surgery. But for now there is nothing I need to do," she said. Makers of Barbie release three new body shapes including curvier doll
The makers of Barbie recently releases three new body shapes - including a curvier doll

In the past she has admitted to following a 'breatharian' lifestyle which is based on a cult that believes food - and possibly water - are unnecessary to survive.
Lukyanova neither drinks or smokes - and claims that she is working towards being able to survive on no food whatsoever.

Friday 15 July 2016

Real-Life Barbie Has No Regrets After Spending $500K On Plastic Surgery And Botox

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Childhood dreams don't always make sense when we grow older. We all remember a time when we wanted to invent a new meal or spend our lives exploring for buried treasure. But those dreams also have their own insistence, a dull roar that follows us through adulthood. Maybe we'll never dig in the sand for pirate treasure, but we might retire to a sunny tropical paradise one day. 
Some people feel those dreams more keenly than others, of course. They can't ignore the prodding of their aspirations and feel compelled to follow them. And they'll do just about anything to make their dreams come true...
COMMENT to let us know what you think of this extreme transformation!

Nannette Hammond's life really puts the "plastic" in "plastic surgery."

The mother of five from Cincinnati has taken a childhood obsession with Barbie to incredible lengths to turn herself into the living embodiment of the classic doll.
Nannette Hammond's life really puts the "plastic" in "plastic surgery."
via Instagram / @nannette_hammond

Nannette has spent 20 years and more than $500,000 on surgeries and treatments to give her the perfect Barbie look.

And her commitment to being Barbie has helped her become an Instagram star with more than 64,000 followers.
Nannette has spent 20 years and more than $500,000 on surgeries and treatments to give her the perfect Barbie look.
via Instagram / @nannette_hammond

She and her husband, businessman David, and their five kids share a ten-bedroom house and document their lives for their followers on social media.

She and her husband, businessman David, and their five kids share a ten-bedroom house and document their lives for their followers on social media.
via Instagram / @nannette_hammond

Nannette has always loved Barbie. When she was young, she owned more than 50 of the dolls.

We've been told for a long time that kids would look to Barbie as an ideal image, but few would have guessed how far some girls would take it.
So what did it take to transform Nannette into a real-life Barbie?
Nannette has always loved Barbie. When she was young, she owned more than 50 of the dolls.