
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it -Charles R. Swindoll

Friday 30 October 2015

people always leave..

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what a great disappointment is that people always leave.. it's true that people always leave .. leave and never come back they do so in a manner that the people they are leaving behind get collapsed once they promise to never leave yet so easily they leave as P.sawyer once said... "People are going to disappoint you, I get that, I kind of expect that but, what happens if one day you wake-up and realize you are the disappointment "

"-Life's too short-- too short to live it as a bad person." then why waste it in being a bad person??

Thursday 29 October 2015


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haunted places and haunted people they all are real i don't mean to scare you but yes i have been and lived in haunted houses i have seen things that was beyond explanation and yes i am a very educated person who knows  a lot of things and i do believe in the following contents written down below.
  Read on to learn about ten of the most haunted objects ever recorded in history.

The Dibbuk Box Contains an Ancient, Malevolent Spirit

The Dibbuk Box Contains an Ancient, Malevolent Spirit
A dibbuk box is a wine cabinet which, according to Jewish folklore, is said to be haunted by a restless, evil spirit that is capable of haunting and possessing the living. One particular dibbuk box became famous when it was listed on eBay along with a terrifying backstory.

The story began in September of 2001, when an antique buyer and refinisher attended an estate sale in Portland, Oregon. The auction was held to sell off the belongings of a 103-year-old woman, and her granddaughter informed the antique dealer of the woman's past when she noticed that he had purchased a simple wooden wine cabinet. The old woman had been Jewish, the only one of her family members to have survived her time in a Nazi concentration camp during World War II. When she immigrated to the United States, the wine cabinet and two other items were the only things she brought with her.

The woman's granddaughter explained that her grandmother had always kept the box hidden away, and said that it should never, ever be opened because it contained a malicious spirit called a dibbuk. She requested that the box be buried with her, but since doing so went against Jewish tradition, her family did not oblige. When the antique dealer asked the granddaughter if she would like to keep the box for sentimental reasons, the woman vehemently refused, becoming very upset and saying, "We made a deal! You have to take it!"

The dealer took his purchase back to his shop and placed it in his workshop in the basement. Immediately, strange and frightening things started happening. He was called by his frantic shop assistant, who said that the lights had gone out, the doors and security gates had locked, and she heard terrible sounds coming from the basement. When he investigated, he discovered a terrible odor of cat urine lingering in the air, and every light bulb in the place had been smashed.

The dealer gave the wine box to his mother as a gift, and the woman immediately suffered a major stroke. In the hospital, she spelled out, "H-A-T-E G-I-F-T" as tears spilled from her eyes uncontrollably. He attempted to give the gift to several more people, but it was always returned to him within a few days, usually because people just didn't like it, or because they felt that something about it was evil. He began suffering from a recurring nightmare, and he later found that all of his family members who had been around the box were having the same dream. He started seeing shadow figures darting around in his peripheral vision, as well.

After finally admitting that there was something paranormal happening, he went online to research and fell asleep at his computer. When he woke up, he felt like something was breathing on his neck, and when he turned his head he saw a huge shadow figure dashing away from him down the hall. He then decided to list the item on eBay, along with a detailed account of what had happened to him since obtaining the box.

Jason Haxton, the curator of a medical museum in Missouri, purchased the box from the eBay auction. He later wrote a book detailing the strange story of the dibbuk box, and in 2012, a horror movie based on the book entitled The Possession was released. (Source | Photo)

Annabelle, The Doll Possessed by a Lying Demon

Annabelle, The Doll Possessed by a Lying Demon
In 1970, a woman shopping in a thrift store bought a Raggedy-Ann style doll for her daughter, who was in college. Her daughter liked it and put it in her apartment, but soon she and her roommate both noticed odd things happening involving the doll. It would move by itself, often being found in another room even though no one had touched it. They found small scraps of parchment paper, which they didn't even own, with childish handwriting scrawled on them. They even found the doll standing impossibly on its rag doll legs one day.

The frightened girls contacted a psychic medium, who told them that the doll was possessed by the spirit of a young girl who had died in the apartment building. "Annabelle" said that she liked the college girls, and wanted to stay with them, so they told her that she could. Unfortunately, granting the spirit this permission lead to increased paranormal activity in their apartment, including having a male friend get attacked by the doll one night, leaving vicious scratch marks all over his chest and torso.

At their wit's end, the girls contacted renowned psychic investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren. The married duo soon found that the doll is not possessed by the spirit of a child at all; rather, it is possessed by a demon who had lied about its identity in order to get close to the girls, perhaps intending to possess one or both of them. The girls gave "Annabelle" to the Warrens, who encased it in a glass display cabinet in their Occult Museum in Connecticut. The sign on the glass reads, “Warning: Positively Do Not Open.” (Source | Photo)

The "eBay Haunted Painting” Causes Sickness, Screaming, and Fear

The 'eBay Haunted Painting” Causes Sickness, Screaming, and Fear
In 2000, an anonymous eBay seller listed a painting created by artist Bill Stoneham called "The Hands Resist Him." This painting is now largely considered to be one of the world's most haunted works of art.

The painting features a boy and a creepy doll standing in front of a glass door. The painting was created in 1972 and purchased by Hollywood actor John Marley. It was then bought by a California couple before going up for sale on eBay along with a dire warning about the problems involved with owning the object.

According to the couple, the figures in the painting moved around at night, sometimes disappearing from the canvas entirely. The boy in the painting was said to actually enter the room where the painting hung, and everyone who viewed the painting reported feeling sick and weak. Small children would take one look at the painting and run from the room screaming. Adults sometimes felt like unseen hands were grabbing them, and others said that they felt a blast of hot air, as if they had opened an oven.

Even those who viewed the painting online claimed to feel a sense of unease, dread, or terror when looking at the painting. One person even claimed that their brand new printer refused to print the photo of the painting, however it worked fine on every other print job.

