
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Wednesday 16 March 2016

PlayStation VR is Profitable At Launch at $399: Sony

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PlayStation VR is profitableThe very first thing that came to mind when I heard about the price of PlayStation VR is that will it be profitable for Sony at launch? We know Sony sold PlayStation 3 at loss for some time before it became profitable to develop and sell those units.
Is something similar going to happen with PlayStation VR? Because the price is too good to be true if you ask me, so surely Sony is taking a hit here, isn’t it? Well, it turns out it isn’t.
According to Sony, PlayStation VR is profitable at $399. Moreover, while speaking about PlayStation VR, its price, and if they were looking at their rivals, Adam Boyes said:
I think for us, we weren’t really looking at the other guys. The same goes for the price point. It wasn’t predicated on anyone else’s prices. Obviously we need to make money on the unit, but we’ve been in the consumer electronics business for a long time, so our ability to source great, high quality parts is a big part of it
PlayStation VR sold out in around 10 minutes on Amazon UK. Meanwhile, essential accessories like PlayStation Move and PlayStation Camera are selling like hot cakes.
PlayStation Camera sales saw a boost of 975% on Amazon, while a 305% boost was seen with PlayStation Move soon after they announced PSVR price at GDC.
PlayStation VR’s price is its strongest selling point and since there is no competition for it in the market, Sony has the market to itself for now.

Wednesday 9 March 2016


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staring at the darkness alone waiting for the moment the  moment  of my peace was it really that hard to just sit there and be happy was really that hard to not look was really that far to not reach.. you were blindfolded when needed you now you are coming at me like a nightmare a nightmare which was supposed to be long gone  why are you coming back why are dragging me back to the pit hole the one in which you left me once to die with my lonely soul the empty soul that you had left nothing to live or breath for curled up in there i died a thousand deaths yet to live again and to die again by you what have i done so wrong to deserve  such a horrible death..
i left my only child at the door of a stranger but i was young and scared i had no one but now i know that my baby is save i have one last wish my wish that my baby never knows me all knowing me and knowing what a horrible thing i did to my baby will hurt her more than any thing of this world
lost in the tunnel of my own destruction - Confession of a dying mother who left her child at the mercy of a stranger

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Tuesday 8 March 2016

Magic and science

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What is Magic?

Magic or sorcery is the use of rituals, symbols, actions, gestures and language with the aim of exploiting supernatural forces.[1][2][3][4] Belief in and practice of magic has been present since the earliest human cultures and continues to have an important spiritual, religious, and medicinal role in many cultures today.[5][6]
Magic is sometimes practiced in isolation and secrecy and often viewed with suspicion by the wider community.[4] In non-scientific societies, perceived magical attack is sometimes employed to explain personal or societal misfortune.[7]
The concept of magic, as distinct from religion was first widely recognized in Judaism, which defined the practices of pagan worship designed to appease and receive benefits from gods other than Yahweh as magic.[2] Wouter Hanegraaff argues that magic is in fact "a largely polemical concept that has been used by various religious interest groups either to describe their own religious beliefs and practices or – more frequently – to discredit those of others."[3]
The foremost perspectives on magic in anthropology are functionalism, symbolism, and intellectualism.
The term "magical thinking" in anthropology, psychology, and cognitive science refers to causal reasoning often involving associative thinking, such as the perceived ability of the mind to affect the physical world (see the philosophical problem of mental causation) or correlation mistaken for materialist causation.
Psychological theories consider magic a personal phenomenon intended to meet individual needs as opposed to a social phenomenon serving a collective purpose. The belief that one can influence supernatural powers, by prayer, sacrifice or invocation dates back to prehistoric religions and it can be found in early records such as the Egyptian pyramid texts and the Indian Vedas.[8]
Magic and religion are categories of beliefs and systems of knowledge used within societies. Some forms of shamanic contact with the spirit world seem to be nearly universal in the early development of human communities. They appear in various tribal peoples from Aboriginal Australia and Māori people of New Zealand to the Amazon, African savannah, and pagan Europe.
In general, the 20th century saw a sharp rise in public interest in various forms of magical practice and the foundation of traditions and organizations that can be regarded as religious or philosophies.
Modern Western magicians generally state magic's primary purpose to be personal spiritual growth.

 What is science?

Science[nb 1] is a systematic enterprise that creates, builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.[nb 2][2]:58
Contemporary science is typically subdivided into the natural sciences which study the material world, the social sciences which study people and societies, and the formal sciences like mathematics. The formal sciences are often excluded as they do not depend on empirical observations.[3] Disciplines which use science like engineering and medicine may also be considered to be applied sciences.[4]
During the middle ages in the Middle East, foundations for the scientific method were laid by Alhazen.[5][6][7] From classical antiquity through the 19th century, science as a type of knowledge was more closely linked to philosophy than it is now and, in fact, in the Western world, the term "natural philosophy" encompassed fields of study that are today associated with science, such as astronomy, medicine, and physics.[8]:3[nb 3]
In the 17th and 18th centuries scientists increasingly sought to formulate knowledge in terms of laws of nature. Over the course of the 19th century, the word "science" became increasingly associated with the scientific method itself, as a disciplined way to study the natural world. It was in the 19th century that scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, and physics reached their modern shapes. The same time period also included the origin of the terms "scientist" and "scientific community," the founding of scientific institutions, and increasing significance of the interactions with society and other aspects of culture.

What i think.

Magic is a science ye to discovered some of which have use it some which just considered this stupid don't.. Magic is a dark science i would like to say anybody else have something to say so just comment below..