
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Sunday 4 October 2015

Traditional Irish Halloween games try to marry off young girls

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As well as telling ghost stories, playing tricks and hiding from fairies, Irish girls used Halloween to find a husband.
Halloween is normally thought of as a time of ghosts and ghouls, banshees and fairies, and the night were the dead were once again among the living. For many Irish schoolchildren in times past, however, it was also a time when the strengthened connection between the world and the occult could help them see into the future (or at least pretend to).
Irish folklore is ripe with different games, charms and tricks so that a young Irish girl can use the power of Halloween night in order to find her husband. We’ve compiled some of our favorites below.
READ MORE: Top ten Irish traditions for Halloween (PHOTOS)
1. Groups of girls would put some lead in a tin box and put the box on small coals over the hearth to melt the lead. Taking an old key that had a big ring key holder, they would throw the box through the ring into a basin of cold water to cool down the lead again. It was said that “queer figures” would appear out of the lead and one girl would say to the other “that is the boy you are to marry.”

2. Three saucers were placed on a table - one containing water, one a ring and the third clay. A blindfold was placed on the person taking part and they would make their way back to the table trying to pick a saucer. If the saucer of water was the first they find, they would be sailing across the water to a new country before next Halloween. If they placed their hand on the saucer with the ring, they would be married before next Halloween, and if they placed their hand on the saucer with clay, they would be dead and buried within the next 12 months.

3. Every Halloween, a ring would be baked into a cake. Whoever came across the ring in their slice was said to be married in the next year.

4. A girl would stand at an open window with a spool of thread. She would throw the spool out the window keeping one end of the thread in her hand. Winding the thread back in the window, if any boy should pass by before she was done, he would be her future husband.

5. Another good way to apparently use thread as a marriage prediction device was to head to the limekiln after midnight on Halloween night and drop in a string of thread. It was believed that when you pulled out the thread again you would see the one you were going to marry.

6. Twenty six small pieces of paper with the letters of the alphabet written on them would be, dropped into a bucket of water and left overnight on Halloween. The morning after, the name of the person you would marry would be floating on the top of the water (so nobody with the same letter in their name more than once, apparently.)
Image Credit: Getty Images.
Image Credit: Getty Images.
7. If you placed a leaf under your pillow on Halloween night it was said that you would dream of the person you were set to marry.

8. Girls would peel the skin of a full apple and throw it over their heads. The way the peel would land on the floor would spell the initials of the one they were going to marry.

9. If a girl took the skin of a potato and hung it beside the fire on Halloween, the next man to walk through the door would be her husband. You’d want to hope it wasn’t your brother or your Dad!

10. One story tells that before finishing up the evening of fun, the group of girls would go out to the cabbage patch and each pick a head of cabbage. Any girl who picked a cabbage with a crooked stump would marry a man with a hump while any girl who picked a head with a straight stump would marry a tall, straight man.

READ MORE: The spookiest ancient Irish myths and legends surrounding Halloween
 This list was compiled using the digitized version of the Schools’ Collection, a collection of folklore and local history gathered by Irish school children between 1937 and 1938. You can search the Schools’ Collection and find out more information on the project at

