
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Saturday 6 August 2016

9 People Who Died During Sex

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The woman who was electrocuted during a sex romp

The woman who was electrocuted during a sex romp
A Pennsylvania woman, Kirsten Taylor, 29, was found unconscious on the night of January 23, 2008, in her Lower Windsor Township mobile home. She was taken to York Hospital, where she was pronounced dead. Police had already charged Taylor's husband, Toby, 37, with involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment.

So, what happened? The couple regularly used electricity as part of their sex play, but it all went horribly wrong when Toby accidentally administered a lethal shock to his wife with the power cord from her hairdryer—they apparently liked to add a little "spark" to their relationship. (Source | Photo)

The man who killed his lover while using a cucumber as a sex toy

The man who killed his lover while using a cucumber as a sex toy
A German salesman, Oliver Dietmann, 46, accidentally killed his lover, Rica Varna, also 46, with a cucumber.

On July 19, 2014, Oliver used the cuke to pleasure Rita. After it had served its intended purpose, he said he "put it in her mouth. But suddenly I saw there was smoke coming from the kitchen. I forgot that I had put a piece of meat on the stove for my dog."

When he returned to the bedroom, he found Rica unconscious. Medical experts later said that the cucumber got wedged in her throat, cut off her air supply and plunged her into a coma. (No word, at least none that we could find, as to why she didn't remove it herself—unless she was tied up.)

The salesman was convicted of negligent homicide, but spared jail. Instead, he was given a 20-month suspended sentence and ordered to pay a €6,000 (£4,718) fine. (Source | Photo)

The actor who died from autoerotic asphyxiation

The actor who died from autoerotic asphyxiation
In 2009, Kung Fu and Kill Bill star David Carradine was found dead in the closet of a Bangkok hotel room with a cord wrapped around his neck and genitals, leading Thai police to suspect his death was an accident resulting from dangerous sex practices.

It is believed he was engaging in autoerotic asphyxiation, the practice of cutting off one's air supply to heighten sexual pleasure. Two of Carradine's former wives, Gail Jensen, and Marina Anderson, later stated that his sexual interests included the practice of self-bondage. (Source | Photo)

The man who guzzled a bottle of Viagra during a sex marathon and died of a heart attack

The man who guzzled a bottle of Viagra during a sex marathon and died of a heart attack
Two women bet 28-year-old Russian mechanic Sergey Tuganov $4,300 he couldn't make it through at 12-hour sex session. He took that bet, guzzled a bottle Viagra—and died a massive heart attack. (He did win, however. Eye of the tiger, right Sergey?)
(Source | Photo)

The man who died while raping an elderly woman

The man who died while raping an elderly woman
Karma can be a real bitch. In 2011, 5'7", 250-pound, 53-year-old Isabel Chavelo Gutierrez broke in through a screen door of the home of a 77-year-old woman in Refugio County, Texas. He started to fondling her, but suddenly stopped after saying he wasn't feeling well. He rested for a moment, then once again tried to consummate his rape, but once again rolled over and stopped. His victim thought he'd passed out since she smelled liquor on his breath. She bolted from the home and called her daughter, who in turn called the police. When the cops arrived, they found Gutierrez dead from an apparent heart attack. (Source)

The lovers who were shot during a tryst in a Philadelphia park

The lovers who were shot during a tryst in a Philadelphia park
In 2015, lovers Shakoor Arline, 25, and Lisa Smith, 32, were repeatedly shot in the head during a tryst in a Philly park by an assailant who had an “obvious” beef with their relationship, authorities said.

A maintenance crew collecting trash at the park were first to find their bullet-riddled bodies in the back of a parked SUV. Arline was naked while Smith was partially undressed.

The victims were dating each other on-the-side of their respective relationships. A friend of Arline's said he was considering moving to Arizona to be with Smith. (Source | Photo)

The Australian politician who died while making love to his son's ex-girlfriend

The Australian politician who died while making love to his son's ex-girlfriend
Australian Liberal Party leader Sir Billy Snedden was found dead in a room at the Rushcutters Bay Travelodge in Sydney on June 27, 1987. Police said he was wearing a condom and had died of a heart attack. His companion fled the scene to avoid being involved in a scandal.

