
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Five-Year-Old Girl With Down Syndrome And Cancer Has a Priceless Reaction To Seeing Her Self-Portrait

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Celia Furtado, who has Down syndrome, was diagnosed with B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma back in April. Since her health struggles began, her mood shifted. But after seeing a portrait of herself taken last fall, her mom, Katie Furtado, says Celia can't stop smiling. 
"A lot of her personality was put on hold for quite a few months, but like I said to someone the other day, 'She's back,'" Furtado told ABC News
The photo features Celia and her sister, Ava, holding pumpkins and gourds while playing together in the leaves. It was taken last year by photographer Laura Kilgus, who does volunteer work with the Down Syndrome Society of Rhode Island.
 "I have a nephew with Down syndrome and I wanted to do something to raise awareness," Kilgus told ABC News. "I thought it would be cool to do a mini shoot, so I contacted the director about it and the Furtados were one of the families that took us up on our offer."

On October 1, Laura hosted a gallery for Down Syndrome Awareness Month at the Warwick Public Library. Katie said that her daughter's face instantly lit up when she looked at her portrait on the wall.
"When she saw it, she started screaming and pointing to herself. I think the whole world looks at Celia differently now since she doesn't have any hair and she's lost a lot of weight, but I was relieved that Celia still sees Celia," Katie said.

,Alien DNA has been discovered in the Human Genome.

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ImageScientists discover that the human genome has at least 145 genes that are unrelated to the species; in other words, alien DNA has been discovered in the Human Genome.
This discovery was made by a research team from the University of Cambridge, which were able to find out that humans possess 'alien'  genes in their evolutionary lineage. What this actually means is that these were not transmitted through ancestors genes.
This is actually a big deal as it seems to give fuel to ancient astronaut theorist who have claimed, for a long time that our DNA has been altered on purpose.
This revolutionary finding has established a real challenge to the evolutionary theory, as experts say dozens of essential 'foreign' genes, unlike those who have historically transcended through Horizontal Gene Transfer were acquired from microorganisms that coexisted with the human species in the same environment in some instance of its evolution.

For those who believe that this is just rubbish, well the researcher was actually published in the open access journal Genome Biology.
‘This is the first study to show how widely horizontal gene transfer occurs in animals, including humans, giving rise to tens or hundreds of active ‘foreign’ genes,’ said lead author Alastair Crisp from the University of Cambridge.
“When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. (…) The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them.”
– Genesis 6:1–4 (New International Version)

So what do you believe? In the version we all have been thought? Or do you consider that it is a new age, time for change, time for different thinking, alternative theories? "It is nearly impossible to accept some of the absurd theories proposed by scientists in the past regarding evolution and origin of life", a sentence that more people are using today and it is something that ancient astronaut theorists have been telling us for years now. Now, even science seems to be backing up ancient astronaut theories that were considered as being "a joke". You know what they say, He who laughs last, laughs best.
Lately, there has been a lot of talk regarding Sumer, Anunnaki, and theories that seemed far from being backed up scientifically, things change and times change.
“And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored. They said, “The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size. We saw the Nephilim there (the descendents of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them”.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Hillsborough Inquests: Andrew Sefton called out to school friend during crush

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One of the victims of the Hillsborough disaster asked a school friend "when's it going to stop?" as they were pinned against a crush barrier on the terraces, the new inquests have heard.
John Hughes said Andrew Sefton, 23, turned a "reddy-bluey colour" and seemed to be not getting enough oxygen.
The barrier eventually collapsed under the weight of the crowd.
The inquests, sitting in Warrington, Cheshire, have also heard about the final movements of Keith McGrath, 17.
The two football fans were among the 96 fatally injured at the Liverpool versus Nottingham Forest FA Cup semi-final on 15 April 1989.
Mr Sefton, a security guard who had recently got engaged, drove to the Sheffield stadium with four friends.
He went into pen three - one of the fenced standing enclosures at the Leppings Lane end.
He and Mr Hughes, who had been in the same class at school but had not seen each other for "quite a while", eventually became crushed against the barrier due to the movement of the crowd, the court heard.

"We ended up sort of on the barrier together and said 'hello'. It was quite a strange place to meet someone," Mr Hughes said.
He added that Mr Sefton had asked him: "When's it going to stop?"
In his 1989 statement, Mr Hughes recalled how Mr Sefton swore as they were pushed against the barrier.
"He was very much distressed. He wouldn't have been saying anything like that otherwise," Mr Hughes told the court.
"He was starting to become discoloured. I got the impression that he wasn't getting enough oxygen inside his body.
"He was going a sort of reddy-bluey colour."
When the barrier eventually collapsed, Mr Hughes said in his statement: "My legs went underneath the barrier. We hit the floor.
"I was doubled up on the floor, again with the barrier on top of my stomach."
Mr Hughes added that he had his face "down into the corner of a step" and the court heard a "small space" in the corner of the step allowed him to breathe.
The jury saw how Mr Sefton was carried out of the pen at around 15:27 BST, about 20 minutes after the match was halted.
A group of fans were seen in photographs carrying Mr Sefton to the opposite end of the pitch where an attempt was made to resuscitate him.
Patrick Shannon, who had been at the match as a supporter, said when they set off with the makeshift stretcher he believed Mr Sefton was still breathing, but accepted this was an "assumption".
In his statement, Mr Shannon - who had first aid experience - said: "Looking back now, the man was obviously dead while we were trying to revive him."
A doctor assessed Mr Sefton in the stadium's gymnasium and confirmed his death at 15:50.