The painting was purchased by an art gallery in Grand Rapids, MI. When the gallery spoke to the artist who had created it, he was surprised to hear that his work was at the center of a paranormal investigation, but he did mention that two people who originally displayed and reviewed the painting had died within a year of viewing "The Hands Resist Him." (Source | Photo)

The Myrtles Plantation Mirror Contains the Spirits of a Woman and Her Children

The Myrtles Plantation Mirror Contains the Spirits of a Woman and Her Children
Myrtles Plantation is an allegedly haunted bed and breakfast that is largely considered to be the most haunted home in the United States, as well as one of the most haunted houses in the world. The plantation dates back to 1796, and it was built on a Native American burial ground. Additionally, it is rumored to be the location of at least ten murders, and paranormal events are an almost daily occurrence.

Perhaps the most haunted item on the premises is a mirror that was added to the home in 1980. Guests of the plantation have reported seeing figures lurking in the mirror, as well as child-sized handprints on the glass. Legend claims that the mirror contains the spirits of Sara Woodruff and her children. The Woodruffs were poisoned to death, and though custom dictates that mirrors should be covered after death to prevent spirits from getting trapped, this mirror was not covered, so the belief is that the Woodruff souls are very much present and active within the mirror. (Source | Photo)

Haunted Wedding Dress Dances On Its Own

Haunted Wedding Dress Dances On Its Own
In 1849, a girl from a rich family named Anna Baker fell in love with a low class iron worker. Anna's father, Ellis Baker, refused to let her marry her beloved, banishing the young man from their hometown of Altoona, Pennsylvania and dooming his daughter to a life of spinsterhood. Anna was so angry with her father that she never fell in love or married, and remained bitter and angry until her death in 1914.

Before her father sent her true love away, Anna had chosen a beautiful wedding dress that she intended to wear at their wedding. When the wedding did not occur, another wealthy woman from a local family, Elizabeth Dysart, wore the dress instead, gloating the entire time. Years later, the wedding dress was given to an historical society, and eventually the Baker mansion was turned into a museum. The wedding dress was placed in a glass case in what was formerly Anna Baker's bedroom. After her death, visitors claim to see the dress move on its own, especially during full moons. The dress sways from side to side, as if an unseen bride is standing in front of her mirror, admiring herself in the gown.

Investigators who have searched for drafts and other naturally occurring circumstances have come up empty handed. No one can be sure why the dress sometimes moves by itself, though many speculate that the spurned bride, Anna Baker, has reclaimed her dress at last. (Source | Photo)

Chairs Push People Out of Them and Make People Feel Sick

Chairs Push People Out of Them and Make People Feel Sick
Newport, Rhode Island is one of the oldest towns in the United States. Settled in 1690, by the early twentieth century the seaport town had become a hot summer destination for some of America's wealthiest families. The mansions of Newport are legendary, as are the many ghost stories that accompany buildings that have been around for so long.

Belcourt Castle was founded by Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont, a wealthy American socialite and politician, in 1894. There are many different documented hauntings within this lavish home, but perhaps the most famous haunted objects in the castle are two chairs that reportedly have spirits attached to them. Visitors who sit in the chairs say they immediately feel cold, queasy, and uncomfortable. Their hands feel like they're pricked by static electricity when held near the chairs, and many people have claimed that they've felt like they're sitting on someone when they attempt to sit in the chairs. Several visitors have actually been ejected from the chairs by an unseen force. (Source | Photo)

Haunted Doll Curses Those Who Take His Picture Without Permission

Haunted Doll Curses Those Who Take His Picture Without Permission
In 1896, this creepy doll belonged to a child named Robert Eugene Otto in Key West, Florida. The doll had been given to him by a servant who practiced black magic, and who disliked the boy's family. The little boy adored his doll, and would often talk to him at length. Servants in the Otto home became concerned, however, when they swore they could hear a phantom voice talking back to the boy, and neighbors claimed to have seen the doll moving from window to window in the Otto house when no one was at home.

Soon, the doll started causing mischief, and the frightened child would claim that he had no part in it. Rooms would be messed up, vases smashed, and little Robert would be blamed, even though he seemed extremely afraid and insisted that his doll had done the deeds.

Robert inherited the house and died in 1972, so the house was purchased by another family. A little girl who had just moved into the home found the doll in the attic and was instantly afraid of it. She said the doll was alive and wanted to kill her. The doll finally wound up at an art gallery and historical museum in Key West, where it remains on display to this day. Oddly enough, visitors to the museum claim that they must ask permission to take a photograph of the doll. If they don't, legend has it that the doll will curse you. The museum displays letters from so-called "cursed" individuals who have written to the doll, apologizing for not asking to take his picture, and asking to be released from his spell. (Source | Photo)

The Women from Lemb Statue Brings Death to All Owners

The Women from Lemb Statue Brings Death to All Owners
Nicknamed "The Goddess of Death," The Women from Lemb is a statue carved from pure limestone that was discovered in 1878 in Lemb, Cypruss. The item dates back to 3500 B.C., and is believed to represent a goddess, similar to a fertility idol. The statue was first owned by Lord Elphont, and within six years of having the statue in his possession, all seven of the Elphont family members had died from mysterious causes.

Both of the next two owners, Ivor Manucci and Lord Thompson-Noel, also died along with their entire families just a few short years after taking the statue into their homes.

The fourth owner, Sir Alan Biverbrook, died as well, along with his wife and two of their daughters. Two of Biverbrook's sons remained, and though they weren't big believers in the occult, they were scared enough by the sudden and strange deaths of four of their family members that they decided to donate the statue to the Royal Scottish Museum in Edinburgh, where it remains today.