Sir Billy's son, Drew Mackie Forsyth Snedden, said the woman was an old girlfriend of HIS, who had later become involved with his father. (She was somewhat younger than Sir Billy's 61 years.) Drew said he could not recall whether her relationship with his father had been "a one-off" or something else. "He'd had a number of lady friends around Australia and abroad. He got around a lot. On the night he died, he'd just been welcomed back into the Liberal fold, and he was at his political best. It was an adrenalin-filled evening. I'm sure the old man went out happy—anyone would be proud to die on the job." (Source | Photo)

The popular politician who passed away while in the company of his assistant

The popular politician who passed away while in the company of his assistant
In 1979, Nelson Rockefeller—New York's four-term governor, former vice-president of the United States, and the most prominent scion of America's most famous, wealthy family—had succumbed to a heart attack at the age of 70, while in his midtown townhouse with his 25-year-old assistant, Megan Marshack.

Eager for closure, the family allowed no autopsy and had the corpse cremated, hastily absolving everyone involved of any negligence. Long-time Rockefeller aide Joseph E. Persico said, "It became known that he had been alone with a young woman who worked for him, in undeniably intimate circumstances, and in the course of that evening had died from a heart attack." Neither Marshack nor the family has commented since on the circumstances surrounding Rockefeller's death. (Source 1 | Source 2)

The two popes who died while in the act

The two popes who died while in the act
Clergy are no strangers to sex scandals, and at least two popes are believed to have died while in the act.

Pope Leo VII was the pope from 936 to 939 AD. While the circumstances of his death are unrecorded, it is believed that he died of a heart attack while having sex with his girlfriend. After his death in 939, Leo was interred at St. Peter's Basilica.

Pope Paul II was the pontiff from 1464 to 1471. He died suddenly of a heart attack on July 26 of that year. Reports surrounding his death allege that he died while being sodomized by a page boy. (Source | Photo)

10 Hilarious TV Photobombs

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News Conference BOMB (If you don't recognize the scene it's from ‘Along Came Polly'). (Source)

Apparently where this picture was taken it is perfectly normal to watch porn during family reunions. (Source)

Scooby Do looks scared. (Source)

Al Sharpton gives Coco and Breezy (sunglasses designers) a disapproving look from inside a TV. (Source)

Brazilian actor Tony Ramos photobomb. (Source)

Ballet photobomb. (Source)

Obama is definitely impressed. (Source)

Sweet. (Source)

Spongebob prepares. (Source)

Doug Fister. (Source)

Love these photobombs? Don't forget to send us your own favorite photobomb picture for possible inclusion in our first book!

10 Terrifying Cases of Demonic Possession

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Are demons real? Though evil spirits possessing the body of a hapless human victim seems like the stuff of science fiction, the possibility of being possessed by demons is, in fact, a common belief held by religions around the world. Even the Christian Bible alludes to demonic possession more than thirty times, including several cases of Jesus "casting out demons" from people. Most religions offer prayers, spells, or incantations that are used to remove these invading spirits via exorcism rituals.

As hard as it may be to believe, countless accounts by victims and witnesses dating back to ancient times are hard to ignore. Let's explore ten cases of truly scary and, by all accounts, real demonic possession.

Note: For most of these cases, there are no photographs for us to share with you here. We have used images from movies and other sources to illustrate this post.

Clara Germana Cele

Clara Germana Cele
In 1906, Clara Germana Cele was a Christian student at St. Michael's Mission in Natal, South Africa. For some reason, Cele prayed and made a pact with Satan when she was sixteen years-old, and just days later, Cele was overtaken by strange impulses. She was repulsed by religious artifacts like crucifixes, she could speak and understand several languages of which she had no previous knowledge, and she became clairvoyant regarding the thoughts and histories of the people around her.

