
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Monday 1 January 2018

What to do in 2018?

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Thus begins a new year with the same question again what will I do this year?
People have a lot of answers of this question, but what they don’t realize is that they will be doing the same thing they did last year or the year before that or even the year before that.
The same old cycle of thinking of doing something awesome becoming more intelligent, becoming more beautiful, becoming more successful…but wait!
Isn’t that what you wanted in the previous years ?
You still wish for those so does that mean you didn’t get those thing before, so about changing the pattern of how you live your life I mean take a Good Hard Look At Yourself !
The best investment you can do for a lifetime is to learn something with a long term effect and don’t say you don’t have the time to because if you can have the time to check your Facebook, twitter or Instagram or whatever you use you sure can take some time to learn.
But hey! What to learn?
Well the answer to that question in my opinion is simple learn a programming language because as the time is running into the future those who know programming languages will always profit and just to be clear I don’t mean go get a degree in computer science or something , there are a lot of free sources from which you can learn to program.
Below is one of those free websites which teach you as well as train you as the programmer end result you get a skill set that will profit you for the long run and for now as well and you land an awesome job!


FreeCodeCamp  is an non-profit website for learning how to code they teach you about front-end development , back-end development and more in which you get to learn how to use html5, CSS3, Jquery, JavaScript, bootstrap etc . 
You will be given coding challenges to complete and you will get your very own full stack developer certificate

Most of the time it takes people around six months to a year to complete just the  front-end
 developer course
which is of estimated 400 hours according to FreeCodeCamp.  
 It doesn’t matter if they are a degree holder in computer science or know nothing at all that’s just the average time  people take for completing it.
But me and my twin brother completed the Front-End
 Developer course in just 41 days!
it’s not a typing mistake it is 41 days, during which we were also preparing for our exams and working part-time jobs and no our exams were not relating to programming nor was the jobs yet we Aced in everything.
If we can complete this just 41 days while doing other things then so can You!

 In the next few weeks I will teach you what challenges you will be facing in FreeCodeCamp, what those challenges means and just how to solve them 

Don't forget to like, tweet, share, subscribe! 

Friday 15 December 2017

A Place To Eat In California!

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Are you in California for a vacation with family or alone ? looking for a place to eat for a family with a menu that satisfies both you and the kids! just in case you are wondering they do have   a gluten free menu.

The Menu

From Breakfast To Dinner

their menu ranges from a variety of salads and the famous chicken cesar salad to mediterranean salad, from turkey sandwiches to burgers, from wraps to tacos, from quesadillas to very veggies dishes, from pastas to omelets & scramble from pancakes with blueberry/banana to gluten free pancakes and the list of menu goes on all the dishes on the menu are worth eating ! and all at a Affordable Price !
What are you waiting for eat away!

                Get up and go to Hobee's Restaurants

At 800 W Ahwanee Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA
they also give delivery 

Net Neutrality not dead yet!

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Fight For Net Neutrality

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Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers must treat all data on the Internet the same, and not discriminate or charge differently by user, content, website, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or method of communication. For instance, under these principles, internet service providers are unable to intentionally block, slow down or charge money for specific websites and online content.

So cutting net neutrality is the worst idea ever all that we do on the free internet we might have to pay for else we can"t see ANY CONTENT   at all for people who love free porn and the porn industry are furious, well who isn't furious and what about the people working by the internet will they have to pay more than they are going to earn #NetNeutrality should be a basic human right!

Get a mug now and support #NetNeutrality!

50% of all profits are donated to Paws in need animal rescue.
support Net Neutrality and Animals at the same time.

Thursday 14 December 2017

Net Neutrality & Sexy Disco Button HTML5 jQuery

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First a few words on New Neutrality:-
          Net Neutrality is Important for everyone and it's absence will indeed bring a downturn for the whole world. Please educate yourself on your rights and demand Net Neutrality for everyone. #NetNeutrality

Sexy Disco button: -
            Check out the code of our sexy disco button. Learn the code, it's easy if you already know a bit of HTML5 and jQuery.
Here is the link to the code

See the Pen The Bouncer by Anna (@Anna6464) on CodePen.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

You Can Make A Difference!

