
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Saturday 17 October 2015

Gang rape of young girls shocks India

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Police in New Delhi are investigating separate cases of gang rape against two young girls. The attacks come just a week after the brutal sexual assault of a 4-year-old.
The youngest child was abducted from an religious event in the Indian capital, New Delhi, late on Friday by two men on a motorcycle, police said.
She was sexually assaulted before being dumped in a park near her home in west Delhi's Nangloi area. The Times of India reported that she was found unconscious by neighbors.
Tests suggested that she had been raped at least once. Police have launched a manhunt for the suspects.
In another incident, a 5-year-old girl was gang-raped by three men in the city's eastern Anand Vihar area. Authorities said she had been lured to a neighbor's house and that local residents had caught the alleged perpetrators before calling the police.
The men were arrested and tests later confirmed that the girl had been subjected to multiple assaults.
Both girls were undergoing medical treatment on Saturday, but were believed to be out of danger.
Residents outraged
The incidents follow a similar attack last week on a 4-year-old girl, who was slashed with a blade before being abandoned by a railway track.
A 25-year-old man has been arrested over that attack, in which the young girl suffered severe internal injuries.
The attacks were quickly condemned by Indian politicians. Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kerjriwal tweeted that the repeated rape of minors was "shameful and worrying."
Delhi Commission for Women chairwomen Swati Maliwal also tweeted her disgust, adding that sexual assaults in the capital had reached "epidemic proportions."
She quoted figures showing that there had been just nine convictions in 2014 despite more than 11,000 police reports of crimes against women in the Indian capital.
Frightening levels of violence against women have sparked outrage in recent years.
In 2012, the fatal gang rape of a student on a bus in Delhi led to nationwide protests and a change in the law, which included a new fast-track court system to prosecute rape cases.
The men who carried out the rapes eventually received death sentences but the Supreme Court is yet to rule on their appeal .

what is it to have a life?

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life what is it to have a life? we often say or hear people say that you don't have a life or get a life.. but what does having a life really mean? well the answer is is simple whatever we to daily is own life it doesn't matter if we don;t have much of a friends group or we just have a 24/7 job or we we are clean freaks or all we do is surf on the internet all day or just do gossips all the time maybe we do alot of artwork or maybe we just fight all the time or maybe we go party all night or maybe we do nothing at all we just sit around and chatter or just maybe we are living our life finding the true love or we are living our lives in the arms of the person we love the most so I think that there is no such thing as "not having a life" people just phrase it because in their point of view we don't have a life but the fact is that we all have a life .. A life in which all live in everyday..

Friday 16 October 2015

The 5 Scariest Urban Legends Of All Time

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1. Humans Can Lick, Too

humans can lick too
(Photo credit: Hector Landaeta)
This legend has been around as long as canines and kids. A 9-year-old girl cuddles in her bed with her pooch as her parents leave for a night out. They assure her she’ll be safe with her trusty dog.  As they leave, her dog licks her hand and settles into his spot beneath her bed. Later, the drip, drip, drip of what sounds like the bathroom faucet rouses the girl from her dreams. Reaching down, she feels the comforting swish of her pooch’s tongue and drifts back to sleep.
The same rhythmic dripping wakes her again. She wishes her daddy was there to fix the faucet, but her parents won’t be home for a while. Again, she lowers her hand and feels the tickling lick from her best friend below.
Hours later, the incessant dripping rouses her from a deep slumber. Drip, drip, drip. The sound grows louder with each step she takes to the bathroom. The scuffling behind her is surely her doggy.
She flips on the light switch and is horrified to see a form hanging in the shower. She calls for her dog, the dripping sound pulsing in her eardrums.
But there is no response. Her dog, now skinned and tethered to the shower curtain by his neck, is bleeding out onto the shower floor.
The girl slips on the bloodied tile and sees a message written in her dog’s blood on the mirror, “Humans can lick, too.” She runs to her room, straight into a dark figure holding a bloody knife.
2. A Real Deadbeat Boyfriend