rish boxer on vacation in Turkey fighting off a group of men goes viral

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A group of Turkish shopkeepers get more than they bargained for when they take on a solitary Irish tourist. A group of Turkish shopkeepers get more than they bargained for when they take on a solitary Irish tourist. In an amazing show of sporting prowess and plucky determination, an Irish tourist was allegedly forced to take a break from enjoying his vacation to defend himself from a group of angry Turkish shopkeepers.
Taking on the group of men single-handedly, he holds his own, proving true the saying “You’ll never beat the Irish.
The mass brawl began earlier this month in the Istanbul neighborhood of Aksaray when the man, described by Turkish media as an Irishman and an alleged “professional boxer,” accidentally knocked over a fridge filled with bottled water. In a severe over-reaction to the tourist's mistake, the shopkeeper proceeds to attack the man with a stick in punishment for his clumsy blunder and is joined by neighboring shopkeepers in his attack.
Not happy to take the abuse lying down, the man stands his ground, knocking a man straight to the ground at one point in the CCTV footage. Such is his enthusiasm to protect himself that he eventually has to be calmed down and led away once the shopkeepers accept defeat.
The alleged Irishman has become something of an unexpected hero in Turkey since the video was released on Tuesday. Not only has Irish fighter become the country’s ultimate underdog but he has become a surprising symbol of the division in Turkey between the progressive left and the conservative government.
Shopkeepers are generally supporters of the current government and were involved in attacks on protesters during an anti-government protest in 2013. Anti-government social media users have hailed the Irishman as one of their own for fighting them off.
This is one case where the stereotype of the fighting Irish comes out to help a man in need. Hasn’t Liam Neeson made enough "Taken" films by now to show the rest of the world that you should never mess with an Irishman, even if you do outnumber him ten to one?
* Originally published Aug 22 2015.

The laws of attraction

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The laws of attraction in the modern world are quite simple on the surface. If you like someone and they like you back, you eventually get together and then try to figure out if you’re a good match long-term. If it works, you stay together – if it doesn’t, you get to meet other people and have as much fun as you want until you find someone. But what if it’s not as simple as that? Some scientists around the world are analyzing the minutiae of relationships in terms of attraction and they’re finding some really interesting and surprising things. For example, did you know that men who have a super hot son are markedly more appealing to women than those with ugly ones? Somewhere out there, Brad and Leo’s dads are having an awesome time. Check out the rest of the findings below and follow the link for the rest of the story.
Your Hips Could Play a Role in How Many People You Sleep With
Three women dancing
Source: Andy Lacayo/Getty
A professor at the University of Leeds has come up with a potentially controversial hypothesis in women’s studies: that ladies with wider hips have more sexual partners that those who do not. The educator came to this finding after measuring a group of Leeds womens’ hip width — the distance between the upper edges of the iliac crest bones of the pelvis — as well as their hip circumference at the widest point, and combined that information with their sexual histories. He found that those who were less-curvy tended to only have sex when they were in relationships, as opposed to their wider-hipped friends, who also had more overall partners. In the following excerpt from the article, we explain how this phenomenon might have come to be:
Some anthropologists theorize that as humans learned to stand upright, they developed smaller hips to make walking easier, while female hips became just wide enough for childbirth. Narrow-hipped mothers-to-be run a higher risk of gynecological injury and death.
Men with Hot Sons Score More

Hot sons
Source: Getty
A biologist at Trnava University in Slovakia authored a recent study that found men with handsome sons tend to appear more attractive to women. How come? It turns out that the way we perceive the attractiveness of a mate, even after the birth of a child, can influence everything from whether we stay together, have an affair, or even how many future children we produce with that partner. The study asked 260 female volunteers to rate the attractiveness of a series of men that were placed alongside photos of boys’ faces and were told the pair depicted was a real-life father and son, or a stepfather and son; in reality, none of the men and boys pictured were related. We explain what happened next, in this excerpt from the article:
On average, when a man was placed next to what participants believed was his handsome son, his own perceived attractiveness tended to rise, an effect even more pronounced among the unattractive men. The effect, however, disappeared when the man was identified as the stepfather of the boy, suggesting that the women may have been subconsciously adjusting their assessments based on a perceived genetic connection between the two individuals.
Women Love Men Who Are Kind to Their Sister’s Babies
Father and son photographing while flexing muscles
It turns out that women also like guys who are good with kids, according to a 2014 study in the Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. Nicolas Guéguen, a professor of social and cognitive psychology at the University of South Brittany, conducted his study by creating a situation where a male volunteer acted like a kind and devoted brother to a woman with a baby. Guéguen found that on average, women were three times more likely to give out their numbers when the male volunteer acted affectionately toward the baby. But there may be a limitation to how much women will appreciate baby lovers, as noted in the following excerpt from the article.
The study also doesn’t reflect the real-life trade-offs between financial stability and paternal qualities, said David Geary, a professor of psychology at the University of Missouri. For example, Guéguen could have determined how dressing the male volunteer in a suit affected the women’s ratings. “Women like nice paternal guys, but there comes a point where he needs to make a certain amount of money,” he said.
Women Are More Direct at Flirting
An old man flirting with younger women.
Source: Getty
Science says both women and men are terrible at flirting, with a recent study finding that only 18 percent of women knew a man was flirting with them in a one-on-one situation and men only knowing a woman was flirting with them 36 percent of the time. That is low! So how is everyone getting together in the first place? Jeffrey Hall, the lead researcher and associate professor of communications at Kansas University, says that it might be because women are more transparent when it comes to showing interest in everyday situations.