Nuns who attended to Cele reported that she produced horrible, animalistic sounds; she also levitated up to five feet in the air. Eventually, two priests were brought in to perform an exorcism. Cele tried to strangle one of the priests with his stole, and over one hundred and seventy people witnessed her levitating as the priests read Scripture. Over the course of two days, the rites of exorcism successfully drove the dark spirits from her body. (Source | Photo)

Anneliese Michel

Anneliese Michel
Anneliese Michel is a controversial case, as well as the subject of many fictional accounts of her tragic story, most notably the 2005 courtroom drama The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Sixteen year-old Anneliese Michel had a history of epilepsy and mental illness, for which she had often been treated at a psychiatric hospital. However, in 1973 Michel become suicidal, spurned all religious artifacts, drank her own urine, and began to hear voices. Medicine did nothing to help the girl, who begged her family to bring in a priest because she believed that she was possessed by demons. Though her request was rejected, two local priests secretly began treating her with exorcism rites. Meanwhile, her parents stopped treating her epilepsy and mental disorders. She was dead within a year.

Michel had almost seventy exorcisms performed on her over the course of ten months. She refused to eat, and often talked of dying as a martyr. Many of the attempted exorcisms were recorded:

Anneliese Michel died from emaciation and starvation. Consequently, her parents and the priests responsible were charged with negligent homicide. (Source | Photo)

"Roland Doe"/"Robbie Mannheim"

'Roland Doe'/'Robbie Mannheim'
Known as the "real" story behind the novel and Hollywood movie The Exorcist, the tale of fourteen year-old Roland Doe is one of the most notorious stories of demonic possession. In fact, Roland Doe is not his real name; it is a pseudonym assigned to him by the Catholic church in order to preserve the boy's privacy. In the late 1940s, Doe's aunt encouraged him to use a Ouija board, and many speculate that after her death the boy attempted to contact his aunt with the Ouija board, an act which opened the door for the demons who wished to possess him.

The possession started with strange sounds, like dripping water, that no one could place. Eventually, religious artifacts began to quake and fly off the walls, and unexplained footsteps and scratching noises could be heard around the home. Scratches began to appear on the boy's body, including words that seemed to have been carved into his flesh by unseen claws. The boy spoke in tongues in a guttural voice and levitated in the air, with his body contorted in pain.

His family brought in a Catholic priest, who determined that the boy was possessed by evil spirits and needed an exorcism. The exorcism ritual was performed over thirty times, with the boy injuring the priest many times throughout. When, at last, the rite was successful, the entire hospital heard Doe's cries of bestial anguish and reported a horrible sulfuric odor hanging in the air. (Source | Photo)


In 2008, Dr. Richard E. Gallagher, a board-certified psychiatrist and associate professor of clinical psychiatry at New York Medical College, documented the case of a patient nicknamed "Julia" whom he deduced was indeed possessed by demons. It's rare that a scientist and psychiatrist would acknowledge the possibility of possession; typically doctors think that possession is either fraudulent or a result of mental illness.

Dr. Gallagher personally observed items flying around the room, Julia levitating off the bed, speaking in tongues, and knowing things about people around her that she could not possibly have known. Here is an excerpt from Gallagher's statement:

“Periodically, in our presence, Julia would go into a trance state of a recurring nature,” writes Gallagher. “Mentally troubled individuals often ‘dissociate,' but Julia's trances were accompanied by an unusual phenomenon: Out of her mouth would come various threats, taunts and scatological language, phrases like ‘Leave her alone, you idiot,' ‘She's ours,' ‘Leave, you imbecile priest,' or just ‘Leave.' The tone of this voice differed markedly from Julia's own, and it varied, sometimes sounding guttural and vaguely masculine, at other points high pitched. Most of her comments during these ‘trances,' or at the subsequent exorcisms, displayed a marked contempt for anything religious or sacred.” (Source | Photo | Via)

Arne Cheyenne Johnson

Arne Cheyenne Johnson
Known as the "Demon Murder Trial," the case of Arne Cheyenne Johnson is the first known court case in the United States during which the defense attempted to prove that the defendant was not guilty by reason of possession.

In 1981, Arne Cheyenne Johnson murdered his landlord, Alan Bono, in Connecticut. Johnson's attorneys argued that his actions indicated a pattern of erratic behavior that had begun when Johnson was just a child. Johnson's family had even consulted with "demonologists" Ed and Lorraine Warren, saying that the child had been taunted and harassed by unknown entities for most of his life. They also asserted that his evil-doings resulted not from a psychological disorder, but from demonic possession.