(Photo credit: Guillaume Jautzy)
(Photo credit: Guillaume Jautzy)
This scary legend begins on a windy summer night with a teen couple searching for a secluded place to “talk.” They drive to a park area and stop at a popular spot beneath an oak tree. They begin kissing, but suddenly the girl pushes the boy away. “Shhh. Did you hear that?” she whispers.
“Hear what?” he asks, slipping his arm back around her waist.
“It’s a creepy, grunting kind of noise,” she insists. “Listen. Hear it?!”
“Maybe it’s a massive mouse,” he says with a grin.
“Maybe you’re a massive moron. I want to get out of here. I’m scared.”
He tells her he’ll check it out. She locks the doors behind him and he disappears into the blackness of the woods.
Moments later: Squeak! Squeak! Thunk. She opens her door, yelling for her boyfriend. Squeak, squeak. Following the sound, she sees her boyfriend’s sneaker atop car. She looks up and sees his mangled torso, dangling from the oak tree, swinging in tempo with the summer wind.
Whimpering, she dives inside the car and locks the doors. Stretching to reach the car keys, she realizes they’re no longer there. Jingle. Jingle. As she searches the darkness for the sound, she sees a pair of eyes staring back at her.
The eyes belong to a grinning man, standing on the hood and holding a bloody knife in one hand while jingling the car keys in the other.
3. Bloody Mary

bloody mary
(Photo credit: Äur)
Years ago this beloved scary urban legend featured young ladies who’d navigate a set of stairs backwards, a lit candle in one hand, and a hand mirror in the other. The scary legend dictates that when they then peered into the mirror they would see their future husband’s face — or the Grim Reaper, meaning they would never live long enough to be betrothed.
Nowadays, a person stares at their mirrored image and calls Bloody Mary repeatedly – thirteen times. Some do this while spinning. Some taunt: “Bloody Mary, I’ve got your Baby.” (A reference to Queen Mary I who endured multiple failed pregnancies.)
The incantations invoke an appearance by Bloody Mary (bathed in blood) seen as a ghost, witch, or corpse. She curses them and may even clasp her crimson hands around their neck and drink the caller’s blood.
4. Babysitter and the Man Upstairs (and/or Will You Stop Clowning Around?)

(Photo credit: Nathan Gibbs)
Countless movies have been based upon this scary urban legend of the babysitter and the man upstairs. A teenage girl babysitter receives repeated phone calls from a stranger who whispers: “Have you checked the children?” and then hangs up. After the fifth or sixth call she frantically calls the police. They instruct her to keep the caller on the line so they can trace the call (way before Caller I.D.). She does, and when the stranger hangs up, the police call to tell her the caller is in the house with her.
The girl runs to check on the children only to discover them bludgeoned to death and the caller/killer holding an ax, waiting for her.
A variation of this story: The girl has the children snuggled in bed, but can’t stand the life-size clown mannequin in the family’s living room. She calls the parents to ask if she can cover it up because he’s scary, only to have them inform her that they don’t have a life-size clown mannequin!
5. Killer in the Back Seat

killer in the back seat
(Photo credit: Alex Patru)
Driving home on a deserted freeway late at night, a woman spots a pair of headlights in her rear view mirror, closing in on her. She slows down, hoping the car will pass her. It doesn’t. She turns off the freeway, but so does the car behind her, its bright lights flashing continuously. She squeals into her driveway and races up the sidewalk. The driver of the other car pops out of his vehicle, screaming for her to get in the house and lock the door!
Minutes later, the cops arrive and she sees the man that had been following her, now in pieces on her lawn.
The police tell her that he called them, saying that he saw a man in her car’s backseat, wielding a butcher knife. Every time he flashed his brights and got closer, the man would cower back down.
The man with the butcher knife was never found.

the language of love ..