Kings Cross Punch Out

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Sydney’s most debauched neighborhood is the epicenter of an Australia-wide problem of unprovoked violence.

Night scene in Sydney’s Kings Cross neighborhood, May 16, 2014.
SYDNEY—In the news footage, taken at the scene of the crime, the perpetrator Shaun McNeil seems stunned but lucid. His shirt is open; not ripped, but purposefully unbuttoned to show off his pectoral muscles and a tattoo that reads, “Trust is Everything.” Blood drips from his nose.
“It was one punch,” he says over and over again. “It was one hit, that’s it.”
The police and media here sometimes refer to acts like this one, which occurred on New Year’s Eve, 2013, as a “coward punch,” with the goal of dissuading drunken young men prone to violently jumping unsuspecting passers-by. Before that they were called “one-punch attacks.” Even earlier they were known as “king hits.”
Whatever your preferred nomenclature, the place to go in Sydney for an unannounced fist to the face is Kings Cross. Just up the road from the naval base and host to innumerable tacky bars, dingy strip clubs, and a healthy drug trade, the Cross has long been associated with both organized crime and the tourist industry.
Recently, however, it’s these random punches that have attracted the most attention. A friend of mine, stopping to light someone’s cigarette outside a pub, was rewarded with a split lip. A similar incident in 2012 resulted in the death of Thomas Kelly, who was attacked while talking on the phone. Doctors at the local hospital have come to expect a serious head injury of this kind about once a fortnight. The problem of unprovoked attacks isn’t confined to the Cross: Nationwide between 2000 and 2013, a shocking 91 Australians were killed in one-punch attacks of this variety.
The man McNeil assaulted that evening, Daniel Christie, suffered brain damage while falling and was taken off life support later that month. He had interrupted McNeil attacking three minors who had offered to sell him drugs.
On June 11 of this year, McNeil was cleared of murder but found guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter and various assault charges. He’ll serve a mandatory seven-and-a-half years before being eligible for parole. Christie, who was 18 when he died, has become a symbol of the grisly outcome of drinking and violence in Kings Cross.
* * *
The Cross is bounded by sticks and stones. At one end of the main drag, set against the Sydney skyline, is Ken Unsworth’s outdoor sculpture Stones Against the Sky (jokingly referred to here as “Poo on Stilts”), and at the other end is the dandelion-shaped El Alamein Fountain, which commemorates the battle of the same name in Egypt during World War II.
In the quarter-mile between are two dozen bars and half a dozen strip clubs and a few brothels. There are many more drinking establishments on the nearby streets. The Cross is historically Sydney’s seediest district, featuring cathouse razor gangs, BDSM dungeon murders, disappearing journalists, and worse. Today the neighborhood is defined by drugs, sex, music, gambling, and cheap, rundown backpacker hostels.
Two people embrace while standing on the street in Sydney's Kings Cross neighborhood, Mar. 17, 2013.
It’s for precisely those reasons that a large and rowdy crowd of young people are drawn here every Saturday night. Until recently, as many as 20,000 revelers staggered along Darlinghurst Road. Vomit and urine lie in puddles on the pavement outside the bars, and violence is common.
The deaths of Daniel Christie and others were the last straw for the state government. Barry O’Farrell, the premier of the state of New South Wales, introduced hardline “one-punch laws” including mandatory minimum sentences for crimes, declaring, “The new measures are tough and I make no apologies for that.” Soon afterwards, he fled politics, harried by the scandal of undeclared donations from property developers. In his attempt to transform Kings Cross from a red-light district to a somewhat respectable nightlife entertainment center, lockout laws were instituted in February 2014. Among other restrictions, no one can enter a Kings Cross pub after 1:30 a.m., and last drinks are now called before 3 a.m.

