Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Thursday 28 January 2016

to the people who think suicide is the only option left..................

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Dear people,
                 WAKE UP! you have a great amount of life left to live why do you wanna die so early?
people would say 'you don't understand my life sucks , nobody love me and weep weep weep'  why care about any body when you have yourself i mean you only live once you don't get re-tries you are born individually and you will die individually as well  .. stop and look yourself in the mirror ask yourself how much have you really try to get your life better  or have you just weep and cry like a little baby you are stronger than you think you are mate so get up and do the things you wanted to do your entire life don't be shy ..  so what life didn't turn out the way you wanted it to stop chasing some imaginary  future of yours accept and appreciate what you have because you never know when you won't even have that left don't take things for granted  because what if you don't get to see them the next time what if you die or that person dies what will you do than how would you say sorry ???
be thankful for what you have some might not even have anything at all.

                         "people don't realize the value of one until they have lost one"

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