
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Saturday 12 December 2015

seven ages of man

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Chapter One

hello, my name is ,  Claudette Colvin or  Valentina Tershkova  or Roza Shanina or maybe Sybil Ludington my name could be  any of the above or perhaps something else but what does it really matter since i will be forgotten like the ones mentioned before or the ones whose name  you and i could never find out because there is no proof that those who only existed in this world did so much for this world we live in ..
here i will take a moment in telling what  or who those people were ..
 Valentina Tershkova       (the first woman in space)
 American astronaut Sally Ride is universally celebrated as the first woman in space but  the honor  actually goes to goes to Soviet Cosmonaut Valentina Tershkova, who went skyward on June 16, 1963.
As you would guess, by her nearly unpronouncable surname, she was Russian and thus a member of The Evil Empire. Not surprisingly, American history books have devoted little energy to acknowledging her achievements, which among other things, include blasting into space with the most badass liftoff line ever.
The then 26 year old Tereshkova blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome – following in the historic footsteps of Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the first human to fly in space for a single orbit in 1961.

Her mission was far longer, lasting nearly 3 days (70 hours 50 minutes) for a total of 48 orbits of Earth at altitudes ranging from 180 to 230 kilometers (110 x 144 mi). She conducted biomedical & science experiments to learn about the effects of space on the human body, took photographs that helped identify aerosols in the atmosphere and manually piloted the ship.
“Hey, sky! Take off your hat, I’m coming!” she said in the seconds prior to liftoff. Vostok-6 was her only space mission. Tereshkova stubbornly lives on well into her seventies and, at last, report awaits a possible trip to Mars.
  Claudette Colvin
 Claudette Colvin the young black woman who played a major role in kick-starting Montgomery bus boycott, and by extension, the civil rights movement by refusing to surrender her seat on a bus Most people know about Parks and the Montgomery, Ala., bus boycott that began in 1955, but few know that there were a number of women who refused to give up their seats on the same bus system.
 Most of the women were quietly fined, and no one heard much more. Colvin was the first to really challenge the law.Now a 69-year-old retiree, Colvin lives in the Bronx. She remembers taking the bus home from high school on March 2, 1955, as clear as if it were yesterday. The bus driver ordered her to get up and she refused, saying she'd paid her fare and it was her constitutional right.
Two police officers put her in handcuffs and arrested her. Her school books went flying off her lap. "All I remember is that I was not going to walk off the bus voluntarily," Colvin says.
So why is Colvin not remembered as a pioneer in the realm of race relations? She made the mistake of being a less-than-perfect role model; she was a pregnant unmarried teenager back when such a thing was kind of a big deal. Thus she was deemed unworthy of support by the NAACP, key organizers of the boycott.
Roza Shanina
Roza Georgiyevna Shanina (3 April 1924 – 28 January 1945)  was Born into a logger’s family in Russia’s Arkhangelsk Oblast, Roza Shanina was determined from a young age to pursue a successful life. In 1938, Shanina ran away from home, walking 200 kilometers (125 mi) to the nearest town for the opportunity to be educated in the best school possible.

By 1941, Shanina was working in a nursery to raise funds to attend university. However, that same year, Shanina’s brother died on the front line  during the war. Shanina volunteered for the military after the death of her brother in 1941 and chose to be a marksman on the front line. Praised for her shooting accuracy, Shanina was capable of precisely hitting moving enemy personnel and making doublets (two target hits by two rounds fired in quick succession). she was a Soviet sniper during World War II, credited with fifty-nine confirmed kills, including twelve soldiers during the Battle of Vilnius.

Allied newspapers described Shanina as "the unseen terror of East Prussia". She became the first Soviet female sniper to be awarded the Order of Glory and was the first servicewoman of the 3rd Belorussian Front to receive it. Shanina was killed in action during the East Prussian Offensive while shielding the severely wounded commander of an artillery unit. Shanina's bravery received praise already during her lifetime, but came at odds with the Soviet policy of sparing snipers from heavy fights. Her combat diary was first published in 1965.
why does many people not know about her is simply people don't bother looking in history and know about the true warriors
Sybil Ludington
 On April 26, 1777 Sybil Ludington rode forty miles through the night to warn militiamen under the control of her father that British troops were planning to invade Danbury, Connecticut. On her way to gather her Father’s troops she warned the people of Danbury. Sybil’s father, Colonel Henry Ludington, fought in the French and Indian War and following that he volunteered to head the local militia during the American Revolution. Due to her father’s position, Sybil had to move from town to town following her father, and unknowingly playing an important role in the success of the colonies.
 The afternoon after Sybil’s ride through Danbury the British troops burned down three buildings and destroyed multiple houses, but thankfully did not kill that many people. Unlike Paul Revere, Sybil Ludington is not recognized for her heroine act because the only record of this event was written by her the Colonel’s great grandson. Ludington's ride started at 9 p.m. and ended around dawn. She rode 40 miles, more than twice the distance of Paul Revere, into the damp hours of darkness. She rode through Carmel on to Mahopac, thence to Kent Cliffs, from there to Farmers Mills and back home. She used a stick to prod her horse and knock on doors. She managed to defend herself against a highwayman with a long stick. When, soaked with rain and exhausted, she returned home, most of the 400 soldiers were ready to march.
The men arrived too late to save Danbury, Connecticut. At the start of the Battle of Ridgefield, however, they were able to drive General William Tryon, then governor of the colony of New York, and his men, to Long Island Sound. She was congratulated for her heroism by friends and neighbors and also by General George Washington.
forgotten maybe not  but not remembered often

