
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Monday 19 October 2015

simple & best ways to makes your relationship to survive

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firstly you have got to start listening to your partner rather than just blabbing your own tale listen and try to understand..

2.Don't give bad opinion 

Don't give bad opinion to them all the time they need you to encourage them they don't need you to criticize them all the time or judge them 


understand .. you really should understand your partner rather than saying it's too complicated to understand you


talk to your partner discuss the matters between you guys if you have a problem say it just keep it in you..


you really need to give your relationship sometime only you and your partner no other friends got it relax and talk about fun

"it's not fair"..

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how many times have you said that "it's not fair"..
well it isn't and thats just the way life is accept it and be happy or don't accept it and keep weeping for the rest of your life... Sometimes we look at other people and say hey they've got everything they have ever wanted but this is only what we are seeing from our perspective because they have almost or all of the things we ever wanted from life it's not necessary   that they are equally as happy and satisfied as we would be just like not everybody's favorite fruit is a banana .. heck forget about life even with people we say it's not fair like when someone is angry at you and they are not even telling you why they are so angry it's so not fair at that point or when our parents tell us not to go out to a place we are just dying to go man thats so not fair or our girlfriend\boyfriend breaks up with us without giving a damn reason not fair again..the point is the moment we accept the fact that life's isn't fair and it's a real bitch we will start to live happily and satisfied....

Sunday 18 October 2015

The Best Skin Solution You?ve Never Heard Of

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Instead of throwing away precious dollars on expensive anti-aging skin creams that make big promises and don?t work, one reader has discovered a skin combo that erases years off her face for only a few dollars. Read on to find out how it works!

Lauren, a 72 year-old grandma from Louisville, KY, is a perfect example of how a little smart thinking and ingenuity can help you avoid unnecessary health risks and save you thousands of dollars in doctors? bills.

Like most women, Lauren didn?t have the extra cash to try out every celebrity endorsed anti-aging ?miracle cream? out there, let alone splurge on expensive elective medical procedures, like plastic surgery or facelifts.

Before trying this simple trick, she admits she used to spend almost an hour every day on an extensive skincare regimen consisting of over 6 different products, with seriously disappointing results. Each product made big claims promising to erase wrinkles and return her youthful skin; and while Lauren followed all their usage instructions to the letter, she saw no real results.

Frustrated and let down, she considered going so far as to take out a substantial loan for Botox injections, and even contemplated a highly risky and very expensive facelift procedure. But the high cost (ranging anywhere from $5000 - $20,000+) and the horror stories of unfixable botched procedures convinced her that cosmetic treatments were not the solution she was looking for. She was determined to find a safe and affordable anti-aging solution that would give her real results and not leave her digging her way out of a huge financial debt.

Lauren's Solution:

After a year of doing thorough research and speaking to other women about their own skincare habits, she learned of two products that were yielding real results and helping women take years off their skin: PurEssance and TruVisage.

While each of these products were proven to be effective individually, one night, Lauren made an accidental discovery that would revolutionize the whole skincare industry: she combined them.

After only a few days of using both products together in her daily skin routine, she saw noticeable results in the mirror. After just two weeks of using PurEssance and TruVisage. combined, the proof was staring her right in the face: this was giving her real results.

Using the two products together, Lauren?s results were noticeably better than what you?d find at medi-spas for $5,000 or more. This combination removed virtually 90% of all her wrinkles and problem areas. It tightened her face and neck, removing all signs of sagging, aging, and dehydrated skin. Lauren was able to see these dramatic anti-aging results simply by using free samples of both products for only 14 days.

Her friends, husband, and family were all shocked. They were convinced she?d been secretly getting Botox, because her skin looked 20 years younger almost overnight! Soon, word got around as her friends starting using Lauren?s method, and not long after, her easy, 2-product trick was featured on The Doctor Oz Show!

Lauren is now one of hundreds of women that share the same incredible story. Using this method, she effectively erased 20+ years from her skin. It?s changed her life and completely astonished everyone around her, even total strangers!

How does it Work?

Through her research, Lauren discovered that the real secret to cell revival and skin rejuvenation are two key ingredients:

  1. Vitamin C
  2. Hyaluronic Acid

These are both natural ingredients that work together to erase wrinkles and fine lines at the cellular level ? below the surface of the skin ? which is why they?re so effective.