Shortly after the item was placed in the museum, the chief of the section where the statue dwelled suddenly died as well, though no museum curator will admit that the statue may have supernatural properties. No one has handled the statue since that first museum worker who passed away, and the item is safely under glass and protected from human hands.
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"The Anguished Man" Captured On Video

'The Anguished Man' Captured On Video
This scary-looking painting was kept in Sean Robinson's grandmother's attic for twenty-five years before he inherited it from her. She had always told Robinson that the painting was evil, explaining how the artist who created it had used his own blood mixed with the paint, and had killed himself shortly after completing it. She claimed to hear voices and crying when the painting was displayed, and to see the shadowy figure of a man in her house, which is why she locked it away in the attic.

As soon as Robinson took the painting into his home, he and his family started experiencing the same kinds of creepy phenomenon. His son fell down the stairs, his wife felt something stroking her hair, and they saw the shadow man and heard crying.

Robinson decided to set up a camera overnight to try to capture some of the strange events on tape. Robinson's YouTube videos show slamming doors, rising smoke, and the painting falling from a wall for no reason.

Frightened, Robinson soon put the painting down in his basement, but he is not interested in selling it.

(Source | Photo)

The Cursed "Chair of Death" Kills All Who Sit in It

The Cursed 'Chair of Death' Kills All Who Sit in It
In 1702, a convicted murderer named Thomas Busby was about to be hanged for his crimes. His last request was to have his final meal served at his favorite pub in Thirsk, England. He finished his meal, stood up, and said, "May sudden death come to anyone who dare sit in my chair."

The chair remained in the pub for centuries, and patrons would often dare one another to sit in the cursed seat. During World War II, airmen from a nearby base frequented the pub, and locals noticed that the soldiers who sat in the chair would never return from war.

In 1967, two Royal Air Force pilots sat in the chair, only to crash their truck into a tree just after they left. In 1970, a mason tested his fate in the hot seat, only to die that same afternoon by falling into a hole at his job site. A year after that, a roofer who sat in it died after the roof he was working on collapsed. When the pub's cleaning lady tripped and fell into the chair, she died shortly afterwards from a brain tumor.

This list goes on, and finally the pub owner moved the chair into the basement. Unfortunately, even in storage the chair claimed another victim. After a delivery man took a quick rest while unloading packages in the store room, he was killed in a car accident that same day.

Eventually, the pub owner donated the chair to the local museum in 1972. The museum displays the chair by hanging it five feet in the air so that no one can possibly sit in it by mistake again. Fortunately, no one has sat in the chair since

A Label

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some one once just that once you get a label on everyone just treats you like the label ... if you got a good label on luckily you everybody thinks that you are a saint and even if you kill some one they still gonna think you as a saint but unfortunately if you have a bad label on you be prepare because the world is about to get to you ... you might think that some one sitting with you and some one holding your hand won't see that label but let me tell you that the world is a very cruel place the rest of the answer i think you would understand .. after reading this some of you might think that we can relabel some one but it's not that easy once a person is labelled   a thief it doesn't really matter how noble they become but some one always comes around to show their first label ... i mean why do we even label people just why do we????  well guess guess we will just have to overcome it not relabel it

Sunday 25 October 2015

love simply

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love simply about understanding if you understand you love it and if you dont then you wont love it ... but sometimes you do not understand yet love it ,,, that love eventually dies..
the love that  you understand never dies