Ultimately, the judge ruled that demonic possession was not a valid defense against first-degree murder. Johnson was convicted and served a mere five years of his ten to twenty year sentence. (Source | Photo)

David Berkowitz, AKA "Son of Sam"

David Berkowitz, AKA 'Son of Sam'
In 1976, the people of New York City were terrorized by a serial killer known as the "Son of Sam," or the ".44 Caliber Killer." For more than a year, the killer lead police on a wild goose chase, leaving behind taunting notes at the crime scenes. Six people were killed and seven others severely wounded in the "Summer of Sam."

When the killer was finally apprehended, he was identified as David Berkowitz. Berkowitz confessed to all of the shootings and claimed that he was commanded to kill by a demon. Berkowitz did not claim to be possessed himself, however; he claimed that his neighbor's dog was possessed, and the dog had ordered him to perform the killings. Berkowitz was sentenced to six life sentences, and in the mid-1990s he issued an amendment to his confession, claiming that he had indeed been a member of a Satanic cult that had orchestrated the incidents as part of a ritual murder. (Source | Photo)

Michael Taylor

Michael Taylor
Michael Taylor and his wife, Christine, lived in a small town in Great Britain called Ossett. The couple was very religious, and had joined a Christian prayer group lead by Marie Robinson. At one meeting in 1974, Christine Taylor accused her husband and Robinson of having an affair, which both people hotly denied. Michael Taylor then spewed obscenities and began acting extremely erratic and out of character, leading witnesses to think that he seemed possessed by evil.

After months of crazy behavior, Taylor eventually consulted with clergy who performed an exorcism. The exorcism lasted for well over twenty-four hours, and the priests involved claimed to have removed forty demons from the man's body. However, before he left, the priests warned him that the demon of murder remained dormant in his soul.

As soon as Taylor arrived home, he brutally murdered his wife and their dog. He was later found wandering the streets, covered in blood. At his trial, he was acquitted by reason of insanity. (Source | Photo)

George Lukins

George Lukins
In 1778, English tailor George Lukins claimed to be possessed. The man would often sing in a voice and language that was not his own, and finally neighbors, concerned by his increasingly frightening behavior, reached out to the church to help the man.

Lukins was sent to a hospital for over twenty months, but doctors could not help him. His caregivers discharged him, even more convinced that his affliction was demonic in nature. During his possession, a very violent Lukins reportedly claimed that he was the devil, barked like a dog, and sang hymns backward. In 1778, after Lukins claimed to be possessed by seven demons that could only be driven out by seven clergymen, the church got involved. Seven priests assembled at Temple Church, where they performed an exorcism. When the ceremony was over, priests claimed that the man had been delivered from the demons who possessed him, and George Lukins exclaimed, "Blessed Jesus!" Lukins then praised God, recited the Lord's prayer, and thanked the priests. (Source | Photo)

Anna Ecklund: The Earling Possession

Anna Ecklund: The Earling Possession
By the time she was just fourteen years-old, a girl from Earling, Iowa named Anna Ecklund began showing signs of demonic possession. The girl had been raised a devout Catholic, however her father and aunt, who practiced witchcraft, allegedly cursed the girl routinely and used herbs to taint her food. Soon, she could not tolerate religious artifacts, became sexually depraved, and could not enter a church. In 1912, the girl underwent a successful exorcism, but after being "cured" of her possession, her father and aunt prayed to Satan for her to suffer even more, and within a year the girl had become possessed by multiple entities, many of whom are said to be the same spirits who possessed Annaliese Michel.

In 1928, Ecklund again sought help from the church. She was placed in a convent where her exorcism would take place, and the girl's behavior worsened while in the care of the nuns. When the nuns would bless her food before entering her room, Ecklund could sense the blessing. She would hiss at the nuns and throw the food on the floor. She would tolerate food that had not been blessed. Witnesses testified to seeing the girl speak and understand foreign languages she'd never heard before. They also claimed that she defied gravity by levitating and clinging to the wall. The girl was clairvoyant and often vomited and spit at the priests. Her eyes bulged and her body was so bloated and heavy that she nearly broke the iron bed on which she lay.