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the language of love ..  It is quite beautiful, unique and brilliant .. well this language is something we all know we don't actually need to learn it or take extra classes for it is just natural .. when two people love each other they can hear feel each others happiness or sadness from hundreds and thousands of miles away
they dont need to actually talk it's like they have telepathy they we understand everything of each other just perfectly

4 year old toodler was kidnapped by his driver

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today at 11am a resident of karachi a 4 year old toodler was kidnapped by his driver from his school. the driver was suppose to bring back other kids to home also but he didn't so after few hours when no kid came back home they sent another driver to pick the kids up only then it was realized that the 4 year was missing talking to the police the father of the child said that 2 days ago he had scolded the driver for taking new routes to places and had slapped him  .. then later the other driver told the police that he had said that he will make the man pay for slapping him.
the police had checked his home where they saw the water tap was still running the fan was still on there was plates with food it seem like they all left in a hurry.. now the police has found the vehicle  that he took it was found abandoned on a roadway of punjab ..
Apparently he is taken the boy to punjab but the police has yet not found him..

Thursday 15 October 2015

Miracle Baby Given Second Chance at Life After Her Parents Planned Her Funeral

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When Erika Jones was pregnant with her daughter Abigail, she and her husband Stephen were told not only that Abigail had Down syndrome but that she had a fatal tumor in her brain as well, AOL reports. After preemptively planning Abigail's funeral, the Jones's are now celebrating every day after a surgeon in Boston pulled off a miraculous surgery that left their baby tumor-free.
When Abigail, now 2 months old, was born, "she ate. She gained weight and she looked great," Erika told WCVB. "She was thriving. She was certainly not in any way, shape or form dying." The Jacksonville, Florida, family went to Boston Children's Hospital for a second opinion on their daughter's tumor.
Neurosurgeon-in-Chief Dr. Alan Cohen explained sometimes tumors like Abigail's look malignant but aren't: "We thought there wasn't enough evidence to give her a death sentence." Last Thursday, Cohen was able to remove entire (ultimately benign!) brain tumor. Just three days after the surgery, Abigail was allowed to go home.
"It was almost like she was born again," Erika said. The family has been chronicling Abigail's recovery process on Facebook, constantly thanking Dr. Cohen and everyone who has supported them over the past few months.

Man died after broom handle sex assault, court hears

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Four people killed their housemate by sexually assaulting him with a broom handle after learning he was a sex offender, a court has heard.
Three men and a woman deny the murder of Terry Oldham, 63 in Camborne, Cornwall as well as allowing the death of a vulnerable adult.
Truro Crown Court heard it was the "culmination" of a series of attacks and abuse by the defendants.
Mr Oldham's body had fractured ribs, and bruises around his sexual organs.

Aaron Mallon, 24, and Michelle Casterton, 43, both of Grenville Road, Falmouth, Daniel Quinn, 23, of Tregullow Road, Falmouth and Richard Rosevear, 32, of Truro Road, St Austell, all shared a house with the victim.
The court heard one of the defendants boasted of stealing money from Mr Oldham's account and another said they had fed him a curry made from dog faeces.
Sometimes they would not let him out of the house or use the toilet "until it was too late", the jury heard.
Paul Dunkels, prosecuting, said the group had discovered he was a sex offender from written material found in his room.
In 1987 Mr Oldham was convicted of indecent assault on a girl under 14.
"They regarded him as fair game because he was a convicted sex offender," said Mr Dunkels.

'Fear of retribution'

He told the court Mr Oldham "was a small frail man routinely bullied by the defendants who took his money and possessions".
At 06:44 on 1 April the ambulance service received a call from Ms Casterton who said she thought Mr Oldham was dead.
Mr Dunkels said: "It was obvious to the paramedic that Oldham was dead.
"It must have been obvious he was seriously ill but no-one went for any help until he was dead."
Mr Oldham had few friends and was reluctant to talk about his injuries out of fear of retribution from the defendants, he added.
He was found dead at Dolcoath Road, Camborne on 1 April 2014.
The trial continues.