Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Thursday 12 November 2015


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why is it that some times just by listening to a song your heart just starts to ache it starts to ache so horribly that it's like some one or some thing is trying to rip it right out of your chest and the worst
part is that you don't even know why you heart is hurting so much.. the reasons our heart ache is that some one in particular or some thing in particular is hurting you songs  hurt when you can relate to them or when they remind you of a particular event that got placed in your life some event that changed your life for some better reason of some worse reasons either way it just hurts so damn much the feeling of sinking and being ripped apart at the same time yet you don't know why it's happening because your memory's a bit blurry

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