selfie-fi All of us have one or two friends we’ve seriously considered holding a selfie intervention for. And thanks to some new information, we’ve now got a few genuine reasons to be concerned. You see, psychologists have linked compulsive selfie-taking to a number of mental health and personality issues.
‘Oh, but surely that only applies to people who take an insane amount of selfies,’ you might be thinking. Actually, no. According to the American Psychiatric Association, even just three selfies daily is cause for concern.
Let’s take a look at a few of the issues experts say are at play in compulsive selfie taking.


shutterstock_411873463 Research has shown that individuals with higher narcissistic personality traits tend to post more selfies on social media. Editing a selfie before posting it is a sign of even greater narcissism.
Narcissistic individuals need admiration to function. Posting a selfie allows them to get this admiration by way of likes and comments. This sort of admiration is incredibly misleading due tothe disingenuous nature of social media. That doesn’t stop it from going to a narcissist’s head, of course.