Thursday 3 December 2015

As the sky goes scarlet

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As the sky goes scarlet my heart fills with all the memories i once lived ,
My heart is once again filled with the love and joy i felt,
It can feel the smoothness of your touch once again ,
My lips can feel the touch of your lips so soft ,
My heart starts to race once again for you

Sunday 29 November 2015


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Well, it's good to hear your voice
I hope you're doing fine
And if you ever wonder,
I'm lonely here at night
I'm lost here in this moment and time keeps slipping by
And if I could have just one wish
I'd have you by my side

Oh, oh I miss you
Oh, oh I need you

And I love you more than I did before
And if today I don't see your face
Nothing's changed, no one can take your place
It gets harder everyday

Say you love me more than you did before
And I'm sorry it's this way
But I'm coming home, I'll be coming home
And if you ask me I will stay, I will stay

Well, I try to live without you
The tears fall from my eyes
I'm alone and I feel empty
God, I'm torn apart inside

I look up at the stars
Hoping you're doing the same
And somehow I feel closer and I can hear you say

Oh, oh I miss you
Oh, oh I need you

I love you more than I did before
And if today I don't see your face
Nothing's changed, no one can take your place
It gets harder everyday

Say you love me more than you did before
And I'm sorry that it's this way
But I'm coming home, I'll be coming home
And if you ask me I will stay, I will stay
Always stay

I never wanna lose you
And if I had to I would choose you
So stay, please always stay
You're the one that I hold onto
'Cause my heart would stop without you

I love you more than I did before
And if today I don't see your face
Nothing's changed, no one can take your place
It gets harder everyday

Say you love me more than you did before
And I'm sorry that it's this way
But I'm coming home, I'll be coming home
And if you ask me I will stay, I will stay
I'll always stay

And I love you more than I did before
And I'm sorry that it's this way
But I'm coming home, I'll be coming home
And if you ask I will stay, I will stay
I will stay

Thursday 19 November 2015

just runaway

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some times i just think and want to just runaway from all of it and leave it all  behind  forget all sorrows all hatred all lose all love everything  and live at peace not with the people around but with myself ..
 memories are bad painful yet some are filled with love but when i realize that all that was just something born to die in the end all must fall just like the fact the all must die one day with nothing in hand but grief of leaving this world with not knowing what the life after holds for us is it more sorrow and pain or just unconditional love that all the living hopes to have one day but not many found it....

Italian architect,

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Could this be the future way of living?
Designed by Italian architect, Stefano Boeri, the project referred to as the “vertical forest” entails an apartment building that is to be overgrown and covered with over 100 cedars, shrubs, and other kinds of plant-life.

Saturday 14 November 2015

Most Beautiful Cities in the World

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Need some travel inspiration? Can't decide where to go? How about one of the world's most beautiful cities? If you're looking for a destination with urban pleasures but also with natural and man-made beauty, consider one of the cities below. They offer a combination of magnificent architecture and breathtaking vistas; art and nature in perfect harmony. If you want to make a list of the top places to see before you die, start with these beautiful cities:


Among those who've seen it in person, the conclusion is unanimous: Venice is the most beautiful city in the world, and the only one that can truly be described as unique. Each building is a work of art, with their beauty enhanced when reflected on the canals that cross the city. Its magical scenery is fascinating and breathtaking at first sight, evoking the feeling of entering the setting of a real-life fairy tale. It's perhaps even unfair to all other cities to call Venice a city, as it is a place unlike any other, that no other can compare to, or ever be like.