Friday 23 October 2015

Schools with no students, students without schools

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NAWABSHAH: It is a mystery of the missing students from the schools that even Sherlock Holmes might find hard to solve, but the education department and our provincial lawmakers must have a clue to.
What are three schools doing in such close proximity in Long Khan Brohi village in Ghand Tar UC in Shaheed Benazirabad district and why was there not a single student there?
“Well, what are students going to do without a teacher?” said Syed Adnan Ahmed, the drawing teacher appointed at the middle school.
The middle school, in fact, had three staff members — an office boy, a sweeper and the art teacher. As for the two primary schools, one on the left for boys and the other for girls, only a few feet from the middle school, they had no one there.
“If the primary schools get a teacher or two, the students will go there, of course. But right now there is no one there to teach children at the primary level here and what of this middle school when no one here has passed class five to be promoted here?” the art teacher said.
The three schools have been built on a request of Sumar Khan, son of Long Khan Brohi after whom the village has been named. “He’s our village elder, our wadera, who visits the education department every month with requests for teachers so that the schools should be able to fulfil their purpose of imparting education,” said Ahmed.
“People at the education department always tell me not to worry and that they will appoint teachers for the schools. I tried again during the summer vacation and was again told that it would happen soon. Now the vacation is also over and pretty soon the school year will conclude as well with as usual no progress in the matter. These schools were built in 2008. This has been going on for six years now. God alone knows for how much longer our children will have to remain without basic education,” said Sumar Khan, the village elder.
According to the data available with Abdul Jabbar Bhatti, executive director of the Institute for Social Change, a local NGO researching education in the interior of Sindh, there are about 40 households in Long Khan Brohi Goth and some 150 children of school-going age.
“But only 30 of them study and for this they travel on foot to the only primary school in the next village, called Jan Mohammad Brohi village,” he said.
At Jan Mohammad Brohi Goth, there are around 47 boy and girl students but no school building. The children sit under the shade of date palms near a graveyard as the school building nearby is now a dangerous structure after the 2010-11 floods. Still, they are attending classes as despite no school building, they have a teacher at least.
“Our school building was flooded and it is not safe any longer,” said Sher Mohammad Khaskeli, the primary schoolteacher, at Jan Mohammad Brohi Goth reading out the lessons to his 47 students, which they repeated after him in a singsong style.
In nearby Salimabad, another school remains without students. Although it has a teacher since 2011, the teacher is not interested in teaching. “There is a shrine of Pir Sakhi Jam Dattar here and he is related to one of the khidmatgars of the gaddi nasheen at the shrine, which allows him to get away with it,” said Mr Bhatti, the researcher.
Similar is the case at Mithal Naich Girls School in Jam Sahab UC, Taluka-II. The school was built in 1987 and was even renovated four years ago with School Management Committee funds. And with it not having a teacher, the National Commission for Human Development appointed one for a year on a Rs2,500 salary. But she, too, left after a year and again there are no teacher and no students there as well.
“Parents of girls here have no issues if a school closes as they are not interested in educating them anyway. Had there been pressure from the parents, maybe the education department, too, would have been pushed into finding and appointing teachers in the school,” said Mr Bhatti.
“It is simple,” said a village sage, pointing towards the lush cotton, sugarcane and rice fields. “If everyone here starts giving importance to education, and starts sending their children to school, who will grow up to work in the fields? The Zaradaris, Jamalis, Rinds, Brohis, Keerios and Dahiris do not want that to happen.”
According to the data from Alif Ailaan, there are 2,695 government schools in Shaheed Benazirabad. Of them, only 210 are either middle or high schools.
According to the government’s own data, 299 schools are marked ‘closed’.
According to a Supreme Court petition regarding the miserable condition of schools in Dec 2013: “As per report of the District & Sessions Judge, Benazirabad, ... 202 schools are non-functional and 355 schools are in the nature of ghost schools. Encroachments exist on the properties of 112 schools by influential persons and villagers. ... On the question pertaining to litigation concerning schools lands, it has been stated that two matters are pending in the courts in this regard.”
Going by the district education rankings of 2014, Shaheed Benazirabad is ranked 90th of the 146 districts. The net enrolment of girls in primary schools is 40 per cent and it drops to 8pc in middle school. For boys the enrolment in primary schools is 58pc and 20pc in middle schools. Also 69pc of class five students cannot read a story in Urdu or Sindhi from a class two book. And 79pc of class five students cannot read a sentence in English from class two book. The school infrastructure is ranked 69th in 146 districts. Then 75pc of all government schools are housed in a building termed ‘condition unsatisfactory’.
The district has been a Zardari family and Pakistan Peoples Party stronghold since 1988. The former president’s sister, MNA Faryal Talpur, has served twice as a district Nazima, with another sister, Dr Azra Pechuho, has been elected from the same constituency thrice (2002, 2008 and 2013). Hakim Ali Zardari, their father, served as an MNA in 1970, 1988, and 1993. And, of course, the district, formerly Nawabshah, was named after the former prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, in 2008.
“Well, the MNAs elected from here hardly ever visit the area though the MPAs take some interest,” Mr Bhatti said.
MPA Syed Fasih Shah from the rural side of the district agreed that there was a definite problem. “The teachers who have been appointed by the education department don’t take their jobs seriously. Education minister Nisar Khuhro has taken notice of this. We have also been asking the teachers to pull up their socks. But it has only worked to an extent,” he said.
Meanwhile, MPA Tariq Masood Arain from the city side was happy to report that the schools in the city were doing far better. “But, yes, there is a problem in the villages as during previous governments most school buildings were built as a gift to please landlords in exchange for political favours. Even a village with 10 homes will have two schools.
New census and research is needed to see how many homes there are in a village and how many schools are needed where,” he said.
“Also it would be better to appoint a teacher from the same village for a school there. If someone comes to teach from somewhere else, he or she won’t care. A local teacher can at least care about his village and also be pressured by the area residents to do the job right.”

Monday 19 October 2015

tech that will change the world

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Robots, virtual reality, automotive tech are transforming our future

Everett Collection

50 years after the launch of The Jetsons, robots are getting real...and humanlike.
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NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — It’s well known that technology grows exponentially – but sometimes its development is unfolding right before your eyes and you don’t even realize it.
In 2015, new technologies and innovations will hit the market in the artificial intelligence, robotics, augmented reality, Internet of Things and 3-D printing spaces that could pave the way for a major shift in society.
These technologies have already started to be integrated into society, changing the way we drive our cars, operate our homes, do our jobs, communicate and consume. But with new innovations on the horizon, you may want to keep an eye on these next year.

Robots, virtual reality, automotive tech are transforming our future


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Internet of Things: automated homes
The Internet of Things finally became dinner table conversation (well, sort of) in 2014 thanks to Google Inc. GOOGL, -0.11%  , which helped to mainstream IoT with a $3.2 billion purchase of smart home thermostat maker Nest Labs.
Home automation will continue to attract new attention next year and big players will continue to pour money into smartening up everyday items.
Ross Rubin, principal analyst at tech consulting company Reticle Research, said that while there is still a market for managed whole-home automation from companies such as AT&T Inc. T, -1.09%   and Vivint Solar Inc. VSLR, -0.08%  , individual smart products will likely storm onto the marketplace next year -- think of it like an army of puzzle pieces waiting to be snapped together.
“Smart homes get built piece by piece,” he said. “More smart home products such as connected doorbells, thermostats and lighting are being introduced as smartphone accessories.”
Ailing smartphone maker BlackBerry Ltd. BBRY, +0.63%  last week said it planned to give insight into its future IoT plans at the Consumers Electronics Shows [CES] in Las Vegas the first week of January as it seeks to diversify beyond traditional BlackBerry products