After twenty-three days and three complete exorcism rituals, the clergymen finally declared her free from the demons who had possessed her. (Source | Photo)

Pope Francis Exorcises Boy

Pope Francis Exorcises Boy
The Catholic church performs thousands of exorcisms each year, and Pope Francis has said that he believes that Satan is real, and that the battle against evil is one that he must fight every day. In May of 2013, the newly-elected Pope allegedly performed a brief exorcism live on camera. As he was moving down the line of disabled people, offering blessings, the Pontiff paused before a boy in a wheelchair. Grasping the boy by the head, the boy shuddered and gasped before going limp.

See the moment yourself:

Friday 29 July 2016

Inside Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston's romantic date night as giggling stars reunite in California

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The cute couple spent two hours laughing and joking over dinner

Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston
Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston giggled their way through dinner
They've been at the centre of a frenzy since making their romance public last month.
But Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston put any drama to one side as they reunited for a romantic dinner date in California.
The stars were spotted grinning and walking hand-in-hand as they arrived at Hillstone in Santa Monica for a bite to eat.
Looking more loved-up than ever, the pair reportedly spent two hours laughing and joking over their meals.
REX Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift
Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift
Taylor and Tom
The look of love?
An insider told E! News: "It seems like they are always sharing a laugh or inside joke. They were giggly and sweet."
As they emerged from the fancy diner Taylor and The Night Manager actor Tom were still holding mitts.
Gentleman Tom initially forgot to open the car door for Taylor but quickly remembered and returned to the passenger side, closing the door behind her.
Splash Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston on the Gold Coast in Australia
The pair are "very happy"
According to insiders, it's officially L-O-V-E between the two.
"They have gotten very close, the insider continued. "She is enjoying the time off from working. She has been writing during her travels, and Tom has been an inspiration in her music."
Meanwhile, Thor star Tom has insisted he doesn't care what anyone else thinks about his relationship.
Speaking at Comic Con about the attention surrounding his romance with the Shake It Off star, he said: "I don't know. It comes down to being authentic. Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston arrive in Australia at Sydney International Airport
Thei pair travel to Australia

"Everything you do you have to make sure you truly believe in it and as long as you know that, it doesn't matter what anyone else says about it."
He added: "The nature of being a public figure is that everyone will have an opinion about anything you do, and as long as you know why you've done something and you've committed to it with authenticity then you're OK."
The star has previously dismissed speculation their relationship is a 'publicity stunt'.

13 People Who Work In Other People's Homes Reveal The Weirdest Thing They Ever Saw.

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 Real Estate appraiser - all kinds of screwed up shit. Worst one for me though - I found a guy in the basement of a vacant, foreclosed house, flat on his back & little charred. Apparently he tried to steal the electrical wiring (to go with his copper plumbing stash) & the electricity was still on. I'll never forget the smell.

  This one was scary, gross and sad all at the same time. I worked as a contractor for the local electric/utility company installing energy efficient lightbulbs and plumbing fixtures in apartments. The landlords would call us, schedule an appointment, and then often not even tell their tenants we were coming.

On one specific appointment my partner and I roll up to the duplex. It's in a nice area, but an absolute shithole. Grass not cut all year, old appliances all over the yard, just a fucking peach. The unit we were scheduled to do was upstairs. We walk up to the porch and you can hear death metal music just blaring (this is probably at noon.) We knock on the door. No answer. After a few minutes we call the landlord, he says he'll come over to let us in. He comes over. Unlocks the door, says "it's all yours" and leaves.

We slowly walk up the stairs, the music getting louder and louder. We walk into what you'd swear was a filming set for a "Breaking Bad" meth-head's apartment. In fairness I never saw any drugs, but it was absolutely disgusting (and I've seen some disgusting shit.) Every dish they've ever owned encrusted in decaying matter, submerged in a sink filled with water reminiscent of something you'd see pouring out of a power plant. The remainder of the dishes piled high on all counters and tables. Flies everywhere. Clothes and rotting garbage strewn across every floor; kitchen, pantry, bathroom, everywhere.