Vitamin C is the key to maintaining healthy, youthful skin. It?s a powerful antioxidant that slows the rate of free-radical damage, which causes skin?s dryness, fine lines, and wrinkles. It helps combat and even reverse time's effect on your skin, because it produces collagen ? a protein which makes skin appear plump and firm. Applying Vitamin C to the skin topically is up to 20 times more effective than taking it orally.

Hyaluronic Acid works by binding to moisture. It can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water, making it an excellent natural skin plumper. Hyaluronic acid helps your skin repair and regenerate itself after suffering from dryness, environmental stresses, or irritation.

Celebrities around the world like Cindy Crawford, Jennifer Aniston, and Kelly Ripa have all admitted to using PurEssance and TruVisage to maintain their youthful glow.

His Parents Didn’t Want Him, But His Adoptive Sister Told Him This And I’m In Pieces

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This little girl loves her brother. He was adopted from Bulgaria and she loves him like he is her blood-relative.
Archie was was born with Down Syndrome and his mother was overwhelmed and ultimately unable to support him, so a family decided to take him in despite being strongly advised not to by their loved ones. But something about Archie struck a cord with the entire family, especially with their young daughter…
check this video ...

Any doubts the family ever had about adopting Archie went out the window the second he first met Ace. He and Ace had an instant connection that their parents can’t even begin to explain, or even really understand. She jumped up and down the entire first day we were there. And she hasn’t stopped jumping since.

Saturday 17 October 2015


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 revenge is something which sounds sweet indeed and it is when taken over small things but as t=it gets bigger it gets darker and the darker it is the worst it is the fire of revenge which starts to burn in you slowly burns a part of you so badly that it can't be repaired , replace or healed by anything at all/ the person changed won't be back again so why take revenge ???

So, what happens when a girl walks half naked down the streets of Manhattan?

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So, what happens when a girl walks half naked down the streets of Manhattan?
As a part of a social experiment, a model paraded the streets of Manhattan to test how observant New Yorkers are. Model Leah Jung was actually naked from the waist down and body painting experts depicted a realistic-looking pair of jeans on it.
Body painters in New York did some incredibly detailed job here and the Model Pranksters TV nailed at making everyone laugh!
A question which still botheres me is, how was that model not feeling cold?

How to stop procrastinating

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How do some people seem to get a gargantuan amount of things accomplished…while some of us struggle to just get through the day?
How can you learn from the masters and apply what they know? First, you have to recognize these two truths.
TRUTH #1: We all have the same amount of time. Productive people do things differently.
TRUTH #2: Learning how to stop procrastinating isn’t about super-secret tactics or fancy apps. It’s about mindset and simple, but powerful, shifts in how approach your to-dos.
Today, I want to give you a sample from my Finisher’s Formula course. These are 3 action steps you can use to stop procrastinating and feeling lazy…and start following through and being more productive instead.
Bonus: My Finisher’s Formula course goes into even more detail on these strategies. It’s closed now, but you can get my best posts on psychology and money by joining the waitlist here.

3 action steps you can use to stop procrastinating

Step 1: Watch what you say

We’re all highly affected by the words we use (even if we aren’t fully aware of what we’re saying).
For example, how many of us have said something like this recently…
  • “I really need to get my act together”
  • “I should stop being so lazy”
  • “I know I’m smart, I just don’t apply myself”
The words we use are powerful. There’s a subtle — but important — difference between asking “why do I always procrastinate?” and “why am I procrastinating on this task?”
In the first, procrastination becomes part of your “self-talk” and, eventually, who you are. (This is what I call an “invisible script” — and I talk in more detail about invisible scripts here.)
Even though our beliefs may be too deeply embedded to completely change overnight, we CAN start to gradually reprogram them by simply paying attention to and changing the words we use — by using a more positive “self-talk.”
If you’ve ever heard that standing up straighter makes you feel more confident over time (it’s true), this works the same way. Changing our language can gradually change how we feel about ourselves and our goals. The language we use really does matter.
ACTION STEP: For 1 week, try to catch yourself whenever you use negative language like the above examples. Then, instead of beating yourself up, think of a small tweak you could use so your negative language becomes neutral or positive.
Here are a few examples to help get you started…
  • Instead of “I’m so lazy”, try “I’m human. Everyone struggles sometimes”
  • Instead of “I’m going to fail”, try “I’ll be fine. Even if the worst case scenario happened and I do fail, I’ll be OK”
  • Instead of “I should do x”, try “I’m going to start small and do x on Tuesday at 2 pm”

Step 2: Stop blaming time

It’s easy to use time as an excuse for procrastination. How many times this month have your friends (or even you!) said something like…
  • “Sorry, something came up. I’ll catch you next time”
  • “I don’t know if I can do that. I’m just so swamped at work, you know?”
  • “I’m too busy to do that right now. I’ll get to it later.”
We all have the same 24 hours in a day — CEOs, politicians, Ph.D candidates, mothers of 2…everyone.
It’s OK to recognize when “no time” is actually a blanket excuse for not doing something you don’t want to do. To figure out if that’s the case — and to get that time back — follow “Ramit’s Rules of Letting Go.”