Robots, virtual reality, automotive tech are transforming our future


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Automotive electronics and driverless prototypes
With the Internet of Things also comes automotive electronics and, farther down the road, completely autonomous cars. Next year, auto makers will continue to integrate new technologies into vehicles, particularly among dashboard screens.
Synaptics Inc. SYNA, +0.06%   is one of these players. The chip maker’s CEO, Rick Bergman, told MarketWatch that the automobile market is Synaptics’ “next big growth area.” He says there are multiple areas in the near term for human interface improvements, such as replacing dashboards with more advanced touch solutions. Eventually, the company hopes to integrate its fingerprint scanning technology, which can be found on Samsung Electronics’s Galaxy S5 005930, -0.71%  , into cars for security and authentication.
Roger Kay, founder of tech consulting company Endpoint Technologies, imagines a world where the windows of a car are just 360-degree screens, enabling a person to watch movies as their robotic car chauffeurs them around. Stuck in traffic on the New Jersey Turnpike? Switch the screen to the Swiss Alps for some R&R, or stream a movie since your car will probably have its own broadband. Of course, that’s probably much farther down the road, likely 10 or more years, he said.
“Automobile companies are slow to move,” Kay said. “But every year they get a little closer to the real thing.”
Google announced it has built a fully functional driverless car that will likely hit the streets of Silicon Valley in early 2015. Of course, there are a number of legal hurdles that must be cleared before autonomous driving is the norm.

Robots, virtual reality, automotive tech are transforming our future

Jennifer Booton/MarketWatch

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Robots and drones
This is an area that will surely see major shifts in 2015. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration started allowing some companies to use drones for commercial purposes this year, including certain Hollywood movie studios. There will likely be even more leeway in terms of drone regulation in 2015, even as Inc. AMZN, -0.02%   threatens to take its drone testing elsewhere.
Better rules should entice drone manufacturers to build more capable machines and developers to build apps that make drones multifunctional across a wide range of applications.
“There will be more drones in the market, more consumers trying drones, more industries trying to get clearance to use drones, but there will also continue to be a struggle around them,” Kay said.
Meanwhile, Amazon, which is seeking approval to test its drone delivery services in the U.S., put to work tens of thousands of rolling robots in its distribution centers this year, which it said has greatly improved production. More automation in the workplace is inevitable.
And on a far creepier level, robots will continue to become more humanlike. SoftBank Corp. 9984, -1.02%   has unveiled a humanlike robot named “Pepper” that can seemingly sense, read and react to human emotions. This is seen as just the tip of the iceberg as research money pours into how to make machines more cognitive, like humans.
“There will be more [robots] that are more humanoid,” Kay said. “They’re already a little there. I think in 2015 they’ll be a little more there.

Robots, virtual reality, automotive tech are transforming our future

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Google may have sprung the modern-day market for wearables to life when it unveiled Google Glass in 2012, but the market has been sputtering to attract widespread adoption. Today, high-tech fitness bands such as FitBit continue to win over consumers who want an easy way to track their calories, but Apple Inc. AAPL, +0.07%  and Sony Corp. SNE, +0.70%   are among the companies hoping to make wearable waves in 2015.
“Wearables will see strong growth with the entry of the Apple Watch and refined offerings from other players,” said Ross Rubin.
Apple will start selling its much-anticipated Apple Watch in the first half of next year. It will be interesting to see whether the tech takes off (it is Apple after all), or if consumers determine that a smartwatch is not the solution they need after all. One thing is for certain, sales of Samsung’s Galaxy Gear have been a disappointment.
That brings us to our next slide: augmented reality.

Robots, virtual reality, automotive tech are transforming our future

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Augmented reality
Augmented reality, or technologies that enhance the regular world around your eyes with visuals, continues to attract the interest of developers. In 2015, it will be adopted into more commercial applications.
Intel Corp. INTC, -0.15%   and Google recently announced a partnership that replaces Intel’s chips with Texas Instruments’ TXN, +0.06%  as the brains of Google’s next-generation Glass. The two said they plan to promote Glass to companies such as hospital networks and manufacturers. Google has teamed with developers to build apps specific to the workplace. Augmented reality can also be used for training purposes, such as in emergency situations or during space or air travel.
Sony unveiled a Google Glass-like headset at the giant Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this year that can be affixed to a person’s regular lenses and superimpose high-resolution OLED images, videos and text in front of a person’s eye. Sony reportedly plans to start mass producing the smart eyewear later this 2015.

Robots, virtual reality, automotive tech are transforming our future

AFP/Getty Images

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Virtual reality
Facebook Inc.’s FB, -0.14%  Mark Zuckerberg joined virtual reality fans this year in imagining a future where people can completely escape the physical world and become fully immersed in a digital dimension.
Facebook bought virtual reality headset maker Oculus in March for $2 billion, betting that virtual reality becomes the future of communication and entertainment. Zuckerberg believes virtual reality will one day stretch beyond entertainment. He envisions a future where students learn in virtual classrooms or doctor’s check up on patients through virtual meeting places with the help of complex sensors.
Meanwhile, Sony, Google and Samsung have all expressed interest in conjoining with Hollywood to make virtual reality a, well, reality. New Deal Studios and other boutique movie studios have recently started to develop 360-degree films designed specifically for virtual reality headsets.

Robots, virtual reality, automotive tech are transforming our future

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3-D printing
The ability to print out real-world in-demand objects will become even easier and more applicable in 2015. Just last week, an astronaut on the International Space Station used a 3-D printer to make a socket wrench in space, which marked a major step forward for the potential of interstellar manufacturing that is both more affordable and less time consuming.
Made in Space, the company that built the zero-gravity 3-D printer, plans to launch a larger commercial printer in 2015. The European Space Agency has also said it plans to launch its own 3-D printer as well.
This compliments strides 3-D printing manufacturers are making on Earth’s crust as they introduce faster, smaller and more affordable machines that can print anything from food to organs

Robots, virtual reality, automotive tech are transforming our future

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One of the most practical trends of 2015 will be the continued rise of mobile. This past year marked the first time ever people spent more time on their phones than their PCs, and the first time more people browsed retail sites on phones rather than on PCs.
Mobile payments will likely continue to advance in 2015 with the help of Apple Pay. Apple Pay saw its share of mobile payments jump to 1.7% from zero in its first six weeks on the market. Further adoption is expected to amplify in 2015, particularly once PayPal EBAY, -0.94%  gets fresh legs following a spinoff from eBay Inc., more Apple users upgrade to Apple Pay-compatible smartphones and small merchants adopt Square Up at the register.
Kay said he predicts an “acceptance of mobile commerce” next year. Rubin said Apple Pay has raised the bar for ease-of-use and vendor support for smartphone transactions.
“It’s going to grow significantly in 2015 and we’ll see competitors such as Google and Softcard redouble their efforts,” Rubin said. “Mobile commerce takes off,” he predicted.

simple & best ways to makes your relationship to survive

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firstly you have got to start listening to your partner rather than just blabbing your own tale listen and try to understand..