We yell, "Hello!?" no response. We turn to our right and see 3 fully tattooed skinny-as-hell dudes with shaved heads and no shirts on completely passed-the-fuck-out on a single futon in the living room with death metal BLASTING! I turn to my left and I see movement. At first I thought it was a dog or a cat. I walked into the bedroom to get a better look, it was a little girl.

She couldn't have been more than 4 years old. She had long straight brown hair and was wearing a full length dress. She was a pretty little girl, and would smile shyly and hide whenever her and I would make eye contact (as if playing hide and seek.) My heart absolutely fell out of my ass. She was in a room COMPLETELY filled with garbage. Completely. She was playing in a corner near an overturned mattress with a few toys that were in the corner. I wanted to cry and throw up all at once. I tried to talk to her, but I didn't know what to say and it was hard to hear over the music. My partner never even saw her. He said "fuck this" and went back outside the instant we saw the dudes on the futon. I did my job (changed lightbulbs, installed a shower head) all while gagging on the stench in the house, trying to be quiet as to not wake up the possible murderous meth heads on the couch, and holding back my sorrow for this poor kid's environment.

I called Social Services that night. No clue if anything ever became of it, but I hope so.

 I'm a contractor under Home Depot, so part of my job is to measure peoples bathroom's and or basements. One time I visited this old couple who wanted their 2 bathrooms renovated. I finished measuring the bathroom upstairs rather quick, so I moved to the downstairs bathroom in which I found... well a grow op. These old people were growing weed in their basement. I was in shock, and didn't really say anything... In which the old lady realized and actually offered me some if I wanted it...

  I used to be a cable installer in the d.c. area. Saw some wild shit, fights, people high and out of their minds. Naked chicks, dudes, etc. etc. but the shit I remember most, the thing that made me flip out and get all kinds of creeped out was when I was installing in this ladies apartment. She never had cable so I had to had to run the lines from scratch. Open up her closet to strategically place the hole I needed and 1000's, literally 1000's of roaches started falling down from the top of the closet. It was like an avalanche of roaches. Some fell on me and on my equipment and I just about lost it. I'm not really scared of insects but it fucked me up for a few weeks. I kept feeling them crawling on me even when I was naked and in the shower. I just kept seeing this waterfall of brown over and over. I had legit nightmares about being drowned in roaches after that. Like panic attacks. The thing about it was, the lady didn't flinch. I mean she looked at me like I was wrong for being creeped out. Didn't finish the job at all. Straight up bounced and told her to get a satellite.


 Years ago I had a job in apartment maintenance. I saw some crazy stuff over the years but by far the worst was one unit had a work order for a jammed garbage disposal. I knocked on the door but no answer. When I went in there was foil all over the windows and the only light was from several strands of of christmas lights. There was a terrible smell in the place and when I finally got over to the light switch I saw what the deal was. All over the dining and living room were clothes hangers on wires. Dangling from the hangers were strands of meat. I noped the fuck outta there pronto, it was way too chainsaw for my pay rate. I never met them but I think they were from the middle east somewhere and were aging the meat but it was pretty freaky. Their garbage disposal is probably still jammed.

  Worked for a PC repair company. Got a call to go out to the country (wayyy out in the sticks) to fix a PC. Had bought a new car the day before, so I was already irritated that I had to get on a gravel road. Got to the house, and no less than 4 dogs jumped up on my car. Further irritation. I ring the doorbell several times and nobody comes to the door. I start to walk off and I hear the door open behind me. "WHO ARE YOU?"

"I'm here to look at your computer, ma'am." "Identify yourself NOW!" "My name is ___, I work for ___, you called 30 minutes ago because your PC isn't working."

She reluctantly lets me in. My first step through the door manages to somehow offend all five senses. Possibly a sixth. There were a minimum of 25 cats. Sounds great, right? would have been if the house wasn't their collective litterbox. CAT. SHIT. EVERYWHERE. Oh and what's that on the couch? It's her ~80 year-old hubby laying in his tighty-whities on the couch, barely clinging to life. She tells me to just ignore him (which is easier said than done, considering he TRULY looks like a corpse).