Let go of “should do’s” that you actually don’t care about

Ask yourself, in the scheme of all the things you want to try, do you really care about this? When I went to my cousin’s wedding in India a few years ago, I saw one of my friends order his food in fluent Hindi, and I thought, “Hmmmm…I should take Hindi lessons.” But when I got back to NYC, I put it on my to-do list, only to skip over it for MONTHS.
The truth is, I really didn’t care enough to try and learn Hindi. It wasn’t important enough. When I acknowledged I wasn’t going to do it and crossed it off my list, it freed me up to focus on doing the things that I really wanted to do.

Let go of waiting for inspiration to strike

Inspiration is for amateurs. I wake up every morning, rain or shine, feeling great or awful, and I get to work. Not because I’m a machine, or a better person than anyone, but because I have systems that I depend on.
Willpower and inspiration fade quickly — for example, have you ever been SUPER EXCITED TO START SOMETHING…only to feel unmotivated 2 weeks later? But systems last.
A system doesn’t have to be a complex monstrosity that takes you 16 years and 4 Ph.Ds to decipher either.
For example, here are some systems I use:
  • I set reminders in Google Calendar for small tasks, like sorting a box of papers in my apartment or calling my Mom (BONUS: Here’s my exact calendar system.)
  • In college, I created a scholarship system to apply to 60+ scholarships and pay my way through undergrad and grad school at Stanford
  • I keep my workout clothes in the same spot every day (right next to my bed), so I never have an excuse to miss the gym.
Depending on a “mood” or “inspiration” is what unprofitable life coaches do. Waiting for inspiration to strike is a quick way to randomly pursue something, then give up, only to yo-yo back a couple weeks later, eventually leading you to hate yourself.
Start with a small system — like my calendar system above — and you’ll spend more time focusing on what MATTERS and less time procrastinating on things that don’t.

Let go of feeling guilty

With so many things we could do — and so much pressure from everyone around us — it’s no wonder we feel guilty.
Think about the last time you felt like you should do something. Maybe it was a new language you thought would be “good to know.” Or, maybe you wanted to try a new sport because a friend told you to do it.
It’s easy to say “yeah, I should do that”…only to never get around to it and feel TERRIBLE.
Life is short. Nobody is making you feel guilty except YOU. We realistically have time to learn maybe three new major things per year. Make sure you want this thing to be one of them.
Today, I want to show you a video from one of my premium courses about defeating guilt and enjoying the things that make you happy. We’re constantly told what we SHOULD do, so it’s important to reward ourselves when we work hard and earn something.

Enjoy what you earned, guilt-free…
ACTION STEP: The next time someone offers you an invitation, instead of saying “I don’t have time” be honest with them and yourself. You can even use this exact script: “That sounds really interesting, but I’m going to pass so I can focus on a couple other things I really want to do.”
This will:
  1. Make others value your time and commitments
  2. Force you to be honest with yourself about what’s important
  3. Free up your mental energy to worry about things you actually care about

Step 3: Break a big “to-do” into tiny habits

Part of the reason we procrastinate is that we’re just overwhelmed with how much we have to do. Where do we start?!
One of my mentors, BJ Fogg (check out an interview I did with him on how to stop being lazy) has a program called Tiny Habits.
We’re motivated by the little wins — but demotivated by failures. Once you know this, you can design your goals to boost your confidence and start building momentum. When you’re starting out, it’s better to successfully walk one mile than to fail to run three miles.
What tiny habits can you start building today?
  • Do two pushups a day
  • Floss one tooth a day to get started
  • Drink one glass of water a day before you go to bed
And you can ramp up from there.
ACTION STEP: Think of one of your “big goals” (getting fit, learning a new language, organizing your house) and break it down to the TINIEST habit you can. And I mean tiny: 2 push ups per day, 1 new word a day, pick up one paper per day…however small you need to get started.
Do this habit for 2 weeks and then you can consider expanding.