2.Don't give bad opinion 

Don't give bad opinion to them all the time they need you to encourage them they don't need you to criticize them all the time or judge them 


understand .. you really should understand your partner rather than saying it's too complicated to understand you


talk to your partner discuss the matters between you guys if you have a problem say it just keep it in you..


you really need to give your relationship sometime only you and your partner no other friends got it relax and talk about fun

"it's not fair"..

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how many times have you said that "it's not fair"..
well it isn't and thats just the way life is accept it and be happy or don't accept it and keep weeping for the rest of your life... Sometimes we look at other people and say hey they've got everything they have ever wanted but this is only what we are seeing from our perspective because they have almost or all of the things we ever wanted from life it's not necessary   that they are equally as happy and satisfied as we would be just like not everybody's favorite fruit is a banana .. heck forget about life even with people we say it's not fair like when someone is angry at you and they are not even telling you why they are so angry it's so not fair at that point or when our parents tell us not to go out to a place we are just dying to go man thats so not fair or our girlfriend\boyfriend breaks up with us without giving a damn reason not fair again..the point is the moment we accept the fact that life's isn't fair and it's a real bitch we will start to live happily and satisfied....

Sunday 18 October 2015

The Best Skin Solution You?ve Never Heard Of

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Instead of throwing away precious dollars on expensive anti-aging skin creams that make big promises and don?t work, one reader has discovered a skin combo that erases years off her face for only a few dollars. Read on to find out how it works!

Lauren, a 72 year-old grandma from Louisville, KY, is a perfect example of how a little smart thinking and ingenuity can help you avoid unnecessary health risks and save you thousands of dollars in doctors? bills.

Like most women, Lauren didn?t have the extra cash to try out every celebrity endorsed anti-aging ?miracle cream? out there, let alone splurge on expensive elective medical procedures, like plastic surgery or facelifts.

Before trying this simple trick, she admits she used to spend almost an hour every day on an extensive skincare regimen consisting of over 6 different products, with seriously disappointing results. Each product made big claims promising to erase wrinkles and return her youthful skin; and while Lauren followed all their usage instructions to the letter, she saw no real results.

Frustrated and let down, she considered going so far as to take out a substantial loan for Botox injections, and even contemplated a highly risky and very expensive facelift procedure. But the high cost (ranging anywhere from $5000 - $20,000+) and the horror stories of unfixable botched procedures convinced her that cosmetic treatments were not the solution she was looking for. She was determined to find a safe and affordable anti-aging solution that would give her real results and not leave her digging her way out of a huge financial debt.

Lauren's Solution:

After a year of doing thorough research and speaking to other women about their own skincare habits, she learned of two products that were yielding real results and helping women take years off their skin: PurEssance and TruVisage.

While each of these products were proven to be effective individually, one night, Lauren made an accidental discovery that would revolutionize the whole skincare industry: she combined them.

After only a few days of using both products together in her daily skin routine, she saw noticeable results in the mirror. After just two weeks of using PurEssance and TruVisage. combined, the proof was staring her right in the face: this was giving her real results.

Using the two products together, Lauren?s results were noticeably better than what you?d find at medi-spas for $5,000 or more. This combination removed virtually 90% of all her wrinkles and problem areas. It tightened her face and neck, removing all signs of sagging, aging, and dehydrated skin. Lauren was able to see these dramatic anti-aging results simply by using free samples of both products for only 14 days.

Her friends, husband, and family were all shocked. They were convinced she?d been secretly getting Botox, because her skin looked 20 years younger almost overnight! Soon, word got around as her friends starting using Lauren?s method, and not long after, her easy, 2-product trick was featured on The Doctor Oz Show!

Lauren is now one of hundreds of women that share the same incredible story. Using this method, she effectively erased 20+ years from her skin. It?s changed her life and completely astonished everyone around her, even total strangers!

How does it Work?

Through her research, Lauren discovered that the real secret to cell revival and skin rejuvenation are two key ingredients:

  1. Vitamin C
  2. Hyaluronic Acid

These are both natural ingredients that work together to erase wrinkles and fine lines at the cellular level ? below the surface of the skin ? which is why they?re so effective.

Vitamin C is the key to maintaining healthy, youthful skin. It?s a powerful antioxidant that slows the rate of free-radical damage, which causes skin?s dryness, fine lines, and wrinkles. It helps combat and even reverse time's effect on your skin, because it produces collagen ? a protein which makes skin appear plump and firm. Applying Vitamin C to the skin topically is up to 20 times more effective than taking it orally.

Hyaluronic Acid works by binding to moisture. It can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water, making it an excellent natural skin plumper. Hyaluronic acid helps your skin repair and regenerate itself after suffering from dryness, environmental stresses, or irritation.

Celebrities around the world like Cindy Crawford, Jennifer Aniston, and Kelly Ripa have all admitted to using PurEssance and TruVisage to maintain their youthful glow.

