
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Sunday 31 January 2016


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Karma (Sanskrit) means action, work or deed it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect).Good intent and good deed contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deed contribute to bad karma and future suffering..
karma is real either you believe it or not people dong do to other get good things in return people do bad then they get bad .
 have you ever wonder Oh God! why is this happening to me.... then simply look back on the pain and suffering you have cost other and you'll know the answer as to why and how.    
                                                              "get ready for your karma"

A five-year-old Afghan boy has become an Internet star

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JAGHORI: A five-year-old Afghan boy has become an Internet star after pictures went viral of him wearing an Argentina football shirt made out of a plastic bag, complete with his hero Lionel Messi's name.
Murtaza Ahmadi has never met his idol and lives in a Taliban-controlled area of Afghanistan but footage and photos of him wearing the improvised shirt, with Messi's named scrawled in marker pen, went round the world.
Murtaza's elder brother Homayoun, 15, made him the shirt and first posted the photos of Murtaza wearing it on Facebook two weeks ago.
After creating waves on social media there were claims Argentina and Barcelona star Messi wanted to find his young fan and give him a proper jersey.
Murtaza, whose father admitted he could not afford to buy him a replica jersey, said he had only a punctured ball to play with in his village in Afghanistan's Ghazni province.

In this photograph taken on January 29, 2016, Afghan boy and Lionel Messi fan Murtaza Ahmadi, 5, wears a plastic bag jersey as he holds a photo of his hero in Jaghori district of Ghazni province.— AFP
But he told AFP he idolised Messi.
“I love Messi, he plays well, the shirt was made by my brother and I liked it very much,” Murtaza Ahamdi said. “We do not have a football playground near our house, and the only ball I have is punctured.“
But he added: “I want to be like Messi, when I grow up. “Internet users had quickly tried to identify the boy shown in the pictures and it was initially claimed he was an Iraqi Kurd before Murtaza's uncle Azim Ahamdi, who lives in Australia, posted pictures of his nephew and said he was the unwitting star of the story.
The family, who live in a remote rural area, only learned about Murtaza's newfound fame from relatives when Murtaza's father's visited the Afghan capital Kabul.
He told AFP he had high hopes for his son.

In this photograph taken on January 29, 2016, Afghan boy and Lionel Messi fan Murtaza Ahmadi, 5, sits with his father Muhammad Arif Ahmadi, 44, as they eat breakfast at their house in Jaghori district of Ghazni province. — AFP
“He asked me to buy him a Messi jersey but I am a farmer and could not afford it,” Mohammad Arif Ahamdi, a father of six, said.
“Murtaza wants to meet Lionel Messi in person one day,” he added.
“I want my son to become a good football player in the future and become the Messi of Afghanistan. “Sport was rarely played under Taliban rule, and the football stadium in Kabul was a notorious venue for executions, stonings and mutilations.
Football and cricket are the two most popular sports in war-torn Afghanistan.

Thursday 28 January 2016

to the people who think suicide is the only option left..................

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Dear people,
                 WAKE UP! you have a great amount of life left to live why do you wanna die so early?
people would say 'you don't understand my life sucks , nobody love me and weep weep weep'  why care about any body when you have yourself i mean you only live once you don't get re-tries you are born individually and you will die individually as well  .. stop and look yourself in the mirror ask yourself how much have you really try to get your life better  or have you just weep and cry like a little baby you are stronger than you think you are mate so get up and do the things you wanted to do your entire life don't be shy ..  so what life didn't turn out the way you wanted it to stop chasing some imaginary  future of yours accept and appreciate what you have because you never know when you won't even have that left don't take things for granted  because what if you don't get to see them the next time what if you die or that person dies what will you do than how would you say sorry ???
be thankful for what you have some might not even have anything at all.

                         "people don't realize the value of one until they have lost one"

Monday 11 January 2016

A Mother

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a child when born always needs a teacher a guide and usually it is a mother who teaches them each and everything she was the one who was there for you when nobody was .. Who is a mother you asked?
a mother is a person who cares for you with all her heart lives you cherishes each and Evey moment spend with you and will die protecting you for her it doesn't matter that you are a criminal or a priest she will always stand by your side and yet it is not necessary that she has given you birth or not what is  necessary is if she's been a mother to you or not...
Why just celebrate a single day for mother why not cherish each and everyday with them tell them you love them as long as you have the chance because you never know when no longer you will not be able to see her

Sunday 10 January 2016

life as i see it

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life is like a  hanging pinyata which you try and try to hit while blindfolded in search of candy sometime it's as easy as 1 2 3 and sometimes as difficult as it can possibly get..
 “Not everything is supposed to become something beautiful and long-lasting. Sometimes people come into your life to show you what is right and what is wrong, to show you who you can be, to teach you to love yourself, to make you feel better for a little while, or to just be someone to walk with at night and spill your life to. Not everyone is going to stay forever, and we still have to keep on going and thank them for what they’ve given us.”
Emery Allen