She leads me into the computer room. I really don't care about stepping on cat shit at this point because my shoes are already caked with it. It would be physically impossible to navigate their house without getting it all over yourself. Did I mention the lady had it ALL over herself? Clothes, hair, you name it. So I roll the computer desk back to get started. Needless to say, it was simply unplugged (I swear to god I'm not making this up), and I plugged it in and bolted as fast as I could. I left my shoes in their driveway, as they were now worthless.

I honestly gag every time I think about that day.

7 A few years ago I was cleaning apartments with a local carpet cleaning company. One day we got a call to go clean a rented house and they said that the door would be unlocked and to go ahead in. The tenants had apparently moved out and we'd have nothing bothering us as we cleaned, "Good deal" I thought to myself, "No need to move furniture, etc." When we arrived we (my partner and I) opened the door and immediately were accosted by this awful stench. We chalked it up to being another hot, humid, Iowa summer day and didn't read too much into it. We donned out respirators and started to it. While I was pre-spraying the carpets, I was opening all the doors to see if there was any carpet inside to see if they needed cleaning, I opened one closet and almost fell on my ass in shock. Laying on the floor in front of me was a maggot-covered, rotting, smelly, severed goat's head. Needless to say I bolted as my partner looked at me and said "The fuck happened to you?" Too late, I was already out side breathing in some much needed outside air. Two seconds later, he was right there beside me, pale as a ghost.

 As a paramedic, I am constantly required to go into the filthiest places imaginable to drag people out. One of the worst I remember, a cop was in front of this trailer, and as I walked up, he just smiled and said "Be prepared". I walk in to blood, guts, and chicken feathers EVERYWHERE. Inside was a dude with pure crazy in his eyes waiting for me. I asked him what going on, he explained that he had quit taking his meds, and was demonstrating to his children where food came from. Dude had taken his kids PET chickens and proceeded to rip their heads off. Needless to say, that was one nerve wracking ride to the hospital.

 I had to crawl under this woman's duplex to run a wire. In her living room she had 4 dogs in a cage that was nailed to the floor. Under the floor in the same spot were stalactites from where the dogs had been peeing over the years.

I once had to go to a house to install a computer and I should have known it would be bad when the directions I was given led to a condemned house. I called the customer and said that the only house at the address she gave me was a condemned house and she stated that that was indeed her house and it was just a "little messy".

The lawn: Covered in piles and piles of junk. Absolutely no grass, just garbage, feet and feet high. I had to climb over all of this mess with a computer just to reach the collapsed porch that was held up by piles of moldy mattresses.

Inside: It smelled like puke, onions, BO, and shit. I could barely breathe. Garbage was literally floor to ceiling and a tunnel was carved through it to get to the kitchen.

Kitchen: A little more room to walk but not much. Candles were lit everywhere, illuminating the piles of plates with moldy food and TONS of maggots and insects all over them. The smell was unbearable. The lady insisted that "their house was a little messy because someone in the family died recently." Well it was obvious by the smell they didn't find him/her in all the garbage yet!

Basically I just dropped of the computer and left. I lied and said I couldn't set it up since they didn't have a standard outlet (they really didn't, it was three wires coming out of the wall which I wasn't about to touch!

The smell was so bad I drove to a Sheetz (gas station) afterwards and threw up repeatedly in their bathroom. I then took off all my clothes down to my boxers, threw them out and drove home to take multiple showers and change before going back in to work. I could STILL smell the smell for a day afterwards and for weeks in the work vehicle. You know the show "hoarders"? I've seen all episodes and not one single house came close to the house I mentioned above. Not one.

  We went to this woman's house. You could smells the horrible smell outside in the driveway. We tried the front door but was told to go around back. We couldn't get in the front door because the door was blocked by used diapers. We then made our way around the garbage to the bathroom where her husband had taken the computer apart in the bathtub. Most of his tools were rusted together sitting in the sink. This is no exaggeration, there was something growing out of the toilet on to the floor of this bathroom. There was garbage everywhere in this home. What was sad was the woman had a baby in there. All she could talk about was being happy that the state gave her baby back to her. I felt uncomfortable on many levels.