The Seine and the bridges that cross it, the grand boulevards, the monumental squares, the magnificent monuments, the charming streets of Montmartre -- these images of Paris confirm that it is indeed the most elegant and sophisticated of all cities. It has inspired practically every major world capital, with every city claiming its own Champs-Elysèes, and Place des Vosges becoming the prototype of residential squares throughout Europe. Sit at an outdoor café table or go on a boat tour of the Seine and see it all romantically flash before your eyes.


It is known as the city of the thousand spires because of its profusion of grand, beautifully-preserved historical monuments dating from practically every period in history. Those spires are best admired from the bridges that cross the Vltava River, especially from the magnificent Charles Bridge, or standing in the stunningly beautiful Old Town Square. Add the atmospheric alleyways and cobbled streets that lead to it, and you know that few other cities delight the senses as much as Prague.


Lisbon Magnificently sited on a series of hills running down to the grand Tagus River, Lisbon is one of the world's most scenic cities. Beautiful unexpected views are found at every turn down its colorful, picturesque streets, and especially from strategically-placed viewpoints or terraces at the top of each hill. The city has an unpolished, seductive appearance; an effortless beauty with captivating details such as cobbled designs, tiled façades, and pastel-colored buildings blending together to give it a singular atmosphere now lost in so many other cities. In such a stunning place, it's no wonder that many of the world's great explorers questioned what other beauties lied beyond the horizon when they departed from here in the 15th century.


Rio de Janeiro
There are those who say God created the world in six days and devoted a seventh to Rio. The city is indeed blessed with one of the most stunning settings in the world, making it the most naturally beautiful city in the world. Even if it was deserted of buildings and population, anyone standing at the top of the famous Sugarloaf Mountain or by the Corcovado statue would see one of the world's most beautiful landscapes. Green, tropical luxuriance mixes with the blue of the ocean and the brightness of the sand at the beaches, proving that this is indeed "the marvelous city" as locals call it.


Each of the thousands of buildings that line Amsterdam's main canals can be classified as a monument, beautifully kept as apartments, offices, cafés, restaurants, and even brothels. All together they form an aesthetic uniformity that make the city one of the most charming in the world, a stunning place of bridges and bikes crossing canals, picturesque cobbled streets, and strikingly elegant architecture.


Florence is synonymous with the Italian Renaissance, known for the artistic heritage in its palaces and museum collections. Yet with all the beauty both inside and outside its palazzi's walls, it is the city as a whole that impresses the most. See it from Piazzale Michelangelo, a 19th century terrace overlooking the entire city, and you'll be looking at one of the most storybook-perfect cityscapes. You'll see its unspoiled skyline, the towers and domes of the heart of the city, its bridges, the hills in the distance, and the magnificent Duomo standing in the middle of it all. Few other places in the world will leave you as awestruck.

8 | ROME

The city standing on seven hills by the Tiber River is a treasure-trove of monuments among some of the most beautiful squares and classical architecture in the world. Because everyone visits Rome for its landmarks, its picturesque streets are often overlooked, such as those of the Trastevere district, filled with charming lanes, faded palazzi, and lovely homes decorated with flower boxes. It is on streets like those that Rome proves itself to really be eternal.


Split in two by the Danube River, Budapest is the result of the merging of three cities. Buda is the hill with the royal palace and an old town filled with baroque and gothic monuments looking over the mostly-19th century Pest, crossed by broad avenues lined with elegant neo-renaissance buildings. Admire its setting and remarkable architecture (including the stunning Parliament Building) from the monumental Chain Bridge, and step into the old town for some of the most romantic lanes you'll ever stroll through.



It's a small city, in a small country, hardly a metropolis, but huge on beauty. It's one of the world's best preserved medieval cities, filled with gothic and baroque monuments surrounded by an oval canal and extraordinarily romantic cobbled lanes. It's no wonder that it is one of Europe's most visited cities, helped by its location in the very center of the continent. It's an unmissable destination when in Brussels, and easily accessible from anywhere in central Europe. Its combination of gorgeous architecture and pretty, peaceful spots crisscrossed by canals make it one of the most magical sites to be experienced in the world.

Thursday 12 November 2015


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why is it that some times just by listening to a song your heart just starts to ache it starts to ache so horribly that it's like some one or some thing is trying to rip it right out of your chest and the worst
part is that you don't even know why you heart is hurting so much.. the reasons our heart ache is that some one in particular or some thing in particular is hurting you songs  hurt when you can relate to them or when they remind you of a particular event that got placed in your life some event that changed your life for some better reason of some worse reasons either way it just hurts so damn much the feeling of sinking and being ripped apart at the same time yet you don't know why it's happening because your memory's a bit blurry