His Parents Didn’t Want Him, But His Adoptive Sister Told Him This And I’m In Pieces

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This little girl loves her brother. He was adopted from Bulgaria and she loves him like he is her blood-relative.
Archie was was born with Down Syndrome and his mother was overwhelmed and ultimately unable to support him, so a family decided to take him in despite being strongly advised not to by their loved ones. But something about Archie struck a cord with the entire family, especially with their young daughter…
check this video ...

Any doubts the family ever had about adopting Archie went out the window the second he first met Ace. He and Ace had an instant connection that their parents can’t even begin to explain, or even really understand. She jumped up and down the entire first day we were there. And she hasn’t stopped jumping since.

Saturday 17 October 2015


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 revenge is something which sounds sweet indeed and it is when taken over small things but as t=it gets bigger it gets darker and the darker it is the worst it is the fire of revenge which starts to burn in you slowly burns a part of you so badly that it can't be repaired , replace or healed by anything at all/ the person changed won't be back again so why take revenge ???

So, what happens when a girl walks half naked down the streets of Manhattan?

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So, what happens when a girl walks half naked down the streets of Manhattan?
As a part of a social experiment, a model paraded the streets of Manhattan to test how observant New Yorkers are. Model Leah Jung was actually naked from the waist down and body painting experts depicted a realistic-looking pair of jeans on it.
Body painters in New York did some incredibly detailed job here and the Model Pranksters TV nailed at making everyone laugh!
A question which still botheres me is, how was that model not feeling cold?

How to stop procrastinating

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How do some people seem to get a gargantuan amount of things accomplished…while some of us struggle to just get through the day?
How can you learn from the masters and apply what they know? First, you have to recognize these two truths.
TRUTH #1: We all have the same amount of time. Productive people do things differently.
TRUTH #2: Learning how to stop procrastinating isn’t about super-secret tactics or fancy apps. It’s about mindset and simple, but powerful, shifts in how approach your to-dos.
Today, I want to give you a sample from my Finisher’s Formula course. These are 3 action steps you can use to stop procrastinating and feeling lazy…and start following through and being more productive instead.
Bonus: My Finisher’s Formula course goes into even more detail on these strategies. It’s closed now, but you can get my best posts on psychology and money by joining the waitlist here.

3 action steps you can use to stop procrastinating

Step 1: Watch what you say

We’re all highly affected by the words we use (even if we aren’t fully aware of what we’re saying).
For example, how many of us have said something like this recently…
  • “I really need to get my act together”
  • “I should stop being so lazy”
  • “I know I’m smart, I just don’t apply myself”
The words we use are powerful. There’s a subtle — but important — difference between asking “why do I always procrastinate?” and “why am I procrastinating on this task?”
In the first, procrastination becomes part of your “self-talk” and, eventually, who you are. (This is what I call an “invisible script” — and I talk in more detail about invisible scripts here.)
Even though our beliefs may be too deeply embedded to completely change overnight, we CAN start to gradually reprogram them by simply paying attention to and changing the words we use — by using a more positive “self-talk.”
If you’ve ever heard that standing up straighter makes you feel more confident over time (it’s true), this works the same way. Changing our language can gradually change how we feel about ourselves and our goals. The language we use really does matter.
ACTION STEP: For 1 week, try to catch yourself whenever you use negative language like the above examples. Then, instead of beating yourself up, think of a small tweak you could use so your negative language becomes neutral or positive.
Here are a few examples to help get you started…
  • Instead of “I’m so lazy”, try “I’m human. Everyone struggles sometimes”
  • Instead of “I’m going to fail”, try “I’ll be fine. Even if the worst case scenario happened and I do fail, I’ll be OK”
  • Instead of “I should do x”, try “I’m going to start small and do x on Tuesday at 2 pm”

Step 2: Stop blaming time

It’s easy to use time as an excuse for procrastination. How many times this month have your friends (or even you!) said something like…
  • “Sorry, something came up. I’ll catch you next time”
  • “I don’t know if I can do that. I’m just so swamped at work, you know?”
  • “I’m too busy to do that right now. I’ll get to it later.”
We all have the same 24 hours in a day — CEOs, politicians, Ph.D candidates, mothers of 2…everyone.
It’s OK to recognize when “no time” is actually a blanket excuse for not doing something you don’t want to do. To figure out if that’s the case — and to get that time back — follow “Ramit’s Rules of Letting Go.”

Let go of “should do’s” that you actually don’t care about

Ask yourself, in the scheme of all the things you want to try, do you really care about this? When I went to my cousin’s wedding in India a few years ago, I saw one of my friends order his food in fluent Hindi, and I thought, “Hmmmm…I should take Hindi lessons.” But when I got back to NYC, I put it on my to-do list, only to skip over it for MONTHS.
The truth is, I really didn’t care enough to try and learn Hindi. It wasn’t important enough. When I acknowledged I wasn’t going to do it and crossed it off my list, it freed me up to focus on doing the things that I really wanted to do.

Let go of waiting for inspiration to strike

Inspiration is for amateurs. I wake up every morning, rain or shine, feeling great or awful, and I get to work. Not because I’m a machine, or a better person than anyone, but because I have systems that I depend on.
Willpower and inspiration fade quickly — for example, have you ever been SUPER EXCITED TO START SOMETHING…only to feel unmotivated 2 weeks later? But systems last.
A system doesn’t have to be a complex monstrosity that takes you 16 years and 4 Ph.Ds to decipher either.
For example, here are some systems I use:
  • I set reminders in Google Calendar for small tasks, like sorting a box of papers in my apartment or calling my Mom (BONUS: Here’s my exact calendar system.)
  • In college, I created a scholarship system to apply to 60+ scholarships and pay my way through undergrad and grad school at Stanford
  • I keep my workout clothes in the same spot every day (right next to my bed), so I never have an excuse to miss the gym.
Depending on a “mood” or “inspiration” is what unprofitable life coaches do. Waiting for inspiration to strike is a quick way to randomly pursue something, then give up, only to yo-yo back a couple weeks later, eventually leading you to hate yourself.
Start with a small system — like my calendar system above — and you’ll spend more time focusing on what MATTERS and less time procrastinating on things that don’t.