Saturday 3 October 2015


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I would love to have this baby!

Top Ten Haunted Hotels in the United States Of America

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1. Provincial Hotel
All this makes this our number one pick for Haunted America Tours Top 10 haunted hotel in the United States. Doors opening and shutting, footsteps and no one there. Whispering sounds. Freezing cold spots and then blazing hot spots.

The very haunted Hotel Coronado, located just outside haunted San Diego, has a ghostly tale of unrequited love. Employee's, workers and guests have been puzzled by odd noises, spirited breezes, strange faces and the ghostly figure of a young lady wearing a black lace dress.
Rising from water's edge on the quaint island of Coronado in San Diego , the Hotel del Coronado is considered one of America 's most beautiful beach resorts.
A classic historic hotel, The Del was built in 1888 and designated a National Historic Landmark in 1977. Today, The Del offers travelers contemporary luxury in an enchanting Victorian atmosphere. Add to this, the resort's beachfront location, and it's no wonder USA Today calls The Del "one of the top ten resorts in the world."
The Del offers a quintessential Southern California resort experience. For those seeking a romantic retreat, the resort's magical architecture and island setting are perfect. In fact, the Travel Channel rated The Del the number one wedding destination in America . The Del is also a wonderful family vacation destination, featuring abundant recreation, as well as, seasonal teen and children's programs. And, for getting down to business, meeting and incentive planners can work with over 65,000 feet of indoor and outdoor meeting and exhibition space.
The most well-known legend and ghost story told is that of it's ghost Kate Morgan, who checked into the hotel in 1892 to meet her estranged husband.
He never showed up, and days later she was found dead on the beach from a gunshot wound. Some believe her lost lonely spirit still haunts the hotel, and there have been ghostly cold spots, numerous reports of noises, odd breezes in closed rooms and sightings of more then one ghosts.
A recent tale tells when President Ford visited, one of his Secret Service agents complained of odd noises. He was staying in Morgan's room.
Room 3502 has since been described as a "classic haunting." Parapsychologists, using scientific methods, has found 37 abnormalities in one day. Honeymooner's and guest love this hotel for it's ambiance and charm. And of course the hauntings.

3. Stanley Hotel

This haunted hotel inspired Steven King to write "The Shining" while he stayed in room 217, but it is room 418 that reports the most ghostly activity.
There is no "red rum" in the haunted Stanley Hotel and Conference Center in the Rockies, but it is the place where Stephen King wrote half of "The Shining". The made-for-TV version of the film was shot at the Stanley, and King fans should book Room 217, which is where he stayed. It seems that strange haunted paranormal things were happening at the Stanley long before King came.
The hotel, which opened in 1909, is supposedly haunted by Flora Stanley, the wife of the owner, who likes to play the piano late at night. Her ghost is said to be very visible and a high profile haunting.
People who have stayed in Room 408 reported hearing children playing and laughing loudly outside their door, when getting up to investigate there weren't any. They also say they have left the room for a few seconds only to return and find the entire room in a dismay. And hand prints of small children on the mirrors.
Another staff member tells us of a guest, A true King fan to the end. He tells of a face, related the staff member, like that of a large dog like creature in the mirror that watched him, and yes he took a paranormal photo of it. Others tell of faucets turing on in the middle of the night, toilets flushing, and personal objects flung across the room by ghostly hands. Ghost Photos happen here all the time they say, especially when it snows.
If you are a Stephen King fan, request room 217. It was in this room that King, inspired by the Stanley Hotel, wrote half of "The Shining." The ABC miniseries was filmed at the Stanley Hotel as well.
The Stanley Hotel Haunting, the ghosts in the Stanley Hotel aren't evil as in the book. Room 418 seems to have the most ghostly activity reported. In fact, the entire fourth floor of the Stanley Hotel (formerly the servants quarters) is quite active. Often, the sound of children playing in the halls of the Stanley can be heard, even when no children are present.
The Stanleys: The Stanley Hotel's original owners, F.O. and Flora Stanley, are said to haunt the hotel as well. Mr Stanley plays the piano in the music room, and frequents the billards room and the lobby.