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Today's post is about animal life..
It's impossible to determine how many stray dogs and cats live in the United States. Estimates for cats alone range up to 70 million. Only 10% of the animals received by shelters have been spayed or neutered

All animals deserve a chance at life and love they are born in this world unaware of the hardship and problems of this world just what a person has to do for ones belly to be filled with food even just enough to survive and getting shelter is not easy for all some has to work day and night just to have a roof on their head but for us human we can work and earn money but what about the homeless little doggies and animals all alone and cold in this world !
If puppies could tweet they would say"#LoveIsAllWeNeed
You might not be able to help them all but contributing to save just one can make a difference! 
  click below to get 10% discount  on these 
25% of the sale money will be donated to paws in need animal rescue  about them
Paws In Need Animal Rescue Society is a small, non-profit, animal rescue in the Edmonton area. We rescue stray, homeless animals from many different situations.

All of our rescues are brought into foster homes where they are rehabilitated whether it be for health reasons, training, or some much needed TLC before they are available for adoption into their forever homes. We believe all animals, young and old deserve a second chance.

Paws In Need Animal Rescue is run solely by volunteers and through community support of fundraising, donations, and volunteers we are able to care for animals while they are with Paws In Need Animal Rescue Society, and on the road to recovery and their forever homes. We are also a force free rescue and use only force free training with all of our animals!.

"Saving one dog won't change the world, but that one dog, the world will change forever."
Please share and help a man's best friend in need!

Saturday 6 May 2017

10 hottest programming languages of 2017!

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Java is one of the most adopted programming languages, used by nine million developers and running on seven billion devices globally. It was designed to be a language that could run on any device and that is why it is used for software development for computers, smartphones, and even smart TVs.
The TIOBE programming community index places Java as no. 1, occupying a total of 20.79% from a list of 50 programming languages and it has known a 63% growth on GitHub by a number of pull requests in the last twelve months.
Java is the worldwide most popular language, according to the PYPL – PopularitY of Programming Language Index. Even though the tech community celebrated the twentieth anniversary of Java, this programming language will continue to dominate the job market in 2017.

Python is a widely used high-level, general-purpose and dynamic programming language. It’s “the” language of the moment and the chosen starter language in university courses around the world. It has the biggest year-on-year job demand growth of any language, stated by the Stone River Academy.
Python worldwide has grown the most in the last 5 years (7.0%), following Java in popularity, as stated by PYPL.

PHP is the most popular language used to write various web applications, having a more significant edge over its competitors as it is open source and stable. PHP is ranked 6th in the TIOBE programming community index and has grown with 43% on GitHub by a number of pull requests in the last twelve months.
Most recruiters over the world look for PHP developers to build dynamic websites which are responsive and interactive as well.

Go is a free and open source programming language created by Google in 2007. In 2016 its popularity skyrocketed because it emphasizes simplicity, high performance, efficiency and built-in support.
Keeping in mind that many start-ups have made it their language of choice, 2017 is guaranteed to be the year when more developers start using Go.

JavaScript is a high-level and dynamic programming language, considered one of the world’s most powerful and popular languages, used to spice up the web pages by making them interactive. With JavaScript, you can display pop-up messages, add effects to the web pages or develop games with the basic functionality.
Programming experts know that JavaScript has been at the top of the list on the TIOBE index for a few years, at this moment ranking 7th in the list of 50 programming languages.

Visual Basic .NET
Visual Basic .Net is a simple, modern, object-oriented computer programming language developed by Microsoft. Visual Basic .NET is a fast and easy way to create .NET-based applications, including XML Web services, ASP Web applications, desktop applications, and mobile applications.
Visual Basic .NET has many new and improved features that make it a powerful object-oriented programming language, ranked at no. 9 in the TIOBE programming community index and continuously improving.

Ruby on Rails
Ranking no. 10 in the TIOBE index, Ruby is a general-purpose programming language, best known for its use in web programming, Rails serving as the framework for the Ruby language.
Ruby is a favorite among developers, startups, and established businesses with many qualities as fast development, fewer lines of code to write, a broad variety of third-party libraries available and a thriving community support and expected constant improvements in the code.

Developed by Apple, Swift is an open source programming language with a continuously growing number of developers that are taking on this easier, flexible, and fun solution. Swift is used to building apps for iOS, MacOS, WatchOS, and tvOS and it can reduce the length of the code, saving time and energy.
Many global companies have been very quick to adopt Swift, and we will see this new language on the rise in the future.

Dating since 2000, C# is a new programming language designed by Microsoft for a wide range of enterprise applications that run on the .NET Framework. Still in the shadows of PHP and Java, C# has experienced a growing popularity every year.
As an evolution of C and C++, this language is simple modern, object-orientated and functional.

Scala is a type-safe programming language that incorporates both object-oriented and functional programming into an extremely concise, logical, and extraordinarily powerful language. This rockstar programming language can handle huge data with its libraries, match patterns and focus on interactive development.
Scala, compared to Java, is ultimately easier to use and increases productivity.