The jury then heard how Keith McGrath caught a coach from Liverpool to Sheffield to watch the match.
He was seen, in footage timed between 14:40 and 14:51, smiling as he stood on the pen three terraces.
As the Liverpool team news was announced the teenager cheered and punched the air.
There are no witnesses, however, who saw what happened to him on the terraces before or during the crush, the court was told.
He was passed through a gate out of the pen at 15:24 and three police officers carried him on to the pitch.
One of them, PC Phillip Wyer, said they tried to resuscitate Mr McGrath "for a matter of minutes" but he showed "no signs of life".
At 15:32 Mr McGrath was carried away from the Leppings Lane end on a makeshift stretcher. A doctor assessed him in the gymnasium and at 16:06 confirmed his death.
His uncle, Ronald McGrath, identified his body at 04:30 the following morning.
The inquests are scheduled to resume on Wednesday.

Murder arrests over PC Dave Phillips death in Wallasey

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Two men have been arrested on suspicion of murdering PC Dave Phillips who was struck by a car and killed during a pursuit in Merseyside.
The 34-year-old died from internal injuries after being hit by a pick-up vehicle that mounted a central reservation in Wallasey on Monday.
The married father-of-two had been trying to stop a Mitsubishi Challenger, which was driven from an estate agents in Birkenhead.
The men aged 18 and 30 are in custody.
Officers have also executed warrants to carry out searches at four properties in the Oxton and Wallasey areas as part of the investigation.
A mid-terrace house in Wheatland Lane, Wallasey, just yards from where the pick-up was found, was among those searched.
PC Phillips had been responding to reports of a burglary in Woodchurch Road, Birkenhead.

He and a colleague had been attempting to stop the vehicle using a tyre-puncturing "stinger" device at 02:10 BST.
Fellow officers tried to save his life before he was rushed to hospital, but he died shortly after arrival.
The red pick-up vehicle was found abandoned in Corbyn Street, Wallasey at 02:55.
Det Ch Supt Paul Richardson appealed for anyone with information to contact the force.

Merseyside Police Federation has set up a memorial fund in tribute to PC Phillips for his wife Jen and daughters Abigail, seven, and Sophie, three.
Another fundraising page has been set up by Nicola Goode who used to work with PC Phillips' wife.

Toddler Survives Terrifying Crash After Doctors Reattach His Head

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In what is being called a "miracle surgery," doctors in Australia successfully reattached a toddler's head to his neck after a tragic car accident, 7 News Melbourne reports.
Jackson Taylor was only 16 months old when he was in a near-fatal crash with his mother and sister. Rylea Taylor,  Jackson's mom, described the horrific details of the accident online:
On the 15th of September three boys decided to do doughnuts and burn outs aside a bend in a NSW highway at 11 a.m. Their stupidity cost my family more than you could image. As my car came around the bend at around 100-110kms dust covered the road - the p platers had released their break and drove straight out onto the highway. For a split second I saw dust and then the force hit. The collision [was] so hard that all airbags were deployed. My nine year old daughter was unconscious, my 16-month-old-son was screaming—both were bleeding from their tiny faces. As I kicked open the crushed door I was faced with the three irresponsible boys in school uniform who had just broken my family. As I pulled my son from the car I knew his neck was broken, as bystanders and my in-laws, who were traveling behind us, assisted getting my nine year old from the car, I tried to remain calm, I tried desperately to hold my children, I told them we were OK.
In the impact, Jackson's head separated from his neck, an injury known as an "internal decapitation." Doctors didn't think Jackson would survive.
Dr. Geoff Askin, known as the "godfather of spinal surgery" headed up the team of surgeons who worked on Jackson. He described his injuries as the worst of its kind that he had ever seen. Surgeons operated for more than six hours and were able to reattach his vertebrae using a piece of the toddler's rib and some wire. They first had to attach a halo onto his head and hold him perfectly still while they performed the delicate procedure.
"A lot of children wouldn't survive that injury in the first place, and if they did and they were resuscitated then they may never move or breathe again," Dr. Askin told 7 News. He has to wear the halo device for about eight more weeks, but other than that, doctors say Jackson will be able to live a normal life.
"We're very, very thankful," Jackson's dad Andrew Taylor said of the operation.
Jackson's mother Rylea has since started a petition for harsher punishments against reckless drivers.

fall in love again

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When you thought you couldn’t love fall any more but then you saw this puppy playing with a pumpkin

This kid is only 3 years old - talk about talent

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