4. Le Pavilion Hotel

Often called by many locals "The Belle of New Orleans." The Le Pavilion hotel offers guest turn-of-the-century charm in the heart of downtown Haunted New Orleans.
Twenty foot Italian statues representing "Peace and Prosperity" greet you at the Poydras Street Lobby front door. Inside t his spectacular grand reportedly the most Haunted New Orleans hotel, you'll find crystal chandeliers, historic antiques and several lively ghost to haunt you.
This New Orleans hotel makes all guests feel right at home by providing homelike touches, like complimentary evening peanut butter finger sandwiches.
At one point a few years ago the hotel management was said to have hired several local well known paranormal investigator, who identified several ghosts in the hotel. One group found four and recorded EVP"s saying "Please, get out." and " Hold On I see You Now.", another Investigative team say they documented over 100 individual Ghost and haunted hotspots in the hotel. And still another Ghost group said it was actually a portal to the other side.
Strange noises in the night, vaporous apparitions of figures standing at the foot of your bed. Coverlets and bed sheets being tugged into the air, from early morning to after midnight. Anytime is the right time to find a ghost here in this Haunted Hotel.
One guest visiting for a large medical convention held in New Orleans this past June gave an account of a old gray haired woman, dressed in a fine black garment, sitting on the side of his bed. He said he felt the weight of her body on the bed, and against him. Awoken confused by this, he looked at the clock it was 2:30 am, and he felt her cold dead hands stroking his head and saying in a feeble voice "I will never let you go. You, are mine." Jumping up almost straight from the bed, he turned on the light and she faded away. And, "Yes," He said he checked out within the hour.
In the opinion by a recent panel of several National Paranormal Investigators, they all have have deemed this one of the most haunted hotels in the Crescent City.

5. Heathman Hotel

An elegant masterpiece in the heart of downtown Portland Oregon, the Heathman Hotel is a timeless classic that has all the comforts of somewhere other than home.
This is the only famous haunted hotel is in Haunted Portland, Oregon. and related is one of the most haunted tales of any hotel to be told.
Guests staying in one of the column of rooms that end in "03" (especially told to us by a staff member room 703) have reported odd events. Moving objects, rapping's and tapings and cold spots. Ghost photos in this room show a dark cloud over the entire room. And sometimes a distorted face peering at you from a dark corner. Odd shadows on videos and many EVP's.
One guest related to me, that they stayed in the room only an hour or two this tale was stated by the guest, and an Ex-front desk clerk. In late April of 2004, The front desk clerk got more then wall call that many the guest felt a presence in the bed with them. One particular guest related that he could hear heavy breathing and he felt the sheets wrap around him so tight that he could not move.
When in this point of panic The guest told, that he tried to get out of the bed, but was trapped and the breathing got louder and closer. By the hand of God he said, he managed to break loose of the ever tightening sheets and turned on the light to see both of his large heavy suitcase fly across the room towards him.
A dark image of a man then ran into the closet. When upon help was called to from the front desk, for he thought someone had broken into his room. Security arrived, and upon investigation of the closet, proved he was quite alone in the room.
Room 703 in particular is a hot spot. Guests who leave a clean room return to find a towel used, a glass of water out, a desk chair moved. Hotel records report no one used the electronic key to get in to the room. The incidents happen much too often to be brushed off as intruders. All the rooms in a particular column (703, 803, 1003, etc..) have reported mysterious phenomena.