Let go of feeling guilty

With so many things we could do — and so much pressure from everyone around us — it’s no wonder we feel guilty.
Think about the last time you felt like you should do something. Maybe it was a new language you thought would be “good to know.” Or, maybe you wanted to try a new sport because a friend told you to do it.
It’s easy to say “yeah, I should do that”…only to never get around to it and feel TERRIBLE.
Life is short. Nobody is making you feel guilty except YOU. We realistically have time to learn maybe three new major things per year. Make sure you want this thing to be one of them.
Today, I want to show you a video from one of my premium courses about defeating guilt and enjoying the things that make you happy. We’re constantly told what we SHOULD do, so it’s important to reward ourselves when we work hard and earn something.

Enjoy what you earned, guilt-free…
ACTION STEP: The next time someone offers you an invitation, instead of saying “I don’t have time” be honest with them and yourself. You can even use this exact script: “That sounds really interesting, but I’m going to pass so I can focus on a couple other things I really want to do.”
This will:
  1. Make others value your time and commitments
  2. Force you to be honest with yourself about what’s important
  3. Free up your mental energy to worry about things you actually care about

Step 3: Break a big “to-do” into tiny habits

Part of the reason we procrastinate is that we’re just overwhelmed with how much we have to do. Where do we start?!
One of my mentors, BJ Fogg (check out an interview I did with him on how to stop being lazy) has a program called Tiny Habits.
We’re motivated by the little wins — but demotivated by failures. Once you know this, you can design your goals to boost your confidence and start building momentum. When you’re starting out, it’s better to successfully walk one mile than to fail to run three miles.
What tiny habits can you start building today?
  • Do two pushups a day
  • Floss one tooth a day to get started
  • Drink one glass of water a day before you go to bed
And you can ramp up from there.
ACTION STEP: Think of one of your “big goals” (getting fit, learning a new language, organizing your house) and break it down to the TINIEST habit you can. And I mean tiny: 2 push ups per day, 1 new word a day, pick up one paper per day…however small you need to get started.
Do this habit for 2 weeks and then you can consider expanding.

5 things you should do every day to increase your intelligence

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If you want to witness the magic of the human brain in action, play the matching game with a 4-year-old — you know, the classic game where the tiles are arranged face down and players take turns flipping them over to find pairs.
You'll see what I mean as you watch that wonderful little brain doing its thing. It's amazing, and when you realize you've been outdueled in a brain game by a child, it's just a bit humbling.
Obviously, young children develop, learn, and change very quickly. They show drastic improvement in academic, physical, and social skills all the time. One day they can't, and literally the next day they can. Does it make you a little bit jealous? Imagine what you could accomplish with that amazing ability.
Well, there is hope for us adults. We've known for quite a while that IQ can be increased, that you're not just stuck with what you're born with. Andrea Kuszewski explains that fluid intelligence, which refers to the capacity to learn new things, retains that information, uses it to solve new problems, and can be strengthened over time. She suggests that if one implements five elements into life every day, or at least as much as possible, cognitive capacity can be increased. Those elements are to seek novelty, challenge yourself, think creatively, do things the hard way, and network.
8424476075_8e33ab63fc_oFrancisco Osorio/FlickrWe could learn a thing or two from the younger generation about keeping our minds challenged.
So, is it any wonder that children learn at the rate they do? Every sight, sound, word, taste — everything — is new and novel to a child. And, when you're a kid, everything is challenging. Kids make use of creativity to solve problems from the time they are born. They discover the easy way via the hard way. And finally, they are constantly networking by simply meeting new people all the time.
So, kids are engaging in brain strengthening activities all the time, almost by default. For us adults, it likely takes a more concerted effort. It's so easy to stay within our comfort zones, stick with our routines, and never change anything up. Doing that may be practical, productive and convenient... it's just not making us any smarter. 
Here are a few things to keep in mind as you're building your intelligence:
1. Seek novelty.
Novel doesn't need to mean outlandish; it just means new to you. New experiences, new people, new anything other than "what we've always done." Be open to new experiences and take advantage of opportunities when you have them.
2. Challenge yourself.
The brain, like any muscle in your body, gets stronger when you offer it some resistance. You know you're good at what you do, but make sure you continue to take on challenges that stimulate your mind and take you outside your comfort zone.
3. Think creatively.
Creativity has countless benefits. Not only does thinking creatively increase our intelligence, it also enhances our productivity, efficiency, success, and happiness. It's not just artists and what we normally think of as creative types — we're all creative. Just allow your brain to do the work, instead of just asking it to memorize and regurgitate information.
4. Do things the hard way.
This is the brain exercise. It doesn't mean making your life an unbearable struggle at every turn. But when you can, and when it's practical, challenge yourself a little bit at a time. Figure the tip without a calculator, find your way without GPS, or make your own sauerkraut.
18647212508_9d4a3159a7_kD. Woldu - ITU Pictures/FlickrThe 'hard way' can benefit you in the long run.
5. Network.
It probably sounds like a burden to expose yourself to novelty and find ways to be creative if you don't exactly know where to look. This is where networking comes in. Let other people show you the way. The more people you meet, the more you're exposed to and the more you experience.
Networking, on its own, can seem daunting for many of us and can certainly lead us outside our comfort zone. For the introspective and thoughtful among us, that only makes networking even more beneficial.
As I've said before, there's a lot to be said for sameness and routine to get us through life. But consciously weaving these elements into your routines could be beneficial in many ways, not the least of which is being competitive when playing games with children.