 Two years ago I had a job doing crime scene/ untimely death clean up. We saw some pretty sad stuff. The worst job had to be an eviction clean up. No one had died amazingly but it was worse than when I had the opportunity to hold grey matter in my hand. The former tennant was a heroin addict, hoarder with hep c. Our job was to clear the apartment. Upon arrival we discovered he not only hoarded trash and large amounts of clothing and other miscellaneous items but also his used needles. They were scattered throughout the junk mixed into every little nook and cranny. Given the fact that he was Hep C positive we had to don our most protective suits and sift through and separate everything piece by piece. A total of 42 man hours were spent in the abatement. We found diaries, telephone numbers, hidden stashes and many other things. He mainly shot up in his right arm, I can say this because his lazy-boy was soaked in blood on just the right side. Luckily None of us were pricked in this ordeal and we saved the apartment. I have an AMA about this if you are interested..

 I was painting a house with 2 other guys my age. The house looked untouched since the 1970s. The kids bedrooms looked like nobody had been in them for 40 years. Toys, books, beds, drawings... It was creepy. The medicine cabinets were full of bandaid, medications, lotions and such all from the 70s at the end of the day I go down to the basement to rinse out brushes and rollers and the basement is packed full of junk. It was a hoarders dream. I hear a weird squeak noise coming from the far corner and went to investigate. I found a giant freezer hidden behind a bunch of boxes and stuff. I tried to open it, but it was locked. There were no joke more then 30 bottles of bleach around the freezer. I freaked out and went upstairs to tell the other guys. They tell me I'm being dumb and don't worry about it. I went home that night and Google the guy's name but didn't find anything. I told my boss and he said he would check it out. He saw what I did and called the police early that morning before I got there. When I arrived the police were just leaving. In the freezer was his wife's head. The kids had died in a car accident when they were young and the wife was a vegetable. He was taking care of her at home and he just went crazy. When she died he cut off her head and froze it.

Thursday 28 July 2016

Doctors Remove 14-Pound Hairball From Woman’s Stomach

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“It looked like something from a horror film.”

A British woman who suffered unexplained abdominal pain for months “cried with relief” after doctors removed a 14-pound hairball from her stomach.
Sophie Cox, 23, of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, told South West News Service that the giant ball of human hair was built up over seven years of eating her tresses.
South West News Service
Six years ago, Cox was diagnosed with both trichotillomania, a condition where sufferers have a compulsive urge to pull out their hair, and and trichophagia, where they eat it.
Cox said when she was stressed, she found comfort from plucking strands of hair and eating them during the day, according to SWNS.
She thought it was harmless until she became pregnant in 2014. During her pregnancy, Cox suffered serious stomach pains and kept losing weight at a time when she should be gaining it.
Two months after her daughter was born, the pains became excruciating and left her doubled in agony.
“By October 2015, I couldn’t eat without vomiting and my stomach would swell up,” she told the news agency. “I’d lost [84 pounds] in two years and dropped six dress sizes, taking me to a size 12.”
Doctors had no clue what was wrong, but tested Cox for gallstones and stomach cancer.
It wasn’t until Cox had an endoscopy last November that they figured out what was wrong: that giant hairball.
“When they showed me the scan I was speechless. It looked like something from a horror film,” she said. “The specialist hadn’t seen anything like it in 30 years. It was too big to break down in my stomach, leaving me malnourished and dehydrated.”
Even worse than finding out she had a giant hairball in her stomach was waiting five months to have it removed.
South West News Service
Sophie Cox who had a giant hairball removed from her stomach
The hairball, or “trichobezoar,” was removed in a six-hour operation.
I felt instantly better when I woke up, even though I was sore and groggy,” she said. “It was disgusting. I cried with relief that it was gone.”
Since then, Cox has been monitored regularly to ensure no other hairballs develop.
She is also on a waiting list to receive treatment to help determine the underlying causes of her conditions.
“I’m just so thankful the hairball was found before it was too late,” she said. “Now I can get on with being a hands-on mum.”

When A Woman Is Gang-Raped Twice By The Same Men, What Does That Make This Country?

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The horror of a young woman being gang raped twice in three years by the same men is beyond words. How could this have happened, and what could have emboldened these five men from committing the same heinous crime without any fear of the law, which provides for repeat offenders to be sentenced to death?