6. Carolina Inn

Often haunted ghost filled night related by the Staff member is that Paranormal investigators visited this haunted hotel in Haunted Chapel Hill, North Carolina and collected several days and said she had nights of audio and video recordings of a particular room on the second floor.
But many guest say that the haunting's in this hotel are not just localized to the second floor.
Often guest tell of being followed by a man that disappears as they turned to face him. Staff and guest also tell of a large heavy set man, dressed in a black suit wearing a knit hat, a long blue parker style coat, and who wanders the halls checking to find and open door.
Methodically this ghost moves down the hall from room to room, jiggling lightly the door knobs trying to get in. He has been reported daily to the staff, some from guest in the rooms saying they hear the door knob open the door to see him flee. Or they see him through out the hotel halls but upon investigation no one is found matching the description.
And the ghostly vision of a bloody hand was reported by a amateur Ghost Hunter crawling under her sheets. Many Paranormal Investigators tell of no less then 20 ghost that they have documented at this Haunted Honeymoon haven.
Another ghost is believed to be that of Dr. William Jacocks, who lived at the Inn for nearly 20 years.
Guests who stay in the second-floor room that was once the home of Dr. Jacocks often find themselves locked out. At one time, the room's door had to be removed from its hinges because it wouldn't budge. Paranormal researchers have collected video and audio of ghostly happenings in this hotel, including piano notes, softly spoken words, and an orb-like object floating in the air.

7. Sagamore Hotel

This very haunted hotel in Haunted Bolton Landing, New York, It is said to be the exclusive haunted home to several lost spirits, including a little ghost boy who walks about haunting the golf course.
Situated in the unspoiled Adirondack Mountains, The Sagamore features the Historic Hotel, with its elegant décor, and The Lodges, decorated in a relaxed Adirondack style. A year-round resort and sports paradise.
Many haunted golfers say that he steals their golf balls and flings them at you from behind a tree. And you can hear him laugh loudly. They say he will chase your ball and run behind a tree.
Together they bought Green Island for a hotel site and formed The Green Island Improvement Company. Later they were joined by investor John Boulton Simpson of New York City, who became the company's president.
The Sagamore opened in 1883 with luxurious and spacious accommodations that attracted a select, international clientele. Twice damaged by fire, in 1893 and 1914, The Sagamore was fully reconstructed in 1930 through the efforts of Dr. William G. Beckers of New York City, one of the hotel's early stockholders, and William H. Bixby, a St. Louis industrialist. Together they financed the cost in spite of the bleak economic climate of the period.
Throughout its history, The Sagamore has been a social center for the wealthy residents of Green Island and Millionaires Row, the stately mansions along the island's western shore. In 1954, the hotel hosted the National Governor's Conference, presided over by Vice President Richard M. Nixon, and hosted by Governor Thomas E. Dewey.
The hotel eventually fell into disrepair before closing its doors in 1981. In 1983, one hundred years after construction of the first Sagamore, builder and real estate developer Norman Wolgin, of Philadelphia, purchased the hotel and restored it to its former grandeur. With Kennington Ltd., Inc. of Los Angeles, Wolgin formed a partnership under the name Green Island Associates to bring about this splendid restoration. The Sagamore is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
Another tale is of a couple walking through the dining room, only to be seen in a glimpse. They turn and in a rage he flings her hard to the floor with a thud, She reaches at him violently from where she falls and fades into the carpet.
Then the most weird ghost tale of a mysterious lady in white who enters many rooms. Guest are said to feel wispy chills. They say she awakens sleepers by peering into their faces and blowing a cold chill on their eyelids. Many guest have reported sleepless nights and the feeling of being watched.
It has been said by Staff and guest this hotel sports more spirits then have been seen or documented.

8. Crescent Hotel
Guests have reported sightings and other odd happenings in a number of guest rooms, the lobby, dining room and the grounds of this great historic hotel in Haunted Eureka Springs.
You don't need to stay in a haunted room to see a real ghost at the Crescent Hotel. Outside of the Recreation Room, the ghost of Dr. Norman Baker often appears, looking a bit confused. He ran a controversial hospital and health resort in the building during the 1930s. Many people believe honestly that the spring water that flows underneath the hotel is high in energy and it attracts ghostly apparitions. Is this just a publicity gimmick to help a failing hotel? It could be, but actually the hotel was starting to do well before the ghosts were sighted.
The Crystal Dining Room of the Crescent Hotel is particularly active, and many spirits in Victorian garb hve been spotted there at the tables or in the mirrors. Once, at Christmastime, the staff reported leaving a Christmas tree and presents at one end of the locked and empty Crystal Dining Room. Upon their return, the staff found the tree and presents moved to the other end of the room, and chairs facing the tree in a semi-circle.
The hotel was designed by the architect Isaac L. Taylor in 1886.It was used as a hotel for several years before it could no longer sustain itself financially.
In 1908, the hotel was opened as the Crescent College and Conservatory for Young Women. Soon it couldn't afford to stay open as a school either.The school closed in 1924 and then reopened from 1930 to 1934 as a junior college.
The Crescent was leased as a summer hotel after the school closed. In 1937, it got a new owner.Norman Baker turned the place into a hospital and health resort. Baker was an inventor and had made millions of dollars by 1934.Baker wasn't happy just inventing things because he thought of himself as a doctor (even though he had no medical training). He claimed to have discovered a number of "cures" for various ailments, including cancer.He was sure that organized medicine was conspiring against him. He had recently been ran out of Iowa for practicing medicine without a license.
Baker moved his cancer patients to Arkansas and he advertised the health resort.The "cure" was basically drinking the natural spring water. No one was really harmed by this, but it wasn't really the advertised miracle cure". Federal charges were filed against him for mail fraud and he spent four years in prison. The Crescent Hotel was left ownerless.
The hotel stayed closed until 1946 when new investors took it over and began trying to restore this odd and historical piece of Ozark history.
Many strange sounds and apparitions fill this hotel day and well into the nights. Documented by many amateur ghost hunters and professional paranormal investigators alike the documentation and haunted tales continue to grow.
From a woman's ghost carrying her young child's blanket and crying in the night.
In the lobby of the Crescent Hotel, look for the ghost of a man who hangs out at the lobby bar or stands at the foot of the staircase
A tall handsome bearded man that knocks on all the doors. and asks "are You Waiting for me?" Some Ghost hunters tell many strange tales but all have said that blankets and sheets often are ripped savagely from the bed as one tries to get some shut eye.
A number of rooms are haunted in the historic Crescent Hotel. Room 218 is the spot where Michael, an Irish stonemason, landed when he fell from the hotel's roof during construction. His ghost is said to bang on the walls and turn the lights and television on and off. Rooms 202 and 424 of the Crescent Hotel are also said to be haunted by him.
A nurse, dressed in a white uniform, has been seen on the third floor of the Crescent Hotel. A woman in Room 419 introduces herself as a cancer patient to guests and housekeepers, then vanishes.
One recent staffers haunted ghost tale of tells of a young man in his teens that collapses and disappears on the floor. A group of teens getting ready to take a ghost tour of the Crescent Hotel recently reported seeing a man carrying a tray of butter and dressed in a uniform similar to the waiter's uniforms. He followed them out of an elevator and towards their third floor room, where he seemed to disappear. A third girl at the room opened the door and saw him staring directly at all of them.
All this make a truly Haunted Arkansas hotel.

This hotel in Haunted Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, is built in an interesting spot. The underground tunnels used by Chicago gangsters to make their escapes., The tunnel ended in the hotel's basement.
Rumor has it that Walter Schoreder (Owner) was murdered on property & haunts the Hotel. He likes to turn on faucets, lights, bangs on walls, & screaming , as well as apparitions.
The hotel's numerous unexplained phenomenon have been well-documented by the staff and guest. Ghostly figures roam the halls and dis- jointed men's voices are heard day and night. footsteps follow you , unseen bodies bump into you. or so Guest and staff have reported.
Some haunted guest tell of a man that walks into the walls and of a beautiful red haired woman in a white bath robe that seems startled and disappears in one of the long halls.
The workers are said to keep a ghost log. Over the years, employees have reported many unexplainable occurances at the hotel, especially late at night.
In 2001, a guest and several housekeepers heard a man screaming on the seventh floor. A maintenance employee named Bill rushed to Room 717, where he heard, "Help me!" and saw the door moving outward, as if it was being kicked, hard, from the inside. The front desk told Bill no one was supposed to be in the room; the female guest had checked out hours before.
Employees have reported Optional strange occurrences in the ballroom. The chandelier inexplicably shakes and sways.
One employee who heard a noise late one night saw a couple dancing. They disappeared, and he turned and left as fast as he could. The staff's code name for the ghosts who are responsible for the strange happenings at the hotel is "Walter," after the original owner of the hotel.
I used to work there. It was originally a hotel, but was then renovated
into a psych hospital and then a nursing home. After the nursing home it
sat empty before being made back into a hotel. It is said that a
ballerina jumped out of the seventh floor window, and another man hung
himself on the second floor (where the ballroom is now). There have also been
sightings of a strange hum and glowing in one of the smaller banquet
One former employee was started by this and ran down to the
employee locker room before she left. Supposedly, all of the lockers began to
rattle and shake. She walked out and never came back to work.

RMS Queen Mary, Long Beach, Ca. This vast ocean liner, is now permanently docked at the Haunted Port of Long Beach, commissioned in 1936 and journeyed a thousand Atlantic crossings.
Includes one evening in a haunted stateroom, two haunted encounters tickets, dinner, breakfast and a ghostly cocktail in the observation bar.

The Queen Mary Hotel & Attraction, is a floating city awash in elegance, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, it also remains one of the most famous place in california.
Guests of the Hotel Queen Mary are entitled to receive a complimentary Self-Guided Shipwalk Tour.
Many incidents of strange rapping noises, moving objects, disembodied voices, and ghostly apparitions walking the halls and stairs have been reported by staff, guests, and Investigators on the docked ship.
Many witnesses have had ghostly experiences of many different types aboard the Queen Mary Hotel.
The Queen Mary has revamped its popular Dinner and a Ghost Tour experience. Paranormal Host Erika Frost escorts guests via an evening Tour to well known haunted areas of the ship in search of the spirits that inhabit the Queen Mary, preceded by an intimate fine dining experience in the award-winning Sir Winston's fine dining restaurant. The new tours begin April 8, 2005 and will take place every Friday and Saturday evening. The cost is $109.00 per person. Reservations are required (call for dress code guidelines) and can be made by calling (562) 499-1657. Each tour is limited to 30 people.
The evening begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Sir Winston's Lounge followed by a 7:30 p.m. dinner at Sir Winston's. After dinner, Guests will embark on a tour to the haunted areas of the ship including the Royal Theatre, Propeller Box, Engine Room, Exhibit Hall, Boiler Room, Pool, and the not accessible to the public Cargo Hold area, ending in the Observation Bar, where guests can discuss their findings with Erika.
Available is a special hotel rate of $109.00 (plus 12% room tax). Guests can contact Hotel Reservations at (562) 435-3511 and ask for the Dinner and a Ghost Tour special rate.
Since taking permanent residence in Long Beach in 1967, the Queen Mary has been a hot spot for ghostly sightings and other unexplained paranormal activity. Erika has tapped into the mysterious happenings aboard the ship and communicated with its otherworldly inhabitants using her gifts of Vision and Astral Projection. The Queen Mary also offers a daily Ghost Encounters Tour and Ghosts and Legends

Friday 2 October 2015

writting: Alan John Shepard, Missing Half His Face, Accused ...

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writting: Alan John Shepard, Missing Half His Face, Accused ...: ​ Bedtime Reading from the Village Voice Empire : Neighbors in Phoenix ratted him out for dealing meth. When the cops ...